Rico McPato

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Rico McPato


My job is like 30% weather prediction now, and I know fuck all about predicting weather.
climate change is cool bc we get neat new terms like "heat dome" and "polar vortex" and "fuck we're all gonna die"
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I can’t stop thinking about the peanut doing a crunch on the crunchy peanut butter
There's like 4 other dudes here waiting to get their hair cut, don't these people work?? 😆
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How am I doing so far?
The movie Airport '75 is infinitely worse than the original Airport film. Going to watch Airport '77 next.
Seeing entire families stroll through the park in shirts with this on it is literally a nightmare
a cop chuckling “gawrsh” as he presses his knee down into the back of a suffocating captive
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Reposted byAvatar Rico McPato
Orange Lazarus (1956-1994) An orange flavored slush drink, part of a line that included Lime Balthazar and Grape Judas. This variety developed a cult following for its potential to shut down a drinker’s central nervous system in 1.2 seconds
Going forward, this is how I am going to dress
Reposted byAvatar Rico McPato
no thank you nfts no thank you generative "a.i." no thank you bitcoin no thank you blockchain no thank you no nope nah thanks i'm good
TFC is putting on Akinola, and here I was having a tolerable Sunday. Hopefully he has a good season.
Reposted byAvatar Rico McPato
Subway is selling a fugu sandwich. The blowfish is *not* prepared safely. They are very up front about how sandwich artists don’t know how to remove the lethal toxins. Their menu calls it The Final Sandwich, for those willing to sacrifice everything for one last burst of flavor
Reposted byAvatar Rico McPato
for whatever it's worth chinese food is one of the oldest and most complex cuisines on earth and contains flavor profiles western palates don't even know exist and being super proud of finding it icky is embarrassing for you
The algorithm on YouTube is terrible. If I watch a video about aliens, it doesn't mean I want to be suggested various other videos about how Trump was sent by Jesus. Yes, they are both conspiracies I guess, but they are not similar in any other way.
It is somebody's moral imperative to leak Coyote vs Acme to the world. aftermath.site/coyote-vs-ac...
I listen to a lot of people talk about a lot of stuff (podcasts, YouTube) usually things I'm interested in but only know a bit about. Sadly when they talk about stuff I do know a lot about, I usually see they don't actually know WTF they are talking about.
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About to get some answers.
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Azealia Banks on Elon lol
I'm listening to a podcast and one of the hosts just pronounced the word haphazard as hap-a-zard as if it's a pokemon or something 😵
Seems I enjoy running in the winter
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Reposted byAvatar Rico McPato
This day in history. 1954. Koninkrijksdag (Kingdom Day) in the Netherlands featuring tulpvallen (pushing strangers out of windows into tulip beds covered in composted manure).
I deleted twitter from my phone yesterday. Its been getting worse by the day but live streaming a convo with Alex Jones, Andrew Tate and a bunch of other shit bags is finally enough for me.
Wasted too much of my Friday night arguing with some dork on Reddit. But after telling me to "fuck right off" they deleted all of their comments. So I guess I win the loser contest.
One of the stranger parts of growing up as a shy, emotional kid was learning that Morrissey is a huge piece of shit and Henry Rollins is a class act
I am sad to report that the dude who delivers my mail just broke part of my Christmas display and didn't bother to tell me or anything 😭
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*brings my famous candy corn, Peeps, and circus peanut salad to the office potluck*
And it feeeeeeellllllsssss like... Home