Garlax, The Weasel King

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Garlax, The Weasel King

I’m PROBABLY not the most boring person alive.
Just this guy, you know?

Right? The jpg I’ve been pulling out the most lately…
Well… fuck. My best friend’s remaining cat is dying. Painfully enough and with little enough chance of getting better that he’s being euthanized tonight. Goodbye little buddy. I hope there’s a cat afterlife for you to harass your sister in. I’m really going to miss you.
We should be following these asshats around singing like they’re Scrooge in Muppet Christmas Carol
seeing a cybertruck in the wild is fun bc only 3000 have been sold so its like oh wow theres our towns Biggest Dipshit. look at him go!
Happy birthday! Hopefully this isn’t the worst goat anyone draws, but it probably is.
If I ever start actually making memes instead of just reposting, I’m using that template.
Woooooo wizard buddies! Ignore the weird barbarian and monk results, because seriously, wtfuck. I suspect this test didn’t know what to make of me.
My results were… confused. I mean, wizard at the top, sure. Ranger and Paladin? Both come up surprisingly often in this sort of thing. But… barbarian? Monk? Those are new, and both are the opposite of both each other and me.
Wizard sounds right for me, but I get the sense the test doesn’t know what to make of me aside from that. Monk? BARBARIAN? Hahaha I get Paladin and Ranger a fair bit on these despite not being religious or much of an outdoorsman, but those other two are nuts.
Repost with a pic you haven’t found a use for yet.
Repost with a pic you haven’t found a use for.
So I got to see the eclipse! It was actually as amazing as I was told it would be! My camera phone was uncooperative even with a filter, but one of the friends who came up with me had a better one!
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you're using without explanation.
Hm. Well, looks too skinny to be me now, but I guess it’s a reasonable me at 21 when I needed a hair cut at least. The hair’s not quite right, but good enough.
Well, this seems rather on the nose. Not a bad system though.
Well, let's get to it!
Reskeet if you think this dog, who cannot for the life of him understand how to push open a mostly closed door, is more thoughtful than a Supreme Court justice.
Reskeet if you think this dog, who is no longer allowed to play Log after taking one too many cedar chunks to her wee noggin, is more thoughtful than a Supreme Court justice.
This is hard, but at the moment? Pallas Cats aka Manul. But raccoons and armadillos are always right there in competition.
tell me about your favorite small (nonhuman) creature. bonus points if it's an invertebrate! here's one of mine: spicebush swallowtail caterpillars.
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you are using without explanation.
if you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you are using without explanation
Two maps I made for my current TTRPG campaign! They’re actually both finished now, but I can’t find a picture of the larger one after I finished it.
Oliver, Radar’s younger brother, has been so good. He’s been trying to comfort his owner any way he can think of- mostly via cuddles and purrs. He’s seemed sad too- I think this is also how he’s trying to cheer himself up. Cats are so good. (Image is old- lighting at her place is awful these days)
Well. It’s over. One of my Al time favorite cats, Radar, is gone. 15 years old, and a good cat right to the end. A gloriously grumpy old lady who would come and greet you at the door, then wander off- and bite you if you pet her wrong afterwards. I’m going to miss her so much.