Garlax, The Weasel King

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Garlax, The Weasel King

I’m PROBABLY not the most boring person alive.
Just this guy, you know?

i also think that, *should* the party switch to harris, and *should* harris win, she should not forget and not forgive all of the spineless, sniveling losers in party leadership who got us to this point and as soon as it is convenient to shove a knife in their backs, should do it with gusto.
I’m working my ass off while this cat’s lying on my desk looking like a raccoon that ate a whole box of donuts
I am a huge fan of this idea.
Legalizing direct-to-consumer car sales nationwide would be one way to disrupt a major GOP power center. Car dealerships are the quintessential industry propped up by corrupt laws that screw the people, and also happen to be commonly run by the absolute worst reactionary ghouls
video games actually come at three price points these days: $20-30 — a video game that costs $20 or $30 $60-70 — $60 to $150, depending on how many missing pieces there are $0 — you will be relentlessly punished until you give them at least $500
Lmao, lotta people here are gonna hate this (apt) comparison
Bluesky is sorta like Biden in microcosm: huge glaring flaws, but what else is better right now?
68, but I could compromise on 70 if we can make sure the humidity is low.
There is not an anti-big business of any kind republican, and it’s absolutely ridiculous to pretend there is.
Palantir has a $63B market cap PayPal has a $64B market cap Peter Thiel, prominent Vance hype man, co-founded both He's definitely not an "anti-big tech" politician Likely just someone trying to help giant corps profit more from the panopticon spying on you, as the mega-corps do
heard a rumor that raccoons keep attacking cybertrucks bc they're mistaking them for dumpsters and idevenc at this point i just want that to be true
I’m imagining The Fifth Dentist as a bizarre sci-fi movie now. (Sort of a nega-Fifth Element about the power of hate.)
Think she came up with that absurd, bigoted analogy and then cast around for a reason to use it?
Feels like we picked an odd time to expend the energy to clean our own houses when the house is on fire and the fire fighter is asking if we would leave the building so they can put it out. This is everything from Bluesky up to the Democratic party
And we could still use commas, periods and capitals! (I did anyway. I was relatively slow to adopt texting and super obnoxious about it for a while as a teen. Mostly only to my siblings though.)
“Senator Ted Cruz sounded disturbingly similar to the white nationalist mass murderer who carried out a targeted attack in his home state just five years ago. In one ugly speech, Senator Cruz depicted migrants as literal ‘invaders,’” said ⬇️
Republicans got caught monologuing
Tremendous that for decades we've lampooned "Villain spends time elaborating every detail of the evil scheme right before they implement it, giving the hero the time and information to foil it" as like cartoonishly stupid and then here comes the Heritage Foundation.
Yeah, they can pretend to not be monsters as long as they think you’re just like them. I’ll never get why some people think that’s a selling point.
(Man oh man are they surprised when they reveal their true colors and everyone stares at them in shock and then tells them to stfu. Happened multiple times at the bank, and my most conservative coworker literally said “just shut the fuck up” to someone saying racist shit)
btw, Bernie Sanders was right yesterday that we need Citizens United legislation in order to bring wealthy donors like the ones mentioned here to heel. They do not run our democracy and they cannot be allowed the arrogance of continuing to think they do.
Sucks to suck, i guess
my mom was a devout catholic but when the toronto catholic district school board banned gay straight alliance groups when i was in high school, as religion department head, she marched down to the board and challenged them. she won and ran the first ever catholic GSA in ontario as teacher moderator.
I don’t know when exactly I reached this conclusion, but I know by 2016 I was getting into arguments about how he didn’t know shit about shit and is an asshole.
I don't want to argue with purer than thou leftists anymore than I want to argue with right-wing shitheads. And I won't. So like, just block people who annoy you instead of demanding online fights to the death. It spares everyone.
Cripes I hope you’re wrong. I’m worried you’re not though. Certainly this latest mess felt a lot worse than the earlier apparently site-wide convulsions did.
Tolkien knew a thing or two about conflict, too, from personal experience and research. I was really struck when the historian Bret Devereaux—who does not pull punches on bad fictional representations of conflicts-went deep on Tolkien and said “yeah everything he writes here really checks out”
Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
This is truly bizarre to me, but the trans folks I know irl mostly work for governments (federal or state level). Maybe knowing more about the process inures people against that type of fear? I mean, they’re scared and upset. But not like THAT?