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I block idiots.
They will gaslight you 'til the cows come home. And as you know, the cows are homeless, without homes, unhoused, etc.
Reposted byAvatar Gee
It sure as shit should. Their cruelty knows no bounds. They’re all about forcing you to have babies and then allowing them to be neglected when they could easily help. Assholes, all of them.
I can’t take another week of this 💩
But you really shouldn’t do a lot of time at levels 8-9 and hi power (9+) as supposedly it isn’t good for the lifespan of the top. Most cooks are in the 4-6 range.
I can concur in this. Absolutely no noticeable off gassing. I have one sized to each burner. But that isn’t a requirement. Just easier to remember which burner is which size, haha. That said, if you do a very long high heat cook, not all versions are impervious, and some will melt. 1/
Don’t hold your breath. And if you do, and some MMTer tries to save you, put a bag over your head.
Good call. So many benefits vs gas. Got a Fulgor Milano last year, never looking back. Easy to clean, fast boil, precise temp control, no grates to lift/clean, no burnt utensils, no fumes, super fast h2o boil, auto shutoff - no brainer, if you can afford the upfront cost diff, and $ for 240 install.
It was only a matter of time.
are you paraphrasing George Stephanopolous now?
The campaign was on shaky ground b4 this, and then the media go to AOW against Biden running, only to now have it look like he will soldier on, but heavily damaged. It's as if the NYT's goal was not for a new candidate, but for bringing back Trump. At this point, how do u salvage the campaign?
Could have stopped at "I know nothing."
The crackpot vote has a concrete ceiling perhaps.
For those in the club, there's always a place to fail up.
I see share buybacks if anything. Smash and grab in 2016.
The name says it all, because Trump vs US is exactly what we are dealing with. Given his way he will destroy the USA and any people in it who oppose the destruction (us)
Well, I dont spend a lot of time trying to understand what ABCs general take is, but the Stephanopolous bootlicking Trump interview a few years back wasnt great IIRC. I just wonder at this point if Biden's handlers wouldnt try to manage this a certain way.
Yes, but the controlling inner circle might just foist heavily edited versions upon us, and then we won't really know how bad it is. Plus, not a debate. Plus plus, another debate in September unavoidable, at which point, any damage remediation accomplished since 1st debate could be undone. Then WASS
rest assured, they will do exactly that
why have pudding if they've already removed your fingers?
I bet you they don't have pudding.
Your "unlikely" is making me feel how I feel when someone says "100 year flood".
We can. I will. But too many won’t at this point. People need to start reading the room. Biden wouldn’t make it through four years at this point. Why not just make the transition now. We can’t afford even a few people to this out and I have already heard too many ignoramuses say they will.
Still waiting on Ms Swift. Kind of scary that her eventual outreach might make or break the future of US Democracy. Glad in a way though she has waited, as if we DO get to the highly unlikely non -Biden alternative, that person will still benefit greatly from her backing.
Almost? Or about to be?
We are at the point of wondering how the Republicans will capitalize on this power after Trump dies. Because until then, we appear to be totally focked. Given how he has run the trad conservatives out of town, with four more years to destroy the rest, I’m not optimistic about any improvement
How many other bosses have the power of the pardon that apparently cannot be restrained?