This. Exactly. needs to get some journalistic ethics.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
Stork: I have a baby. Pigeon: I have the mail. Canary: I have bad news.
reposting without apology
This ruined my Sunday: "Vance appears to be ... in line with Trump’s ... noninterventionist foreign policy" For god's sake, no, neither Vance nor Trump is noninterventionist! They just want different interventions! Sheesh.
Analysis | The pros, cons and odds for 8 Trump VP Looking at each candidate’s biggest attributes and drawbacks, now that we have some clarity on who’s in the running.
I’m in your posse. They need to leave Dolly alone. She’s a national treasure.
they came for Dolly. we ride at dawn.
And the lift on stripping the Constitution—our social contract—to the studs and trying something new from scratch is SO MUCH HARDER than just updating the one that exists. Most people aren’t equipped to question fascism, you want them REWRITING POPULAR GOVERNMENT????
Blanca shared this from where she was working in CAs almonds yesterday. Temps reach 108°. #WeFeedYou #Calor
Francisco sent this from the grape vineyards in Kern county. He's removing the leaves from the vines so the grapes grow faster. Temperatures today passed 100°. It feels even hotter under the vines as the air barely circulates creating an oven-like effect. #WeFeedYou #CALOR
Another four years of Trump would be horrific — especially for Black Americans. file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/905821D3-B323-4C56-B41C-6C2AB3DB98FF/Library/Caches/ReachCache/democrats-ezjNAeZTTvOtES98eC2Q.png
The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded
The idea that Alito isn't willing to tell a woman what to do is a bit of a howler
“All Eyes on Rafah,” reads the image. More than 40 million Instagram users have shared this graphic to their stories using a user-generated template in recent days, according to Instagram. Here’s what we know about the image, and where the phrase comes from.
An image calling for ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ is going viral. But it seems What does “All Eyes on Rafah” mean? The phrase is seen on a likely AI-generated image depicting a tent camp in Rafah, Gaza, and went viral after an Israeli strike.
While Republicans push a MAGAnomics agenda, President Biden delivers an additional $7.7B in student debt relief to 160,000 more borrowers, uplifting middle-class Americans & communities of color.
Rudy Giuliani really thought he was Carmen Sandiego for a moment
“Increasingly…university administrators are calling in law enforcement to sort out what should be internal debates about the parameters of academic freedom.” “There’s been a normalization of having cops on campus.”
As police cracked down on anti-war protests on college campuses across the US in recent weeks, among those arrested was a pair of silver-haired 65-year-old professors armed only with cellphones. Their stories illustrate a facet of the protests that has received comparatively little attention.
Dozens of professors among those arrested in campus protests | At least 50 professors arrested at campus protests across the country, according to a CNN review of police records, court filings, and news reports.
End of feed.