
from the moment this picture was published, it has been the absolute perfect representation of how trump seized and consumed the republican party
Anti-Trump Republican
the look on trump’s face is the look the devil gives you while your signature is still wet on the deed to your soul
And in exchange, Mitt Romney got literally nothing. I guess that's how Trump got rich
You know, I don't think this is quite right. Late in life Mitt Romney got to see the dark underside of the Republican party for himself, and it seems to have made him interestingly more cynical.
Between this and dejected phonebank Ted Cruz, future generations are going to refuse to believe much of Trump era photojournalism is real. Simply too on the nose.
synthetic AI images will make it even harder to believe in any photographic reality soon enough
I swear there was a photo of him from like 2020 where he was smiling at the camera like that while a bunch of evangelicals prayed over him
somebody needs to photoshop richard d james' creepy rictus face from the come to daddy era on trump, here
i feel like that would make it *less* creepy, somehow
It needs a word balloon for Romney saying "My name is reek"
"My name is McDaniel"
Sorry I just remembered the video with the bears and I have to spend the rest of the day rocking and crying.
The THRUSTBEARS also live in my head forever.
Also important to remember how ready the Republican Party was to be seized and consumed by somebody like Trump. He could not have done this to a healthy party.
I've said exactly the same thing. And the majority of high-profile anti-Trump Republicans (former or continuing), still haven't grasped why Trump ended up leading their party, something that could never have happened to the Democratic Party.
IMHO this was the case because the GOP was basically out of ideas, and basically done with governing as something they were interested in doing. Cutting taxes, cutting services to match, "That government which governs least governs best," relegation from the feds to the states, those kinds of ideas.
So there's all this power, and no principles or ideas for what to do with it. You can't organize a political group that way; there's no center around which the various kinds of people can coalesce.
If Democrats have a problem it's that there are too many points offered as the center around which there should be formation of a coalition, constant jockeying for primacy on the priority list.
That photo also accidentally showed Romney's utterly craven and bootlickery little soul
I have despised him ever since that interview he gave where he said (with zero self-awareness) "I love firing people."
I hate Romney more than Trump. Trump is a dumb animal - hating him if like hating a rabid dog for biting you. Romney is opportunistic scum who also demands everyone praise his 'decency'.
Romney's the only Republican to vote to impeach Trump both times. You don't gotta hand it to him, much less like him, but I don't think that was opportunism.
It was opportunism.
Was thinking about this pic today and how every single Repub has been required to bend the knee, mostly for nothing in return. Honestly what is it about him.
i think it’s less about him specifically and more about how craven and cowardly all of them are
Bully-lackeys. They view the ability to abuse and get away with it (and not even care about it) as the rawest form of power and when they’re too weak to do it in their own they latch on to someone who they see doing it. Trump does it too. It’s why he loves Putin and Kim.
Pretty sure this is why the GOP skews so male. Bunch of petty, insecure, wannabe tyrants trying to make themselves feel big and strong by latching on to whoever they think looks strong, with their own idiot definition of what strong is.
RIP to everyone killed by the gods for their hubris but im different. and better. maybe even better than the gods - Romney, moments earlier
There was actually a time when people truly believed he was a clown who would get bored with the gig and go golfing while leaving the actual work of government to grownups. That excuse evaporated in mid-‘17 or so.
It’s just a great illustration that with the likes of Romney they have no personal integrity or dignity when they allowed themselves to be humiliated by Trump. Just a profoundly weak character
easy to sell your soul to Trump when you've already sold it to Mammon
Absolute Overlook Hotel energy.
And that their only real gripe with him is the aesthetics. They're down with almost all of his policies they just wish he wasn't uncouth.
The day Mitt Romney inexplicably became a master blues guitarist.
and this picture came from the Trump people - so they knew what they were doing
I think this captures it as well.
It's iconic. This one too, but with an additional "I can't believe that's a real photo" twist. Back on Twitter at the time captioned it "find...the...hobbit..."
I know Romney came out saying nice things about Trump (then president-elect) after that dinner but I don't remember how many days or weeks it took before Trump tried to humiliate Romney by saying he was never going to be in the cabinet and that he (Trump) had bought him for the price of a dinner.
Absolutely. Romney thought he could rein in Trump, but Trump already owned him.
Cue the theme to Curb Your Enthusiasm as you see this photo.
The looks on their faces alone
Mittens’ entree portion is trumps side dish. It’s like a renaissance painting.
And they were happy to be had & consumed, don't let any of them try to tell you otherwise Because if they weren't or hadn't, they wouldn't still be there, now would they?