
on a little further reading, people are getting got here by fake news, the “scientist” in question is basically a short film director and instafluencer with no connection (as far as i can tell) to the actual startup cognify, who are based in germany and are a data science provider, not an AI firm
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
it’s an interesting example of how the sludge sausage gets made, though, every article is linking back to a different article which does not link to a company webpage or a PR statement or an interview, it’s just a ouroborous of regurgitated horseshit
I didn't watch the video but the article is 100% grey sludge, empty description without explanation
I mean this was a fucken Deep Space Nine episode
some asshole saw that Torment Nexus tweet as a dare
Yeah this is an object lesson in pink-slime journalism, not AI harms run amok
AI hysteria is a thing, I'm finding.
I don't think anyone on here was taking this seriously, what with it being neither physically possible nor politically or legally conceivable, but it didn't seem entirely implausible that some stoned tecbros would toss a few tens of millions at the pitch.
somewhat less about people on here and the fact that there’s an entire page or two of google results from reasonable (looking) sources breathlessly reporting the same thing out, but, also, like, this is just basically “but the fact that it *could* be true says something about society” applied to AI
look can I get a few bucks toward my very soon forthcoming company focusing on uploading souls via warp drive for eternal survival through the singularity on fusion-powered VTOL air taxis which create movies to project in your head from AI based on your dreams, it's worth it
It's powered by orphan blood, which is either a limitation we plan to overcome or a feature, depending on the audience.
the point is, the orphan blood is gluten free with no seed oils
Yup. I didn't think there was any chance it would ever actually be attempted, it was more a, "Oh for goodness sake, you're not allowed to have ideas anymore." sort of reaction.
It's especially tricky distinguishing between fake news & vaporware when both are clear examples of what silly VC guys are funding & want to see happen
Except this is impossible.
Unlike say, diagnosing millions of ailments from a single drop of blood. Or creating a cryptocurrency used by everyone on earth. Or getting 300 million subscribers for a newspaper. Or colonizing Mars.
Don’t forget fusion reactors. Those are “theoretically possible” with existing technology or known concepts, requiring dumb “investors” to fund them… perpetually. The other thing is overtly impossible because nobody knows how the brain stores info, let alone be able to “implant” memories.
Yes but imagine how much money we could waste & prisoners we could mutilate in the process of proving it impossible
Also this was literally a (very good) DS9 episode. And basically the premise of ever Black Mirror episode ever.
I really like how Black Mirror was meant as a cautionary tale, and every idiot techbro was all "say, that's a good idea"
Yeah it's doubly silly because all of the dystopian ideas about brain implants or uploading your mind to computer or whatever are both CLEARLY presented as dystopian AND are generally completely impossible irl. Doesn't stop these dorks from trying.
A few years back a paper written by an ethicist about the theoretical use of time-dilating drugs and/or computer simulations to impose virtual prison sentences got reported as "SCIENTIST PROPOSES SENDING CRIMINALS TO VIRTUAL HELL DIMENSION", with the same kind of reaction online
Same influencer whose “artificial womb” clickbait snagged the same type of confused attention not that long ago
I tend to be pretty skeptical of science reporting. One fairly quick method for identifying bad reporting: -See if the article mentions the name of a researcher or university -Use that info to find the original paper on Google Scholar -Read the abstract and conclusion, see if it matches the article
Oh I had just assumed they were, like, con artists.
There was a Babylon 5 episode about this starring Brad Dourif that gave him a rare opportunity to do both his sweet naïve thing and his evil weirdo thing in one role.
you'd think people would be able to tell the difference between reality and the plots of Altered Carbon or Eternal Sunshine, but. Alas.