
i mean, this is true, but in fairness to the dems, it's way, way easier to consolidate a bunch of mindless violent racists under the banner of "white men should rule forever" than get the consensus of basically everyone else
It's wild how the GOP has like a good half dozen guys under the age of 50 ready to step up and become the next king of racism at any moment, but the Democrats, the party that relies on the youth vote, won't even look at you until you've had your AARP card for a decade.
that said i'd really like to start seeing party leaders who are below the median retirement age
the Wes Moore era is going to be something else
Jeffries is "only" 53, though I do hold the extremely not bold opinion that AOC is gonna wind up in Schumer's senate seat in five years
ha I just looked it up and had assumed he was like, 49. something about don't crack.
just to point out the obvious but... hakeem jeffries is 53
next speaker of the house? I can remain optimistic.
just need people who will go for it and run. Obama did that, he wasn't given the nomination
💯 I’m retired and fortunately pretty spry and reasonably coherent most of the time. But there is no way I could compete with my 45 year old self.
It didn’t used to be like this My theory is gen X dems got wiped out in tbe obama years when the Tea Party was surging
This guy is incredibly wrong though, none of those dudes could hack it in a national campaign.
i mean, i am agreeing with the overall sentiment, and i think this will be different / worse / weirder when trump loses and or dies
Like I just wholly disagree with the premise. I also think people drastically understate the "personality" part of Trump's personality cult. People believe in HIM, not in what he says.
There are tons of young Dems though are operating on the same tier: Whitmer, Shapiro, AOC, Buttigieg, Moore, to name a few.
I do think the media (and corporations) would absolutely fall in love with Haley if given the chance, but you can’t win the nomination with just D.C. and Vermont.
You can’t just let the media pick a nominee? Has anyone told them, because they’ve been on a full court press the last 24 hours
i’m not convinced the gop has a next king of racism tbh more like a bunch of petty princes that will never unite the kingdom
It may be a deep bench, but it's a deep bench of incredibly unlikeable Car Dealership Wastrels.
I wish I knew enough Crusader Kings to make some kind of dynastic succession joke here.
Also, like the reality is having some level of standards for experience and knowledge is going to limit how young your candidates can be compared to a party whose position is basically that Understanding Stuff Is Gay.
Republicans have also tried to nominate someone who isn’t Trump and not even gotten close
Also, when one of the people you’re listening as a near-future potential Presidential contender is Lauren Boebert, it’s simply not a serious list.
JD Vance is 39 ? He looks like 50 already.
I don't know, I think Shawn Fain hit on something with "Record profits, record contracts". Telling people you're going to put more money in their pocket and protect small businesses from large ones is something I think Dems should tattoo on their necks and yell from car windows every second.
A lot more Dems have other things going on. Many GOP politicians could not reasonably hold a job doing anything else without running into numerous HR issues.
These guys crucially aren’t ready to step up though. The first guy cited here is DeSantis. Boebert just narrowly won a primary and had to switch districts.
Say what you will about Boebert, but she’s extremely unpopular with the establishment GOP block.
And then there's comments like the one in the original original thread saying that the current admin hates Pete B and won't support him and I'm like... Why should anyone listen to you if that's what you think