
man, when you become a man of a certain age and start getting the hair of a man of a certain age, it gets hard to figure out what in the hell you’re supposed to do with it
if cue ball be my destiny than i shall accept it without complaint, but i am not at cue ball status yet. also when i grew it out during the pandemic, my hair went wavy for the first time in my life and i have no idea what to do with wavy hair
aw it’s waving goodbye
if i could pull off clark gable hair i would definitely go with clark gable hair
My hair is wavy/wiry now (I assume due to the ravages of age) and it’s SUCH a burden. What the hell
same! i have always had pretty straight hair, i don’t know what the hell i am supposed to do with these sorta-curls
I once got hair extensions for a wedding, and learned firsthand that wavy/curly hair is so much harder to take care of than straight hair. I had never really even had a tangle in my natural hair! A tangle in curly hair can become AN ISSUE.
Yes but also you’re also supposed to brush it as little as possible!
Everything was a chore. Washing it took like 10x longer, blowdrying definitely 10x, flat ironing which was something I'd never had to do before. And all the products were different!
I'm thrilled about it because I had flat limp hair with the occasional cowlick till like three years ago.
i have a double cowlick, and for good measure, i also have a beard cowlick
I did not know that was possible. Maybe you can go full Assyrian.
double cowlick rules. until you get the sheepish barber that apparently skipped class that day.
It has to be, going through the same thing. I remember my mom used to complain about how her hair changed texture after having kids, and I thought I beat that game by not having kids. Then I got over 40 and it was like "surprise muthafucka!"
I started getting wavy hair during the pandemic as well and even though it's taken till this year to find a haircut I like with it I really love having hair that's got some character to it.
sweep it back rakishly, v. on trend right now
Don’t go half cue/half wavy.
I went cue ball back in 2018 and I've never looked back. Easy maintenance, feels good, looks good especially with facial hair. Only disadvantage is that scalps sunburn *real* fast so invest in hats
I may or may not go cueball depending on a specific health condition. So I went the Tom Hardy route. I enjoy what I have and I do what I want with it. I have a side shave and a mop on top that some people might say is inappropriate for men over a certain age. Those people can fuck off.
Shave before you KNOW you need to shave Looking back I held on for too long Have you considered baldness treatments first?
as it stands right now my hair’s natural inclination is to stand and curl like some kind of canadian
grey chest hairs haunt my waking hours
i am (very) blonde so i will probably go from blonde to white and skip grey
This is what happened to my hair (on my head, I mean. I don’t have chest hair).
So far the hair on my head seems to be hanging on (knock on wood, fingers crossed, whatever else), but I'm starting to get gray chin hairs. I shave twice a week and on a last day before a shave my wife told me I looked like peppa pig's grandpa. Did I have to Google? Yes. Did it still cut? Also yes.
Here’s the thing - oral minoxidil actually works and you should be taking it if you’re worried
have actually heard that. the gloop stuff is horseshit but the oral med actually works
It takes a while to start working but if you stick with it it seems to have stopped my hair loss. Wish I had done it sooner, tbh.
does it require an rx or have they moved it to otc by now?
It’s rx but generic, so cheaper than otc would be (I pay $10 every 90 days). 10mg worked better for me than 5 did but also kicked my resting heart rate up to 120, so
It’s a bullshit rx that I get through an app
oh, i know, i am not really worried about it, its gonna stay or go, but i don’t know what to do to style it while it makes up its mind
That's when it's time to figure out what kind of hat person you are.
i just shave my head tbh
Your three options are basically this, buzzing it, and estradiol
Really regret not sticking with it… though showers are a lot quicker now.
Thought this was about hair growing from new places at first, as a man of a certain age. Generally don't mind aging, but man - less hair on the head and more on my ears and in my nose is some shit I could do without.
beard trimmers are good even if you don’t have a beard
Oh I've got a specialized ear and nose hair trimmer. Gotta get into all the books and crannies.
Not a fan of aging here; I’d like it to stop firmly where it is right now for me. Feeling good here at mid 30s
My trick was not remotely maximizing health, physique, etc until my late 30s (not that I was terrible before) so being 40 now feels amazing! My condolences to those who have been whatever preferred combo of lean and jacked all along because then yeah, it presumably is all downside.
it's the best age, the stupidity of youth has mostly faded and the decrepitude of old age is still new enough to be a source of amusement