
Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
I like to post and see posts. Director of Research at The States Project, the views expressed here are my own.
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay
Writer, editor, publisher, professor. Some people call me a bad feminist and by some people I mean me.
Kathleen Bachynski
Kathleen Bachynski
Assistant Professor of public health at Muhlenberg College. History, ethics, epidemiology, sports, injury prevention.
Eric Deggans
Eric Deggans
NPR TV critic, media analyst and guest host. Adjunct prof at Duke University and Indiana University. Father to four. Blerd. Drummer. Author: Race-Baiter: How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation. Media bloviator.
Emily Pontecorvo
Emily Pontecorvo
Staff writer
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
political philosopher at Georgetown University. giving this a shot, I guess.
Edward Perez
Edward Perez
Democracy. Elections. Voting. Tech. Ex-Twitter director for civic integrity. Research, analysis, commentary. Likes: civil society, facts.
Board of Directors at nonpartisan nonprofit
Helen Branswell
Helen Branswell
I cover infectious diseases for STAT ( 2020 Polk winner. Nieman '11. She/her. I write about H5N1 (in all species), Covid, polio, flu, Ebola, RSV, mpox, STIs.
Jonathan M. Katz
Jonathan M. Katz
Author of GANGSTERS OF CAPITALISM and THE BIG TRUCK THAT WENT BY. Newsletter: Signal: 1-540-999-8238 Avi by
Laura for a Livable Climate
Laura for a Livable Climate
Advocate, activist, organizer, mom in Massachusetts. Lover of bikes, trains, and buses. Former organic farmer working for a stable climate and a healthier world.
Ketan Joshi
Ketan Joshi
Fighting alongside my friends for the best possible pathway to climate justice and fossil fuel elimination. Anti-greenwashing.

Creator / curator of Greensky: [email protected]
Amy Westervelt
Amy Westervelt
Award-winning investigative climate reporter, audio & print. Run Drilled, Critical Frequency, former co-host of Hot Take (RIP), contribute to The Intercept, The Guardian, The Nation & more. she/her/ella
da share z0ne
da share z0ne
Dr. Melissa Lott
Dr. Melissa Lott
Professor at Columbia University’s Climate School | Energy & Climate Communicator | Engineer exploring tech/econ/health impacts of the #energytransition to #netzero | Host of The Big Switch
Timothy Snyder
Timothy Snyder
Levin Professor of History at Yale. Author of "On Freedom," "On Tyranny," with 20 new lessons on Ukraine, "Our Malady," "Road to Unfreedom," "Black Earth," and "Bloodlands"
Bike Commuting MA
Bike Commuting MA
Just trying to get places safely & efficiently, usually by bike or transit. (@driversofnyc on Twitter)
Cambridge MA
Jared Yates Sexton
Jared Yates Sexton
Hoosier, Political Analyst, The Midnight Kingdom: A History of Power, Paranoia, and the Coming Crisis, Co-Host Muckrake Podcast, newsletter Dispatches From A Collapsing State
George Monbiot
George Monbiot
Ungainly on land
Will Bunch
Will Bunch
National opinion columnist, Philadelphia Inquirer; author of After the Ivory Tower Falls; free weekly newsletter at
Dart Adams
Dart Adams
Bostonian. Journalist/Author Past: Mass Appeal/Okayplayer Now: Boston Magazine. Books: The Book Of Dart & Instead We Became Evil: A Tale Of Survival & Perseverance
Katie Mack
Katie Mack
Cosmologist, pilot, author, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. She/her. Dr.
Drew Magary
Drew Magary Six books.
Greg Sargent
Greg Sargent
Politics, politics, politics
Unofficial AP News (World) Bot
Unofficial AP News (World) Bot
An unofficial bot of AP News (World)

Dr Tom Frieden
Dr Tom Frieden
President and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives. Former CDC Director and New York City health commissioner. Focused on partnering with communities around the world to save lives.
The Farmer Jones
The Farmer Jones
OG LeBron biographer. Slam Is Fam. Up the Fucking Toffees. We’re Are. Hug your kids, join a union, punch a fascist.
Brian Beutler
Brian Beutler
Off Message; Formerly: Crooked Media, TNR, Salon, TPM; Instagram: @babeutler;
Fei Wang
Fei Wang
energy analyst focused on grid decarbonization:
Jenny Chase
Jenny Chase
Solar analyst at BloombergNEF, goose keeper. Author of a book, "Solar Power Finance Without the Jargon". Opinions all my own.
Joshua D. Rothman
Joshua D. Rothman
Historian of American slavery, Crimson Tide Intellectual.
Liam Hogan
Liam Hogan
Librarian & Historian. Twitter migrant. Researching Slavery - Memory - Power. Blog > Support my work >
Hidetaka Hirota
Hidetaka Hirota
Historian of US immigration at the UC Berkeley. Author of Expelling the Poor (Oxford University Press). Writing books on the politics of immigrant labor in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era US and on the history of transpacific Japanese migration.
Rob Gramlich
Rob Gramlich
#Transmission and power markets for low cost decarbonization. #EnergySky
Erik Loomis
Erik Loomis
Labor and environmental historian. Writer of books, teacher of American horrors, talker on labor movement. Beer, country music, and football are not just for the right wingers. Cats. The West. Music. Graves. Writes at
Kate Mackenzie
Kate Mackenzie
understander of things climate-related, polycrisis co-writer, now somewhat less exhausted
Cynical idealist, unreliable narrator.
Half kvetching about people, half sports, music, pop culture, politics etc. not representative of any employer. Posting is a form of stimming.
Will Stancil
Will Stancil
Minnesota guy
Jelani Cobb
Jelani Cobb
your new neighbor from your old neighborhood. dean. writer. left-hander & occasional photographer. known to frequent the new yorker and columbia journalism school.
Edward T. O'Donnell, Historian-at-Large
Edward T. O'Donnell, Historian-at-Large
Historian, author, college prof, public speaker, podcaster. Seen on
@History channel + @PBS. Founder of @WeemsyAwards. All my social media is @inthepastlane. More at
NE Ohio Regional Sewer District
NE Ohio Regional Sewer District
yes, really the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District in cleveland, ohio. Customer Service: 216.881.8247
Joanne Freeman
Joanne Freeman
Historian of “early” American politics & culture; howling about democracy on a daily basis. Last book: The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War. Owned by Newbie the History Bird.
Marc Elias
Marc Elias
Founder Chair of Elias Law Group. Podcast Defending Democracy. My dog's name is Bode.
open mike eagle
open mike eagle
and then there's this
Helen Kennedy
Helen Kennedy
Twitter refugee. Newspapers 4 life. (Ex NY Daily News & Boston Herald.) NYC and North Fork. Fan of Sondheim and Venice. Aspiring watercolorist. Hoping sarcasm works out better over here.
Woj & Shams Tweets
Woj & Shams Tweets
Reposting all the latest tweets by NBA news insiders Adrian Wojnarowski and Shams Charania from their 𝕏 accounts.

•Account by:
•Bot created by:
Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine Hayhoe
climate scientist and professor, Texas Tech
chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy
board member, Smithsonian NMNH
alum, UofT and UIUC
author, Saving Us

🧶📖❄️ are my favorite things
TX is where I live and 🇨🇦 is my home
Posts 100% my own
By Way of Plymouth
By Way of Plymouth
Call me Sam! Antifascist file clerk, he/him, Boston MA local.
Icon shamelessly lifted from
GBH produces digital and broadcast programming that engages, illuminates and inspires, through drama and science, history, arts, culture and journalism.
Dr. Genevieve Guenther
Dr. Genevieve Guenther
Founding Director, End Climate Silence | Author, *The Language of Climate Politics*

Jason Herbert, Ph.D.
Jason Herbert, Ph.D.
Dad | Kentuckian | History Dragon| Creator of Historians At The Movies #HATM | Historians At The Movies Podcast