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Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
"My company is so big, you can't expect us to inspect *all* of the airplane door bolts." As with any industrial safety and compliance issue, using scale as an excuse is just admitting that you don't want to pay to hire and properly train the necessary number of inspectors.
Mark Zuckerberg is on record saying his company is so big that even if they catch 99% of malicious content tens of millions of posts would slip by. So idk, maybe that’s something to consider.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Oh wow. They forgot that Joey Chestnut usually brings all the hot dogs for the hot dog eating contest. They're bringing out hamburgers because they don't have any hot dogs. Everyone is booing. This is getting ugly.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
"Don't worry, if the president imprisons his political enemies, you can still get a writ of habeas corpus." "But to prove that's why you've been imprisoned requires proof of..." "Presidential motive!" "And under Trump v US, presidential motive is..." "Inadmissible!"
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
I'm a hard-eyed realist about electoral politics, that's why I'm advising the Democrats to shove aside the elected vice president and replace her with someone who'd vacate a purple- or red-state Senate seat
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
The Times editorial board thinks it has the standing and persuasive power to make a president drop out of his reelection race but also can't imagine Donald Trump campaigning on the message that the New York Times says Joe Biden isn't up for the job
perfect analogy. NYT can't watch a single day before pumping out a histrionic take. Bonus: it is sure to be ignored by the ostensible target and paraded around by the existential threat we are theoretically facing. For good measure, it might alter the dynamic it purports to be describing.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
every time you see a publication amplifying republican claims that biden is taking pre-debate drugs without mentioning that the trump administration went through enough speed to make secretariat run through 5,000 feet of solid granite, they are making a choice
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
[stares directly into the camera]
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Not that this shit's not gonna destroy the world but if so it'll be by gray goo deployments devouring all access to usable information or some boss somewhere putting a chatbot in charge of nuclear safety processes, not the awakening of a vengeful Computer God
It's super funny to read a text where these clammy dorks are gravely intoning their p(doom) numbers at one another now that Ay Eye Tech is out in the wild and it's all pizza glue and Boobs by Thomas Kinkade
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
I remained convinced this started in pro wrestling online fandom, which is another reason to quarantine that group
One major shift in the last ten years is that everyone - politics people, sports people, movie people - have at least in part stopped being able to talk about the thing they're actually interested in and have succumbed to the idea that marketing is the thing that matters
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
I heard their last shipment was tainted.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
what in the unfinished graphing calculator
I find it looks like a dumpster from above
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Those arguing that it was inappropriate to pursue Trump in NY need to account for the fact that every other political and legal mechanism to hold him publicly accountable before the next election has failed.
Breaking news: The Georgia Court of Appeals ordered a halt to the proceedings in Trump's election interference case, meaning the case against the former president and his co-defendants will most likely not be scheduled for trial before the fall election.
Georgia appeals court pauses lower-court proceedings in Trump election casewww.washingtonpost.com The order means the case against the former president and eight of his co-defendants will almost certainly not be scheduled for trial before the fall election.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Guys. GUYS. I know you’re a bunch of cynics, you think everyone on the right is hypocritical. But I firmly believe this exact op-ed would have been written if there were photos of an antifa flag at Judge Merchan’s house. www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/202...
Opinion | Democrats weaponing flags to intimidate Alito is an embarrassmentwww.washingtonpost.com Martha-Ann Alito isn’t out of control. She’s just exercising her freedom.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
*I just think the proper and appropriate thing would be to convict him on the real, serious charges, which coincidentally are the charges the prosecutors are too feckless and the judiciary too corrupt for anyone to try him on*
This was the original consensus take on the indictment among various cynics, frauds, and cowards (defector.com/the-doubts-w...) but it's screwy to still be trying to sell it AFTER he got literally actually convicted by a jury on the New York charges
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
think a broader lesson is that isn't ACTUALLY that hard to get a jury to put a rich white guy away so maybe we should ask why there aren't more prosecutions (yes yes we all know why)
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Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Every actor who's ever played Batman should also have to play Beetlejuice.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
Pointing out again that acquiring and publishing leaked video that is embarrassing to or harms the reputation of a famous rapper is, in fact, journalism.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
In addition to not being a legal reporter and clearly not competent to cover ongoing legal proceedings, as I watch the live coverage of today’s testimony, it’s strikes me that Maggie Haberman should not be covering a trial *in which she is a subject of testimony and direct evidence*!
Holy shit, NYT hire one (1) real New York legal reporter or law student who got a B+ or better in Evidence www.nycourts.gov/judges/evide...
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
This is the only winning play here
James Ho, Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, and 11 other right-wing federal judges write to President Shafik that Columbia has become an "incubator of bigotry" and that "absent extraordinary change" they will no longer hire graduates of Columbia—undergrad or law school—as clerks freebeacon.com/wp-content/u...
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
I wish Isaac Chotiner were available on Cameo to call my friends and give them the most terrifying 3 minutes of voicemail requesting an interview
Seems like a bad sign for the Bears that an anagram for “Caleb Williams’s” is “ACL WILL BE AMISS”
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
please enjoy the phrase "your car is your hunting tool, you use it to hunt groceries." try saying it out loud in different voices. appreciate it for its music
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j
“The aggressive hallucinating lady agrees with our politics” is an odd flex but OK.
Reposted byAvatar hansen9j