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I do math and look at birds.
I make mistakes.

They/Them 🏳️‍⚧️
Oh! Tell everyone ATT coughed up a $50 check for me just cause I asked for compensation re: the data breech.
one reason why everyone's crazy now is that Deals don't really exist anymore. internet commerce has effectively killed the feeling that we are getting a bargain. that might not be a big deal elsewhere but it makes up about 90% of the american shared national identity
To anyone who keeps saying to vote for Biden bc of what he’ll get done. Um…. He has the job NOW. Do the things NOW. Why hold “the things” hostage unless we vote for him? Wouldn’t doing the things now encourage people to vote for him so he can do more things???
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
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Living through history isn’t fun
10/10 would watch this.
Imagining a campy thriller where the leaders of the Heritage Foundation are all trying to survive on a boat in orca-filled waters.
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
It is so much fun to watch this common sunflower grow. 🌻
Waiting for these two beautiful Common Sunflowers 🌻 to open. 🥰
And if you try to stay home and conserve resources the employers start to demand we all come back to the office fulltime. Spend more on gas/vehicle maintenance/lunches/etc. The ruling class make decisions to boost their profits. They do not care how those decisions impact the rest of us.
Heaven forbid people save money!
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
oh you're going to Leave America if Trump wins? buddy, you couldn't leave Twitter when the Nazi took over so simmer down lol
Bowie and I are grateful for today’s weather
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If you’re not watching the debate, feel lucky CNN is allowing Trump to not just flood the zone with bullshit but spin a false narrative that is so incredibly dangerous it’s really unbelievable to hear again outright. Biden is not just looking weak he’s looking frail. Our democracy is in such danger.
This flower grew and it is beautiful 🌼
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Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
The mayor of Portage, Indiana, steered over $1 million in city contracts to a truck dealership, which then wrote him a $13,000 check. The conservatives on SCOTUS—with extensive experience in being lavished with gifts after favorable rulings—say this is very legal and very cool.
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
These tomato workers near Mendota CA are spending 4-6 hours a day bent over picking tomatoes. They started at 5am so they could be done before the sun reached a high of 105° that day. They are paid for each bucket they fill and the heat slows them down. #WeFeedYou
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
Fun fact: the Rabbis removed the Ten Commandments out of our core liturgy (Shema &tc) bc the Jewish Christians were SOOPER into it & the Rabbis wanted to be clear that the 10 weren’t superior to the other 603 mitzvot in Torah. So we’re clear that this 👇 is Christian supremacy. & a 1A violation.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
Yes. Like when protestors used *washable* paint to put bloody handprints on the St. Charles, MO police dept sign. So much pearl clutching! People worried about paint instead of the abuses carried out by Chief Juengst.
also... if someone goes, "I was going to support saving the earth and thus humanity until a kid and an elderly man sprayed Stonehenge with cornstarch" I'm not sure they really cared about saving humanity
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
Don’t forget to streeeeeeetch -Bowie
He says “oops” and people will just accept that. When is someone going to remind the God and Country Christians that Jesus was *literally* a Palestinian Jew? Palestinian people are people. There’s no oops here. This was murder. Genocide.
that f*cker Netanyahu said the death of dozens was a “tragic accident” there aren’t really enough words to describe the cruelty, the reckless disregard for life, the malevolence characterizing all of the political powers playing party to this age of death, injury, and destruction
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
The footage coming out of Gaza right now is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. The IDF bombed a UNWRA designated refugee zone. Where they forced people in Rafah to move to. They bombed tents. While people were sleeping. Dozens dead, many more still stuck in the fire
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
The footage out of Rafah is unbearable.
The Oura ring is a good way to log these metrics. 2024 has been a lot. Starting in late Jan to when it fell apart in mid Feb, interesting health trends. The night I was most stressed w/ kid in icu & my own major surgery the next day… Oura app skipped all the niceties & basically said “um… you ok?”
Another post about how stress affects the body made me think of something else: I have an Oura Ring that continuously measures several health indicators. The weeks when universities were calling police to beat up their students and faculty were the weeks I saw the most substantial and sustained 1/4
Reposted byAvatar GettingItDone
You see the fascism and doublespeak, yes? Is everybody paying attention to exactly how bad this is? Exactly how terrifying this is? Are we all clear about what is at stake in this election, and the work that is upon us now?
UNC trustees voted this morning to reallocate the university's $2.3 million DEI budget to campus police. Budget vice chair: “I think that DEI in a lot of people’s minds is divisiveness, exclusion and indoctrination. We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought.”
UNC-Chapel Hill BOT votes to divert DEI funding, redirecting it to campus public The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted to divert millions of diversity, equity and inclusion funding to public safety and campus law enforcement