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Can you hear it?
Celebrate the fourth of July by completing the rituals that keeps Georgia Washingtons vengeful spirt sealed in the Washington Obelisk
So sick of being stopped at ten red lights on four lane fucking stroads, put in goddamn roundabouts you simpering fuck trumpets! I will fist fight the department of transportation
Reposted byAvatar Hat
Breaking up with someone before a movie starts, trying to storm off, squeezing by in front of them, slowly scooching past the whole seat row…
It's Keith David's birthday. No joke or anything like that in this post, it's just a day you should honour. Go watch The Thing, in celebration
Reposted byAvatar Hat
I'm not like other girls, I'm a numbers station that's been continuously reciting the digits of pi to the tune of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" since 1953.
Hot girl summer must have started, because this girl is hot haha....The sun is a simpering bastard orb. I feel like I'm breathing underwater. I went outside and the humidity meter just said "prepare" then spit in my face.
Okay Google: how to find out if friend is millions of ants in a man costume
Reposted byAvatar Hat
I'm playing the long game with my many critics and haters (slowly leaching their precious calcium, making their bones less desirable but more easily stolen by dogs and coyotes).
When I was a child I used to think the heart was like a sponge soaking up my blood and then being rung out with each beat, and like I've only seen my own heart once and I didn't get a good look so I could still be right.
The price is right bloopers: Big money wheel crushing incident
Reposted byAvatar Hat
There’s no such thing as “bad luck” when you break a mirror. You’re merely experiencing the terrified energy leaking off inter-dimensional creatures loosed through the glass-crack barriers as they lash out blindly, frantic to return home.
The growling storm cloud that hangs over our tasteful orange building speaks into our minds truths unseen. Our new shipment of weed eaters is here. Home Depot, they'll never stop finding your body
Automod on TikTok is fast AF. My comment got automatically deleted for telling a racist that the best part of them ran down their dad's leg but the racist comment its self was fine because it didn't trigger any of the apps automods. I need to learn exactly what sets that fucking thing off.
Reposted byAvatar Hat
Trying out quantum entanglement as a new excuse for why I’m running late to work
It's 420 and you know what that means! That's right! The sky is black sack cloth, and you can't even remember your name anymore. You haven't seen another human in years, but you can hear faint knocking as you lay your head down at night. You can feel eyes peering at you from somewhere.
The one where Rachel let's loose a guttural roar inside of a bodega and starts ripping products off the wall. Ross is pinned between a car and a tree.
We're slashing everything here, prices, tires, your mother, we will literally kill you in this Walmart parking lot
Reposted byAvatar Hat
putting a picture of my reason to live on milk cartons
Reposted byAvatar Hat
ate a strange pitch-black cookie and now i can see into the Dark World. pretty cool
Diablo 4 class wish list Paladins Shinny holy fellas Hammer guys The Bois what do the smiting "By light be clean" type shit Talking about that "Break yourself against the holy bulwark" Monks
Reposted byAvatar Hat
Eating handfuls of asbestos because it's a carcinogen, and I really want to be a crab.
Reposted byAvatar Hat
April Fools idea: Hide in the coffee room with a knife.
Reposted byAvatar Hat
And thus with the breaking of April did humankind gain both self-awareness and shame, for the Fool had been inside each of us all along.
Reposted byAvatar Hat
Good morning, dear ones, are we ready to meet the dawn with an ancient rage burning in our blood? Or perhaps just the strange desire to slip into the mist of the deep woods to clasp hands with a figure we know has been waiting since the hour of our birth for the awakening of our powers?
The scratching at the hatch of your pod comes in waves, an eye opens in the black void, and you send your final message back to earth, "I never got that waffle cone"
You're in her DMs, I'm outside of reality with nefarious machinations preparing to rend the sky and letting the eternal red rain come
They told I could never build the belt fed rat contraption, but here we are
Reposted byAvatar Hat
my partner is going through some really bad financial struggles and needs help quickly, i'm going live on twitch on monday for a 12 hour horror game stream to try and gather money to help them, check my twitch for the details on the time: www.twitch.tv/birbiegorl
Spring reminder, the best way to keep a Bradford pear is to prune it at the stump. Then stump grind it because they're hard to kill and will grow a new bastard tree off the root
Reposted byAvatar Hat
With Bloodsport, you really start to see just how much each Kumite fighter trains: every day, showing up, doing the work, waxing their full torsos, often legs too, no days off.