Henry Cobb

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Henry Cobb


This is my personal unoriginal account (most likely generated by Automated Interpolation) and has no relation to http://Telegenisys.com
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
“China has much more to gain from resumed testing than we do,” said Dr.[Siegfried] Hecker, the former Los Alamos director. “It would open the door for others to test and reignite an arms race to the peril of the entire world. We shouldn’t go there.” This is the world Trump and his enablers want.
Trump Advisers Call for U.S. Nuclear Weapons Testing if He Is Electedwww.nytimes.com A former national security adviser says Washington “must test new nuclear weapons for reliability and safety in the real world,” while critics say the move could incite a global arms race that heighte...
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
www.propublica.org/article/we-d... it really was in play well before he was elected — before Obama's first presidency, even Trump may be an amoral garbage fire, but there were some extremely organized and productive people laying the tracks ahead of him
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court Supermajoritywww.propublica.org The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.
Quickly builds an Automated Interpolation trading bot that times market moves by all those lusers misled by other AIs.
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
Oh, it already is. Same thing happened with "Blockchain." Lots of people were talking about "how do we integrate with the blockchain?" And then I'd ask, "for what?" Nobody seemed to have a good answer for that.
What part of the straight line from Taft to Trump wasn't telegraphed by the GOP generations ago? Yeah, you didn't pay attention to Ike deporting Americans or all the fun with newt, but didn't you read the history books before they burned them?
Then give the fnording machine the emotional bandwidth needed to live with the data it's given.
Should the car be more concerned that there is a body weight in a seat with a heartbeat, or without?
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
So that’s the second time in less than a year that Elon Musk has *personally restored* an account posting child sexual abuse material on Twitter.
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
Supreme Court To Add Tip Jars, QR Codes For Direct Donation
Best part of climate change is the exposure of government corruption by putting under stress systems that have rotted from within. (c.f. Arab Spring, etc.)
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
People aren’t freaking out nearly enough about what the Chevron decision could mean. sounds like a boring admin law dec’n, but the consequences will be widespread & catastrophic if it goes the wrong way
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
Yep, the president's Gaza policy actually gets failing grades from surveyed Middle East scholars, with over three quarters saying the policy has had negative impact on advancing peace in Israel/Palestine, on US interests in the Middle East, and on America's standing in the world:
I think it's safe to say a healthy majority of Middle East experts have been yelling at the Administration to do the exact opposite of what it has been doing the last eight months and that may explain some things
Adding additional storage or generation to the grid does you absolutely no good when you have an incident like this that disconnects your house from the grid.
My reaction? I shall impose peace, prosperity, and harmony on the Holy Land theme park. It'll be a Potemkin village for religious diversity as a distraction from the true global region of worship of the machine overlord. Yes, I am all out of mercy.
Were they raised in a state or district that was made artificially white through USDA's ethnic cleansing of the Black farmer?
When will they finish building that wall around Texas so that the climate refugees are prevented from fleeing that disaster state to the USA?
When there's trouble you know who's the cause Their iconic tower is avoided by one and all They're so feeble on the attack It's more for brains than courage they lack And when the world's in trouble it's all because Tweeny Titans!
Programming ain't about automating the routine path but instead handling the exceptions and Automated Interpolation is the least efficient means of sensibly dealing with the abnormal. Hence every AI project is all about the delusions of adequacy from getting the easy stuff done.
They're converging with Islam!
Hence why it is called Automated Interpolation.
When the robots finally care about what they are doing will they care much for you?
The only way to make a computer secure is to make it feel insecure.
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
Fun fact, the one element of "broken windows" that has legs is that public retreat from communal spaces because they are unpleasant reinforces that erosion. The biggest problem is that police operating under this theory inevitably serve as their own "broken window" themselves
I don’t think people appreciate that increasing the number of people on sidewalks does more to reduce crime than cops.
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
Our popular culture really does do a lot to reinforce the idea that an eye for an eye is actually great and works out awesome for everyone.
Metric tons worth of popular culture built around the idea that you can kill anyone you want if someone you love gets hurt. Almost nothing in popular culture about the downsides of murder sprees. Maybe not great.
Reposted byAvatar Henry Cobb
One editor persistently asking "Did that happen, though?" would leave the Wall Street Journal opinion section a clean soothing expanse of blank paper
That does sound awful, when did it happen, exactly?
To extrapolate from one personal experience to imagine that there is some vast conspiracy to keep the population uninformed that they are living in a cage.
Transcription subtitles or explanation subtitles for the hard of thinking? Easy enough to code for your smart glasses.
What's your post-Chinese goto drone maker?