
That does sound awful, when did it happen, exactly?
Quick question: are crimes committed by people
lol "They are supposed to run for office by promising to stop carjackings or put meth dealers in prison." They certainly aren't supposed to promise to go after white collar criminals or entitled dipshits who openly brag that their laptops are full of evidence of fraud!
“They’re SUPPOSED to abuse BLACK people for us”
Roughly 100% chance this particular conspiracy theory makes its way into an Alito opinion.
WSJ editorial page when politicians talk about going after criminals: 🙂 WSJ editorial page when politicians talk about going after criminal politicians: 🙁
WSJ editorial page when politicians talk about going after democrats: 😀
I mean, it's the general problem of elected sheriffs, prosecutors, and judges which is why the rest of the world generally doesn't do that kind of thing. It's just weird that conservatives seem to be all for it if the idea is to elect those positions to go after minorities.
Yup. Just look at the extensive symbiotic historical relationship between elected "hanging judges" and the KKK. The judiciary is supposed to be the bulwark protecting the individual rights of the unpopular against the tyranny of mob rule. That doesn't happen when the mob elects the judges.
WSJ: “it’s only a real crime if a poor person does it!” Or “you can only call it a crime if it comes from the crime region of France.”
This is a Bragg W and is exactly the rule of law in action. New York constituents deserve an attorney for the people who vigorously pursues the community's most powerful and prolific criminals.
Yes and yes. I'm merely suggesting that those who say he "campaigned" on it might have a leg to stand on, even if it's an exaggeration.
right exactly. campaigning is being coded as aesthetically gauche in the quoted WSJ piece, and I think an affirmative case can be made that targeting prolific criminals an essential aspect of a just society.
"Campaigned on it" makes it sound like it was in ads. I do not know whether it was, but I doubt it.
There's a big difference between promising to go after political opponents and claiming you have the courage to prosecute obvious crimes, even when committed by powerful politicians. Trump is also being prosecuted over things most of us would know is illegal, not obscure technicalities.
I'm not for a moment arguing that Bragg shouldn't have pursued Trump, I'm suggesting that those who say he "campaigned on it" (an exaggeration I think) might have a leg to stand on.
story isn't really "guy does something sinister" but "guy tries to use his gladhanding networks to get his friend a job, which is normal in those networks, and not only does she entirely predictably not get the job, this entirely predictably makes her poison with the voters she wants to appeal to"
That's not a warning, that's a sales pitch.
"In states like New York, prosecutors are supposed to run for office by promising to [crack down on blacks and Hispanics - CUT - INSERT:] stop carjackings or put meth dealers in prison [, not convict white people of financial crimes - CUT]"
now to take a big sip of coffee and read the WSJ opinion section’s thoughts on the GWB attorney scandal, “lock her up,” and Hunter Biden
Honestly that sounds OK to me. I think people in power should be under intense scrutiny
Thank you for copying the text into alt text, by the way!
The sentence before the one you highlighted is so disgusting too
In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by separate yet equally important groups. The police who investigate street-level crime and the district attorneys who prosecute only those offenders. These are their stories.
hmmmm.... if this made up scenario to try to justify the prosecution of a career criminal is considered a horror unto itself, i imagine this esteemed author's head would explode if he knew about us chanting "lock him up" at every campaign event prior to his election as DA. Oh, wait - that wasn't us😒
gotta go round up my team of lawyers and algorithms
Who indeed is saying that? Oh, right, the GOP has been saying that.
this is about hunter biden right?
Why don't they ever levy this level of scrutiny against Donald "lock her up" Trump?
'why aren't you angry about this thing I made up'
Now hang on. What if my meth dealer is named Mr. X?
I love that this person's complaining about prosecutors being elected would likely find no problem with elected sheriffs and prosecutors historically in the South doing terrible things to the populace.
You don't have to go back NEARLY that far. See, for example, the recent ex-sheriff of Phoenix, Joe Arpaio. Who, oh yeah, Donald Trump pardoned despite several convictions and even worse that he wasn't officially convicted of.
When Trump is/was running for president?
Here's the thing, it didn't
Sorry -- I meant Trump said and is saying that.
I'm wondering if you read the paragraph we're responding to at all
Monday, Jon Stewart had supposedly anti-Trump Rep. Ken Buck on, and he made exactly this accusation, multiple times, in addition to claiming the voters in both parties were sick of their candidate.
Didn't a bunch of DAs in the 20's run on taking down the mob? And then promptly take bribes from them in office to do nothing?
Hunter Biden would like a word lol
Okay he didn’t say it with his words but what if he did say it with his v i b e s
Comment section also had gotten back into peak “that didn’t happen” form too, if you were worried
Ok never mind, guess retired fools woke up