Hemlock Autumn

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Hemlock Autumn


Just passing through.
I don't dream of labour.
Respect is earned.
No tolerance for the intolerant.
An omen.
So she knew and the proof is that she didn't say anything. Sure. Q.E.D. The accusations are genuinely terrible. However. his whole "oh, I knew it, there is this short story" or "oh, of course, we should have seen the signs" and the sign is the font of a particular graphic novel panel.
She was not much of a known anything when they married. Even the oldest available details on the internet are from a lot later. Can we stop reimagining history about EASILY available things? Shit about her came almost a whole decade later. Give or take.
Sorry, since when is "I am not going to air personal shit in public" a problem... Don't get me wrong, I really don't like her but I think adults usually refrain from shitting on each other, unless for some very good reasons once they end a relationship?
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
It’s been consistently true over the last fifteen years that people, relatively calmly, sounding the alarm about an incoming political or social catastrophe have been quite rudely dismissed by what you could call the Sensible Liberal Class and then immediately proven right. Few learn a lesson.
Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.
I tried to check Twitter for a bit. Nope. Nope. Nope. Burn it all.
Though I am amused by the conversation with the person who insisted that lab grown meat has caused an increase in cancer and then struggled when I pointed out that lab grown meat has never been sold anywhere. 😂
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public. luketurner.com/Nina_Power/
Nina Powerluketurner.com Nina Power has lost the High Court libel claim that she and Daniel 'DC' Miller brought against me. In the ruling, the judge described their conduct as an aggressive course of bullying with the whiff o...
You are electing an official who makes decisions for your lives. Charisma has fuckall to do with anything. It's not a popularity contest. The fact that it is turned into it shows why the whole thing needs to be scrapped and started anew.
She is a politician, not an ice cream flavour or a book.
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
A highly influential paper that claimed to have identified specific microbial signatures associated with different human cancers has been retracted after journal editors found the conclusions to be unsupported. #SciSky #AcademicSky #Retraction
Journal retracts influential cancer microbiome paperwww.science.org Claim that a blood sample’s mix of microbes can reveal a tumor spawned other research and a company to commercialize the findings
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
Foucault (😬, 1975)
attn scholarly organizations, this is now considered best practice
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
True but the idea IS extremely dumb. Fascism is usually extremely dumb.
Can we stop using words like activists for these people? They are not activists. This is not activism. This is what actually attempting to destroy civilization looks like.
Stop letting tiny groups of Christian fanatics decide what books your children can read
I am observing the British shitstorm in which a black person is insisting that being against bigotry means one is blinded by an ideology. Funny how somebody whose literal job is to be aware of discrimination IS promoting discrimination. 1/
She was FOR Brexit. She called Tennant rich, when she herself IS RICH. Fucking tories. They learned to prop a poc to do their bigotries for them. For shame for the sellouts.
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
If we had pinned posts here, I might but a line about automatically blocking anyone with cryptocurrency stuff in their profile. Or any "investments" really. Exceptions made for a few serious people, journalists, and nice folks. :) Consider this a PSA.
Anything, really. I saw a person banned for hate speech because they talked about taking their cat to the vet. Not kidding.
Which is why you... have not muted and blocked them? That makes sense as a behaviour towards accounts you think are pathetic. Yup.
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
Here’s a miracle solution: stop fuckin doing it
There will be protest today 18:30 at Sudebnata palata in Sofia. There was another murder. The perp who a while back came out had savagely beaten a woman, this time murdered a woman. The fucking COCAINE bear is the less dangerous option than some men.
Fillers should not be allowed legally under the age of 35. Also, only medical professionals should be allowed to do those. This should be enforced GLOBALLY. Geez.
When you finally do things you have been postponing, it is SO SATISFYING, omg... My whole week will be lovely just because I did stuff on Sunday. Daaaamn.
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
She has an honorary doctorate. Meaning she does not have even the faintest clue what a PhD is. That explains the ridiculous statement.
Reposted byAvatar Hemlock Autumn
Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that traveling with a car is bad or that it doesn't have its own charm and use. It does. I am specifically talking about the "stuck in traffic everything is polluted, there is no space for you if you are not driving" aspect of car life.