Heterodox This

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Heterodox This


Freelance, semi-retired, troublemaker. Likes and re-posts ≠ endorsement. She/her.
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The way you know this guy has a deep commitment to the priorities of the democratic party is that he describes his self-anointed divine right to manifest his preferred political outcomes using language that is literally indistinguishable from Scott Adams.
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Peter Thiel is one of the primary investors in Polymarket. Nate Silver literally works for him, now, in a business driven by profiting off of gaming betting numbers with voters. www.axios.com/2024/07/16/n...
Nate Silver joins prediction market startup Polymarketwww.axios.com More Americans are flocking to prediction markets to interpret crazy news cycles.
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The fact that Vance’s belief structure, like that of Trump or Thiel, assumes a natural order where people like them are granted extraordinary degrees of authority, and where others claiming power is a sign of societal corruption — well, faith sometimes can be a source of great comfort, can’t it?
New, from me: As a never-Trumper who became Trump's most dogged defender, JD Vance has been accused of being a hypocrite. I think its worse than that. He has genuinely converted to an radical world view, and will bring all the zeal of a true believer. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/the-zeal-o...
The Zeal of a Convertdonmoynihan.substack.com JD Vance as the future of American populism
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Checked the front page of free speech guardians The Free Press, and the feeds of Twitter Files crusaders Tiaibbi and Shellenberger. Nothing about Vance's alarming illiberalism. Instead they're ranting about how "DEI" and overheated rhetoric caused the attempted assassination.
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I, for one, do not want a Dark Enlightenment disciple a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
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Vance Trump is a fully American new right /techno fascist new right merger of the most dangerous variety.
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Can’t lie I wasn’t immune to the mental damage accrued from having to be glad handed about how political violence should be universally condemned by the class of people that have allowed sleeping rough to become a jailable offense.
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When people wonder *when* the NYT got so bad, I like to remind them that their hiring of a guy who spends his time promoting Pielke & Shellenberger or getting angry with people for not giving enough props to Bush & Cheney was supposed to be balance against their even worse guy on climate (Tierney).
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The number of people associated with The Intercept who go right-wing after leaving it sure is an interesting phenomenon.
Ken Klip going full Glenn “the far right are my friends” Greenwald
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the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
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SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
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This is the Tanton-Heritage network, the one I've spent years warning about hahaha fuck me running
He's right. They're stealing the country from us and ending democracy. "Bloodless if the left allows it to be" is a threat to kill anyone who fights back
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This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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Thinking about all the libs who lectured antifa for years.
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53% of children followed from birth through age 15 experienced some form of (mostly temporary) housing insecurity. All children who experienced any level of - even temporary - housing insecurity had worse physical & mental health outcomes, with more housing instability correlating to worse health.
One of the things that sucks about actually being able to “do your own research” is how I’m constantly being shown the ways that my patients, people I care about, or in this case all American children, are suffering horribly from easily preventable problems that I am still unable to solve in any way
When little kids don’t have stable housing, it can affect their health laterwww.npr.org Researchers following a group of American children for decades found that even short periods of housing instability increased the chances of poor mental and physical health years later.
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One of the things that sucks about actually being able to “do your own research” is how I’m constantly being shown the ways that my patients, people I care about, or in this case all American children, are suffering horribly from easily preventable problems that I am still unable to solve in any way
When little kids don’t have stable housing, it can affect their health laterwww.npr.org Researchers following a group of American children for decades found that even short periods of housing instability increased the chances of poor mental and physical health years later.
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Tech authoritarians want to take over government for the same reason that criminals rob banks: That's where the $ is. Musk, Thiel and others pose as “libertarian,” but they're HUGELY dependent "techno-contractors" guzzling public dollars via govt contracts www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/h...
How Techno-Libertarians Fell in Love with Big Government | by Quinn Slobodian - Project Syndicatewww.project-syndicate.org Quinn Slobodian argues Silicon Valley investors are against the state only insofar as it is not enriching them personally.
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Germany’s AfD is so extreme it was kicked out of the far-right grouping in the European Parliament last month, but Elon Musk thinks their policies “don’t sound extremist.” That’s because he’s also a fascist.
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Words like "moderate" and "centrist" are weasel words with no clear meanings. In San Francisco, they mask the *extreme* politics of tech figures who increasingly align with authoritarian Donald Trump. Read my op-ed in the @sfchronicle.bsky.social Gift Link: www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/open...
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NEW: Daily Beast editor in chief Tracy Connor is stepping down, according to a staff memo from CEO Ben Sherwood. Hugh Dougherty, formerly of NYPost, Daily Mail, Telegraph, will be the new executive editor. (via Max Tani, Semafor)
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San Francisco political boss Garry Tan is boosting a conspiracy theory about George Soros and ... ME! That doesn't seem weird or antisemitic at all! Also: My newsletter on tech authoritarian politics has a new name: THE NERD REICH read & subscribe! (free) www.thenerdreich.com/y-combinator...
Y Combinator CEO boosts 'Soros' conspiracy theorywww.thenerdreich.com Garry Tan veers off into alt-right conspiracy theory
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GET EM NINA! I'm very very VERY happy to see that she's not going to let these lies go completely unchecked. Shellenberger & Taibbi both need to fuck aaaaaaall the way off. They're selling blatant lies and half cooked conspiracies to their readers on Substack, and it has to stop.
I didn’t want to have to send a letter like this, which is why I wasted hours last week answering Shellenberger’s inane questions in hopes he’d do actual reporting. Instead he shoved my quotes next to allegations for which he has no source but his own overactive imagination. 1/
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Highly recommend listening to this discussion. Gil Duran is doing important accountability journalism on this urgent subject—TechTitans seeking to colonize existing cities (notably, my hometown, SF), or build new ones designed to suit their vision of an anti-democratic society.
As San Francisco tech authoritarians line up behind Trump to create a "unified Reich," I talk to @parismarx about Balaji Srinivasan's terrifying vision for the city... A color-coded police state apartheid system where Blues (Democrats) are banished and persecuted.👂⬇️
I didn’t want to have to send a letter like this, which is why I wasted hours last week answering Shellenberger’s inane questions in hopes he’d do actual reporting. Instead he shoved my quotes next to allegations for which he has no source but his own overactive imagination. 1/
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