
He's right. They're stealing the country from us and ending democracy. "Bloodless if the left allows it to be" is a threat to kill anyone who fights back
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
they are eagerly anticipating outright murdering any protesters who show up. they're counting on it
If they do it in Florida or Texas they’ll get pardoned. I’m sure other red states will follow suit.
hope none of those protesters learned from the beltway sniper
after "it not working" I feel like their biggest disappointment with 1/6 was "no leftist counter-protesters showed up for us to murder :( and then blame it all on"
And that, Ryan is when I believe the purity spiral could easily begin if it does. The right wing gins up about a fifth column, begins weeding out dissent even among non-portesters, only leading to more outrage leading to more right wing paranoia and more cleansing.
In other words, remember what happened in Cambodia after the Khmer Roge took over or the French Revolution 1792-4ish? Combine that with a potentially crashing economy plus conflict with Mexico and..... I'll let imagination do the talking.
It's amazing that they just have these neo-Nazi organizations and everyone acts like it's normal
That latter part is more disconcerting. That so many consider this normal.
Yes, but they’re white and went to college and have suits.
Somehow, an alarming amount of American have been convinced that we need an evil party that gets away with this shit.
Give up peacefully and nobody gets hurt (except trans people and immigrants and ...)
The *revolution* will be bloodless. The new normal afterward? So much blood.
It will only be bloodless if nobody fights it.
What part of it is misleading?
A campaign spokesperson responded with boilerplate "we're not ready to make a statement yet" language in the immediate aftermath of the news and the reporter ran with it like it's proof positive that Biden hasn't moved an inch on court reform
And people still get angry when they say they aren't going to vote for him.
Love how reporters for various outlets are turning what is basically "no comment" into "Biden has no intention of doing anything about SCOTUS." It's so cool & helpful to mislead people like that.
It's been years since Trump could get through a complete sentence of more than a few words, yet we've heard more about Biden's "dementia" after he blanked out when face to face with a Gish gallop for the first time, just as people half his age have done many times, but sounded fine the next day.
That article was published within hours of the ruling on Monday. And while Rolling Stone's coverage of these issues has been better than many other outlets, it is reasonable that the campaign would need some time to calibrate the messaging around such a monumental topic.
And you know who thinks they're safe? All the pundits, and journalists, the 4,578,697 "unnamed sources", and Editorial Boards who DEMANDED Joe quit. "We told him to quit. We dragged him from here to hell and back for you. Wait. You can't do this. We tried to help."
"But I'm one of the Good Ones!"
Right? Can you hear them? Christian. White. Male. Straight. Married. Kids. I will homeschool and make my wife quit working. I will never get another vaccine.
He also has a secret pornhub acct and sends dick pics to 11 year olds.
You missed "most of the guns"
The country has to lie back and take it.
That’s the plan, just keep killing us till we stop trying
There's more ways to protest. General strike may be effective, crippling the economy.
Needs strike funds and other supports. But yes
Step 1 of constitutional presidency: outlaw striking Step 2: kill resisting strikers Optional step 3: pardon vigilantes that kill strikers They aren’t being subtle.
This is what’s so stupid about our current situation. Project 2025 needs a compliant Congress. But the President can just kill Congress until it’s compliant. Or he can just pardon vigilantes that kill congress until it’s compliant. The whole edifice rests on the conscience of the president.
They have a disadvantage that a general strike is not localized. It's a stay at home event. It's a general withholding of labor. It needs no more than that. But if it's anytime to be scared of ANY scenarios, it's now.
What happens if they find out it not only won’t be bloodless, but they have to spill their own blood first?
If the left were half as tenacious as these goons, every grandma on Facebook would be howling for the next five years about how John Roberts brother Kevin is orchestrating a coup. Instead, I won't hear another thing about this by tomorrow.
Jesus Christ that's fucking chilling
Slavery or death, the right does not offer appealing choices.
Joe Biden name the heritage foundation as enemy combatants challenge
If people don't vote against Trump and the right-wingers they will def seize power and we won't get another shot of voting them out
Professor says it best: don't believe me, believe them. They can't be more clear about their fascist objectives.
AOC has initiated impeachment proceedings against the 6 SCOTUS clowns. May 534 flowers bloom.
You think that's actually going to get anywhere?
This is the difference between the left and right. We critique every effort to highlight the crisis we’re in while the right universally and wholeheartedly backs every single batshit scheme they come up with. That’s why heritage is telling us to surrender. It’s the most practical option after all.
Forgive me for being a little skeptical that this will actually work, considering the last time we tried to impeach. Highlighting doesn't do anything. Pointing to a building fire and saying "That building is on fire!" doesn't actually put the fire out.
Saying that the building is on fire and trying to get people to treat it as a building which is on fire does a hell of a lot more than telling those people “ehh, that won’t work”
You can support AOC's attempt at impeachment without pretending that it will be effective. Pretending like pointing out how ineffectual it will be is what keeps the left from mobilizing as well as the right is riduclous. The reason we don't have a consensus is because liberals love fascism.