Holzman-Tweed (he-suite)

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Holzman-Tweed (he-suite)


Half the world population of Holzman-Tweeds
I didn't think I'd have to say it this time, but here we are: On Jan 20, 2025, either Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or Donald Trump will be inaugurated as POTUS. That list is exhaustive. Whoever else you think is on that list isn't and you are deluded.
Memo to these people floating the "mini-primary" baloon: No.
If a Dem wins the White House and they do OK in congressional races this fall, it will be due to the thankless efforts of organizers, volunteers, and voters who understood what the stakes are. Not the jackasses in the Democratic Party elite
I have zero faith that the Democratic Party can smoothly pull off a high-risk maneuver like switching out Biden (let alone the entire ticket; let alone at such a late date)
Observation/realization: Much of western atheism is a reaction to Christianity. It is also in conversation with Christianity, which is often why they’re foils. I mean, what is an edgelord nu atheist/antitheist if not a Christian supremacist rooting for the rival team?
wealth tax! wealth tax!
Billionaire Dem donors will not rest until their preferred Romney-Manchin ticket loses to Trump so badly it makes 1984 look like a squeaker
Everybody contending that the entirety of Israel is an illegitimate settler-colony which must be expunged ("We don't want '48, we want all of it!") -- you're just as much in defiance of the international legal principles enshrined in today's decision as Bibi is. Congrats on your grand company.
ICJ Prez Salam: "It was on the basis of [the 48 partition] resolution ... that both Israel and Palestine proclaimed their existence.... neither Israel nor Palestine can claim to derive rights from the resolution while rejecting or ignoring the rights of the other party enshrined in the same text."
Anyone whose moral code focuses on "I don't want to feel complicit" rather than "I want to improve things for others" is doing nothing, just with extra mental steps.
/me watches the discourse about the Crowdstrike incident And just like that, everyone's suddenly a security architect. Dot Gif.
If you think Harris isn't articulate and Trump is it just means you think articulate means white
The fact they played a video of a guy making monkey sounds at Black people at the fucking convention to hype up the crowd not being front page news across the nation is proof not one of those publications deserves to exist
Picard judgment tip: First, believe your own senses.
Instead of screenshotting me to make a point amongst yourselves or whip up your anger, why not just go discuss how you can work on being more anti-racist with a Black person you’re in community with? You *are* in community with multiple Black people, of course?
💯 which is why a key layer of Covid prevention is increased paid sick leave. Sadly in response to CDC lowering their guidelines, places like NY *took away* sick leave. This is why accurate CDC guidelines are important. www.crainsnewyork.com/health-pulse...
Hochul administration eliminates state employees’ Covid-19 sick leavewww.crainsnewyork.com Despite a budget deal to end a universal sick leave policy next year, the benefit has vanished for state workers immediately.
Yeah, this’ll make them shut up
The billionaire who's been bribing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito donated a $10 million bribe to Senate Republicans to block Supreme Court reforms and investigations. Everyone understands these are bribes. Normalize calling them bribes.
Facing Dem Scrutiny, Alito Benefactor Paul Singer Donates $10 Million to GOPreadsludge.com The donation, to the Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund, is Singer’s largest ever.
I am begging journalists to ask even ONE of the Dump Biden crowd if they know anything about the 1968 Presidential race
If anyone wants an example of what AOC was talking about/why Martin Heinrich just called for Biden to drop out, this passage from Wednesday's NYT offers a doozy.
If the winning strategy for the GOP is "Don't let those Black people vote!" Then I humbly* ask that the counter for that be "No, let those Black people vote!" Instead of Dem's current strategy, which seems to be, "I hate Black people too!" (*Nothing humble about it. And I'm not asking.)
A47/P25 is horrible. It isn’t laid out clearly, but all the pieces are there. They want to declare LGBTQ existence as porn, and ban it declaring anyone LGBTQ a sex offender by law. This is the outcome of an abstention or 3rd party vote.
This is just another laughable thing we all kind of shrug off at this point, but if you actually let yourself think about it, it's deeply, deeply horrifying.
During her speech to the RNC, Kimberly Guilfoyle called out the "heroes who stormed Normandy and faced down communism." If there's one thing that today's Republican Party will avoid at any cost, it's criticizing Nazis.
I dunno, maybe listening to Biden advice from the same media that is currently giving a tongue bath to the Republican National Committee isn't the smartest thing for the Democratic coalition. Could just be me.
the effects of the last year will be felt in diaspora for a long time it feels like Bigots on both sides using us as shields to say the shit they have always wanted to say, while just like Bibi and Hamas, Jews and Palestinians are stuck between two political powers that don't give a shit about them
The pressures as a Jew to speak about things have largely subsided as folks move on, but I still have boot marks on my back on folks who were happy to listen to me when I was talking about how I am an AntiZionist, but not my problems with your friends using Zionist like their grandparents said Kike.
Hey,remember when Republicans wore purple bandaid to mock Kerry's Purple Hearts?
Policy of trump ,AfD, Putin: all Putin's fascists... But guess what: bsky.app/profile/tris...
BREAKING: Russia concedes defeat in Black Sea, withdraws remaining fleet in retreat from Crimea, over to the east end of the Sea in Abkhazia (part of Georgia that Russia invaded and illegally holds). Ukraine has WON the naval war for the Black Sea. Next stop: liberating Crimea
This image the RNC just showed in a video purporting to be from J.D. Vance's military service is a $33 stock photo
A Florida Supreme Court justice sided with a Native American tribe seeking to shield billions in betting revenue. During the proceedings, the tribe made an unusually large campaign contribution to the justice’s wife, a state legislator. This is just one of dozens of similar cases we found.
Even When Big Cases Intersect With Their Families’ Interests, Many Judges Choose Not to Recusewww.propublica.org Ambiguous — and unenforced — recusal standards mean few checks and balances for top judges when cases involve their family members.