Huntington W. Sharp

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Huntington W. Sharp

In 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Wisconsin about the importance of the Supreme Court. She warned that 2016 was "make or break" for the court—and the country. National media—focused on her emails and Trump's antics—barely covered the speech.
Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign—and the Media Barely Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court.
By delaying Trump's Jan 6 trial, the Supreme Court's far-right justices have effectively become Trump campaign surrogates.
Olivia Colman's eyes project humanity and kindness in a way that can't be acted. I like her very much, and I hope that one day she will be my friend.
Alack, thou dost usurp authority.
I’ve texted so many friends: “Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” takes place on June 27th. Enjoy your day!” Heheheheheehehe. 🪨
Do you know any ten-year-olds? Go look at them. They were born before gay Americans could have their marriages federally recognized. Today is the 9th anniversary of Obergefell. It is that new, it is that fragile, and if the Democrats lose power, it could go away in a blink. Please vote accordingly.
‘That austerity was ideological, unnecessary and ultimately futile in terms of its stated objectives should be at the front of our minds whenever we consider its consequences.’ Tom Crewe on fourteen years of Conservative government:
Tom Crewe · Carnival of Self-Harm: Good Riddance to the ​It would be a mistake to think that what has happened to Britain since 2010 is an accident, an unforeseen side-effect...
If Biden loses in Nov, well, that’s a disaster for everybody, but not especially for Joe Biden, he’ll be okay (unless revenge indictments start flying) but if Trump loses, that’s 100% absolutely a massive catastrophic personal tragedy for him, and I really hope you all join me in making that happen
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
Ukraine destroying a Russian space communication center as Russia bombs Ukrainian hospitals, grain infrastructure, and apartment buildings highlights the contrast between the two sides in the war regarding capabilities, morality, and strategy.
The first ‘cafe au lait’ dahlia of the year is now blooming 🎉✨🌱
By withholding a ruling on Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court's far-right justices are effectively giving Trump the immunity he's seeking, making it all but impossible for him to face trial before the election for his efforts to overturn the election and his role in Jan 6.
As today is Juneteenth and it's also Pride month, I'm going to point those who only know Saints Marsha and Sylvia from Stonewall at Black butch lesbian Stormé DeLarverie who almost certainly was the one who said to throw the brick.
Stormé DeLarverie -
I can't believe I even have to say this, but it is not normal that the Supreme Court is taking its sweet time to decide if a former president is immune from prosecution for inciting an insurrection to overturn an election. This should have been decided already. The answer is no!
Russia surprised Ukraine with a new northern offensive, gained some land, but couldn't achieve anything like breakthrough and exploitation. Russia has a lot of bodies to throw, but military problems evident at the start remain. So Russia terrorizes Ukrainian civilians (and hopes for a Trump win).
i think we should stop giving our ai bots female names (alexa, siri) and give them names from the old white boys club (john, james, chad) in honor of how overconfident and annoying they are even when they’re completely wrong or making stuff up
It's increasingly clear that the people who make generative AI don't like films, don't like books, don't like art of any kind, and don't understand why anyone else does.
school kids bunkered in a classroom around the nation hearing rapid fire shots in the corridor will be very happy to know that well akshually /technically/ it's an altered semiautomatic rifle with a plastic mechanism designed to allow rapid re-engagement of the trigger mechanism and not a machinegun
The Supreme Court dismissing challenges to the FDA's approval of mifepristone is good news, but the fight's not over. A MAGA-controlled FDA could effectively ban all abortion medications without even involving the courts or Congress. Abortion access is on the ballot this fall.
i'm sorry, but if you don't see beauty in an "aria di frociaggine," can you ever see beauty in this world?
Vought believes that he must destroy the Constitution to save the “original” Constitution, meaning a Constitution that, in his mind, enshrines Anglo-Protestant supremacy in perpetuity.
Trump loyalist pushes ‘post-constitutional’ vision for second Russ Vought, the former president’s budget director, is laying the groundwork for a broad expansion of presidential powers.
meanwhile us on the normie left can advocate for ranked choice while NOT aiding authoritarianism it's like walking and chewing gum. far too complex for the hard left.
You can eat a cheeseburger a day for an entire year and your diet will still not have the greenhouse gas impact of one fucking billionaire flying his cars to Europe and back one time, can we please stop with the lie that this is an individual consumer responsibility problem not a systemic issue.
PSA: there are many ways to reduce the impact of diet! it’s not “go vegan or nothing” one thing I do: meal kit box research sez the impact of meal kit packaging is far outweighed by the reductions in food waste they drive hmu if you want a free Blue Apron box, I got a few to give away
Libraries are one of the most radical social institutions we have, because they’re based on the idea that *everyone* has the right to information, for free. It’s also what makes them crucial to democracy. I will never stop yelling about this!
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
The happiest of all pride months to those of us who celebrate. To those who secretly celebrate, and to those who are currently struggling. You matter, you are loved, you are valid, and it will be okay. Stay safe. 🌈♥️
34 felony convictions 54 pending criminal charges 2 impeachments 2 popular vote losses $88M owed to E Jean Carroll $450M owed for civil fraud $8T added to nat'l debt 2.9M net loss of jobs Is this what Trump meant when he promised "numbers like we've never seen"?