
How am I supposed to explain health insurance to my children. How do I look them in the eye and tell them about depravity and perversion such as "deductibles"
"coinsurance" is the most evil because it sounds like "cosy", it sounds we're all in it together when it means "fuck you for being sick."
We want you to experience financial pain to discourage you from getting medical care. Welcome to the medically approved Skinner box, sweetie.
When you’re done with them could you please explain it to me
I feel like health insurance doesn't even allow you to have children without inventing 6 new ways to take your money and deny care.
The day I understood what a deductible was I felt one of the last vestiges of my childhood innocence evaporate.
Man, I still can't figure out what it is, my partner has tried to explain it a dozen times but I think he's just making things up
Just wait until they hear about the insurance claim denial grab-bag.
Wife & I took turns not being covered for care when they got booboos. Made them use toys as copays. That kinda thing. Gotta start em early but they catch on.
PSA: "Talk to your kids about insurance... Before Kaiser Permanente does!"
Is ass reattachment claimable or is it considered cosmetic surgery
All depends on how cute your ass is.
mr hippo i agree they’re simply too young to know about the donut hole
So Americans are not allowed to teach sexual education to children but they have to learn about this inhuman health care system? I know which subject is scarier!
I know which subject I learned about first lmao
A little deductible is like a little skin in the game The grosser perversion is automatic denial of coverage If M4 all turns out to = Medicare Advantage that's going to be ugly depravity
Your whatever falls off But the insurance company gets a veto on coverage Having a gym membership doesn't quite make up for the denial
I have explained the American insurance system to Europeans a lot since moving to Amsterdam and they are always baffled and horrified. I’ve thought of explaining the promise of GoFundMe campaigns for cancer care but I just don’t think I can spread that cruel truth to the world.
Dental care covered $0 of my 8-year old’s anesthesia for the extraction of 2 teeth. I have insurance and they didn’t cover NITROUS for the extraction of 2 teeth in a young child at an oral surgeon.
Had to explain it to a couple Italian friends coming to study here in the US for a while and it broke me to see their utter horror and confusion cuz they were 100% correct.
had to google this. state-funded healthcare ftw.
You think deductibles are bad, just wait until you have to explain to them the concept of "coinsurance" and "maximum out of pocket," to say nothing of "preexisting conditions."
Then there's out of network emergency services. Yikes!
“The phrase ‘you need to hit your deductible first’ is nowhere near as sexy as it might sound.”
Move. Europe‘s nice this time of the year.
Son in Germany is finishing up a one month stay at pulmonary rehab facility after a horrific lung infection. Here in the US he would have been back at work Jan 1st. Very grateful for German health care system.
My colleague had something similar over Christmas. Doctor insisted he stay home all of January to recover and because he considered the risk of reinfection right after this one too high. He still gets paid for the entire month and comes back to work healthy and happy. Nice, isn‘t it?
Was this in Germany?
This was out of the blue and very unusual. 4 liters of thick fluid in pleural cavity. No one ever really gave us an answer as to what caused it. Very unusual in otherwise healthy 40 year old.
Yes, if you find yourself living in a dystopian society, moving to a better place might be a smart decision 👍.
I don't have a college degree. That makes moving abroad a little difficult.
Unless you're disabled and get auto denied visas based on that or have Healthcare needs that tend to be restricted or unavailable in a lot of places
I hadn‘t thought of these restrictions. My experience is very limited.
Just like landlords. "Rich people feel entitled to something (our money) for nothing but holding something we need (in this case healthcare) hostage."
Tell the child what "100% coinsurance" means, and watch the light leave their eyes.
You tell them that it and many other things in our society are completely made up bullshit designed to keep most people fucked at the enrichment of a small handful of people. May as well let them in on the secrets society likes to keep.
I remember my mom explaining it to me years ago and I felt all the energy get drained from my body. like, what do you mean I have to pay to stay safe 😭
I don't want to. It's too uncomfortable. Can't the school do it? Maybe have the gym teacher come in once a week. Probably should separate the boys and girls, since insurance affects them both differently.
Unironically I had to explain that we were scheduling a necessary procedure for one of my kids the same week as Christmas because "we needed the doctor so much this year that Aetna has to pay all of the cost if it happens now, but they can make us pay $2000 next week"
"They're very greedy and they hope we'll avoid the doctor, but this year we disappointed them. Good job. Do you want Whataburger or McDonald's for lunch afterwards?"
with the facial expression of that meme with the baby crying while holding the gun. thats how.
Mr. CPO, don’t forget. You don’t have to have kids lol
You do if you’re female, but don’t expect it to be covered by insurance.
Join the military, problem solved.