Pale Centaur

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Pale Centaur

A weirdo who likes to snowboard and yell at people online. Mostly post sunset pictures. Socialist of some sort. He/him

New band name: Silver Mountain Boys
I honestly love that YouTube filters your own comments to the top, so if you go back and watch a video after a long time away from it you get a little surprise time capsule right there, with a joke you totally forgot you made and that only you find absolutely hilarious.
Decided to bail on the third date with this person because a night later I had a first date with someone else and it reminded me that you are, in fact, supposed to actually like someone if you're dating them, more than just tolerating them.
Third date: acquired.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
As a reminder for you all, this isn't even something Trump said in the last week. This is from several years ago--if memory serves, this is from during the 2016 campaign season.
If Biden said something like this it would spell the end of not only his campaign but his current tenure. It's just one of countless examples of insane gibberish from Trump that the press & Democrats are choosing to treat as an immutable part of the electoral landscape rather than a story or issue.
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Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
I just got a text that I was selected for part-time and full-time work earning between US$300 and US$1,000 an hour and I can participate in the work with a mobile phone or computer, so screw you all I’m outta here lol
It's incredibly frustrating that we're destroying the only we have environment for the sake of silly toys that don't work.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
This post is so old that it's the first time I've seen a date next to the post instead of "4mo ago" etc.
I don't want to "pay bills" and "go to meetings" and "mow the lawn" I just wanna be a scary lesbian warlord in a post-apocalyptic wasteland
As a Bay Area native, I have insisted for years that there is exactly one district in the country in which Nancy Pelosi could win, and it happens to be the district she represents. Appointing her as the lifelong empress of the party was an absolutely insane choice.
one thing for me is imo an underappreciated factor: congressional dems hand out seats - and with it power - with seniority prioritized. dem leadership, the seniority, are in virtually untouchable districts, with tons of power and money to make people not even think about challenging them.
I'm now at the point where the white font with dark mode on my phone has the letters separating into red and green on my screen. Wild stuff.
And if you go to suggest that I was high when I noticed this and that's why it's so fascinating," no, I'm pretty sure the edible hadn't hit yet because I'd only taken it half an hour before.
I think this is the first time I've ever seen ravens in person. And they definitely sounded very distinct from crows, too. Not sure why this was so fascinating to me, but it was.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
i'm just annoyed that liberals looked any politician who was AT LEAST skeptical of capitalism & went "naw lets go with the segregationist architect of the school to prison labor pipeline" now they're all like, how could this happen.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Step down for the birthday boys
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
missed opportunity to refer to him as “blastberg”
Jeff Bezos and Demi Moore are friends with this guys explosive diarrhea but don't like him so much
It's 1 in the afternoon and I still haven't gotten out of bed. Honestly, this is great.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Lmao the Tories literally lost an entire country, get owned
BBC is also reporting that eight current Conservative cabinet ministers will not only lose their cabinet seats but have also lost their parliamentary seats. This seems like such a stunning repudiation of the Conservative Party. You really do love to see it.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Due to the fireworks, New York City's air quality is the worst in the world tonight. When AQI is low, it's a good idea to wear a mask to protect your health. But this could soon be a crime, as one of the mask ban bills prohibits masks at "lawful assemblies." #NoNYMaskBan
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
I’ve seen and blocked five generative ai image accounts today that are posing as actual digital artists- please keep an eye out for these and avoid interacting with their posts don’t reply to them or quote their posts: just block them
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
History will recall that the New York Times, that bastion of "the liberal media," on July 4, 2024 chose to give prime space on their op-ed page to a theocratic absolutist who argued that people shouldn't vote, even though he himself has voted in the last 2 elections (but nowhere is that mentioned).
When I first saw this I thought "no, that can't possibly be true." But alas, the Times did indeed choose today of all days to publish a right winger's recycled piece about how they don't vote, failing to mention that the author basically thinks absolutist theocracies are cool.
Something funny I just noticed: When was the last time the right made a big deal about Antifa?
Happy birthday, Monstercat.
[Dubstep] - Ephixa - Dubstep Killed Rock 'n' Roll [Monstercat Release] Album Cover Prints for 001 Available Now! - --- Thank-you for taking part in launch week, many new releases to come! Subscribe! Get it @ ***Pickup the album to support up and coming artists OR click on the track name to buy this track only!*** **Want Ephixa Merch?** Check out the brand new Monstercat website! A lot of hard work was put into it and we're very proud of the product! Visit it at New videos every Monday/Wednesday/Friday! Don't forget to subscribe! ▼ Follow Monstercat: Snapchat: Monstercat YouTube: Spotify: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Soundcloud: Google+: Follow Ephixa: Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Youtube: . ▼ Want some new Merchandise? Monstercat 017 - Ascension is now available! Support your favourite rising Monstercat artists with a purchase here: / ----------------------------------- Want to use this song in your own videos? Please go to:
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
Sad to see that MD is where the "has more prisons than colleges" line begins.
Reposted byAvatar Pale Centaur
This 4th of July it’s important to remember that it’s not fireworks your dog is afraid of but rather the unfettered corruption of the American government
Oops, missed posting this on the anniversary of taking it. But I've now been on Bluesky for over a year!
Live reaction of me getting a Bluesky invite.
Fun fact: Burlington, VT does its fireworks show on July 3rd instead of July 4th. That way, all the other towns can put on their own fireworks shows and still have people show up to watch them. Because if you CAN see a fireworks show over Lake Champlain, why wouldn't you?
Going to need to line up all my instruments side by side and get a picture of the whole family. Let's see if I remember to do that once I finally get a day off.
I know! It pairs really well with the guitar I got in November too!
Some sunset photos from the last week that never got posted!
I've had my original bass guitar (a Yamaha RBX-375) for 10 years now. Only got it because it was cheap enough that I could justify it as a beginner bass to learn how to play, but I think it's served its purpose. Decided it was time for an upgrade, and I am so excited to play this thing.