Isaac Erbele

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Isaac Erbele

Ear/lateral skull base surgeon, ENT associate program director, associate professor, former fencer. Views my own, not the DoD's/DHA's.
The thing about most of these policy recommendations is that they don't work. Like, down the list, Heritage recommends privitizing Tricare. The juice from that lemon has been squeezed, and there's nothing left. What they propose is eliminating one of the very few remaining safety nets left...
Via @malhdavis on Xitter: Military Folks, @Heritage, the creators of Project 2025, have laid out a detailed budget reform plan to fulfill their “conservative agenda”. Which includes gutting military retirement & VA disability benefits. 🇺🇸🫡 Read the thread here:
I just finished 's infuriating book: "Holding it Together." I can't recommend it highly enough.
I'm *in* the army, and imma bout to mute "ARMY"
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Hard side eye for any academics blorping on about using AI, it’s an ethical disaster in every dimension and the failure to acknowledge that vs trying to look shiny & clever for the bandwagon is frankly embarrassing.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
I appreciate the offer, but I'm kinda busy building my otolaryngology practice
tbh I'd vote for an Ent
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
“Instead of a competitive, grant-based framework, academia should switch to a model of trust, cooperation, and sustained employment. Researchers should receive sustained budgeting as long as their work maintains high quality (validated by peers), regardless of the outcomes.” -Katrien Vandenbroeck
Preventing bad behavior in academia. “We gave young scientists this prompt: Describe one change to scientific policy or culture that would substantially decrease incidents of scientific misconduct or other unethical behavior.”
Preventing bad behavior in We gave young scientists this prompt: Describe one change to scientific policy or culture that would substantially decrease incidents of scientific misconduct or other unethical behavior.
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Have you ever wanted to learn #Rstats, but you were too busy to dive into it? If so, you can attend one of the upcoming sessions of my acclaimed online 2-days workshop “Getting started with R for busy people”. Learn more here:, but you were too busy to dive into it? If so, you can attend one of the upcoming sessions of my acclaimed online 2-days workshop “Getting started with R for busy people”. Learn more here:
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
I could have used this thread a week ago!
This week in my "science graduate student skills for success" course we're talking about getting interviewed by journalists about your research. Scientists and science communicators who have been interviewed a lot, what top tips do you have for beginners? How do you prepare for an interview? 🧪
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
I fear the effects of Loper on health care. This part makes my head spin: 'Courts’ decades long deference to agencies on these policies is “misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the decision.'
Maybe Marbury is the problem here?
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
this is actually an insane claim, lmao
I read the study, and I'm not convinced the specimen represents T21. It's based on finding mild inner ear malformations in a child. The authors discuss several alternative syndromes, but not every human with an inner ear malformation has a syndrome.
A tiny ear bone shows a Neanderthal child 140,000+ years ago lived with #DownSyndrome for years, supported by their prehistoric kin. It's the oldest known case of the chromosomal disorder–and powerful evidence for care in the past.
Bones reveal first evidence of Down syndrome in Individual’s survival into early childhood suggests a high level of community care
I was honored to talk to ABC News about our study, too:
I didn't sound as bad as I thought! And I'm delighted to join the ranks of neurologists out there. #medsky
Did my first live interview. Thank you KCBS! If anyone listened to it in San Francisco, you can tell me how I sounded. 🫣
Unpopular opinion: the loss meme is distasteful and it should be retired
Did my first live interview. Thank you KCBS! If anyone listened to it in San Francisco, you can tell me how I sounded. 🫣
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Far be it from me to compliment the Times' political section, but this is a good baseline to send to friends who are lovable morons, vaingloriously checked out, recently awoke from a snakebite-induced coma, or have spent the last half-decade on a well-deserved bender.
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Oh... wow. Sometimes I (not a baby 😄) put on white or pink noise to sleep, but usually on the lowest volume setting my phone allows. I had no idea these machines were loud
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Also: this came out of a convo about academics writing for the press. If your research has interesting implications and you're willing/able to write about it for a newspaper audience, it can be worth pitching arguments to Opinions or more sciencey/servicey news to other sections of the Post!
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Interesting research and delighted to be part of the village making newspaper out of Bluesky
I'm super excited becasue this is my first article in the lay press. I'd like to thank Emily Codik, Pooh Shapiro, and for their help and patience. Crazy to think it started out as a bluesky conversation in a post!
I'm super excited becasue this is my first article in the lay press. I'd like to thank Emily Codik, Pooh Shapiro, and for their help and patience. Crazy to think it started out as a bluesky conversation in a post!
My resident and I talk about the use of white noise machines. The maximum volume for the entire night of sleep exceeds NIOSH recommendations. In addition to hurting hearing, it likely also effects sleep and brain development. Turn the volume down! 🎁
Advice | Are white noise machines bad? Here’s what the latest science We conducted a review of the medical literature on white noise machines for young children. All the devices generated alarmingly loud sounds.
My resident and I talk about the use of white noise machines. The maximum volume for the entire night of sleep exceeds NIOSH recommendations. In addition to hurting hearing, it likely also effects sleep and brain development. Turn the volume down! 🎁
Advice | Are white noise machines bad? Here’s what the latest science We conducted a review of the medical literature on white noise machines for young children. All the devices generated alarmingly loud sounds.
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I hate this so much.
We are embarking on a future where it will be less common to see women in positions of professional achievement or authority than we do now—fewer women lawyers, professors, scientists.
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
ngl working on software has completely broken my ability to critique work online I want to rant about a tv show I'm watching but now I think "somebody worked hard on this and they might see this" and all the fun went out of it
Reposted byAvatar Isaac Erbele
Every academic article has a corresponding author whose email address is listed on the first page. If an article is paywalled, just send a short, polite email requesting a PDF from the author. 95% of the time you’ll receive it within a day. People like knowing their work is being read!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.