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I guess all pardons are now effectively indulgences purchased by the rich, since pardons are official acts.
imagine going 0-34, even the hue jackson browns went 3-36-1
So amazing!
Really exciting stuff happening in oncology, y'all. A doctor with glioblastoma—an aggressive brain cancer that kills most patients less than a year after diagnosis—has now been cancer-free for a year, thanks to a world-first personalized vaccine.
Richard Scolyer: Top doctor remains brain cancer-free after a Richard Scolyer has undergone a new treatment for glioblastoma, based on his own melanoma research.
Avatar is the country doomed by this Supreme Court? I do not see any way that it isn't. With gridlock in congress nothing can change. Is it over?
Here's what I mean about TX posturing leading to real death: Jan 12, these kids, Yorlei Rubi, 10, and Jonathan Agustín Briones de la Sancha, 8, drowned with their mother after TX Nat Guard, on orders from Gov. Abbott, blocked Feds from assisting. Cld Feds have made a difference? We'll never know.
TIME ASSASSIN BOSS: “Okay, when you get back to 1940, you only have one shot at killing Hitler.” ME: “Absolutely. I just need to make one stop first.”
Nothing will stop the Right from launching reactionary crusades against “woke” people and institutions they hate. But the way this has been amplified, legitimized, and propagated by mainstream media pretending *any* part of this was about academic integrity and excellence is just disgusting.
If you google "New York Times Gorsuch plagiarism" the top hit is...a story about what a great writer Gorsuch is, and a link to allegations of plagiarism against Claudine Gay.
"I don't agree with the far-right's push to terrorize academia into silence, but they do make good points about citation standards and footnoting" has the ring of "Of course I don't support the GOP's attempt to end American democracy, but they have good ideas about the tax code" to it.
Avatar way to go Jake! They can bully media into any position, even when they admit before hand that's their intention.
Harvard President Claudine Gay has resigned. I've updated my story on why she was removed (right wing campaign against DEI) and how (mainstream media amplified the story until her position was untenable). See Rufo's response below: it's open season now.
Trying to have sex in the cybertruck and accidentally getting your virginity back
What's a random Simpsons quote that pops into your head all the time?
If Shaun be White, you’re snowboarding all right If Shaun be King, buddy it’s a whole fucking thing
Hickory's ready for the change of season,
knock this website all you want but I just realized I haven’t heard what Glenn Greenwald thinks about anything for months
This x1000. Been saying it for awhile. That's how you can rebalance society
Sen. Bernie Sanders on #SOTU: United States should begin a "serious discussion" about a shorter, four-day work week. "People are overwhelmed. If new technology is going to make us a more productive society, the benefits should go to the workers."
Avatar Juneau is particularly smiley. Hickory...always looks like that
Your mom is the world's largest importer
End of feed.