Jen needs more cats to follow

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Jen needs more cats to follow

Book Dealer, Consultant, Long Covid Pt, Writer, Cat Mom & Witch, Live-in Caretaker. Lefty Progressive; BLM, LGBTQ+ ally. Anti-capitalist. Everyone deserves living wages! Partnered, not a domestic supplier of infants. She/her.
Drove into New Hampshire today, and immediately saw a “Democrats Will Protect Your Reproductive Rights” billboard with an American flag and a bald eagle on it, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Excellent work. More of that please.
So voting is better than *not* voting when it comes to getting what you want? Huh.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
Fight against daunting odds, because it’s the right thing to do, and because sometimes you win.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
How do so many people with cats not actually understand cats? Cats have some basic rules: 1. they love a defensible position, which generally means heights 2. they seek heat 3. given a small enclosed space with walls, most cats will opt for that 4. cats' kidneys are trash; access to water matters.
Can #LawSky tell me how this doesn't violate First Sale Doctrine? "Tesla Vehicle Order Agreement states if a Cybertruck owner sells the EV during the first year, they can be fined $50,000 and be banned from buying future Teslas."
Following a lot of new people / cats this week. In addition to cats, I'm obsessed with medicine and science.
I like cats. So. If you are a Cat, I'm gonna follow you If you are human Staff & appropriately worship your Cat by filling your feed with their photos, I'm gonna follow you If you are Fae disguised as a Cat, I'm definitely gonna follow you, but you already know that Followbacks never required 🐾
TOP TEN CAT BREEDS 1. Honey Glazed Babydoot 2. Angel Bimp 3. Dutch Crumbstalker 4. Legendary Porch Gremlin 5. Eastern Dreamy Peanut 6. Kevin 7. Loaf+ (subscription only) 8. Detective Nosey Primbus 9. Creeper SURPRISE 10. Humble Trashlord
It's Infusion Day. First time. Mom will be getting Keytruda for stage 3b/4 metastatic sarcoma lung cancer. So far, it has NOT spread outside the lungs (according to most recent PET scan). A brain MRI scheduled for later in the month will confirm that.
We talk a lot about Gina Carano’s historic bag fumble but it’s even worse than just giving up Disney money, you were playing a muscular-thicc Star Wars lady with a side-shave and you alienated queer people, that’s like if Doc Martens said they were only for straight men
In clinical trials of new treatments, when the treatment is clearly and obviously immediately effective it is sometimes considered unethical to continue to withhold it from the control group. Pretty sure we passed that milestone about a decade ago with basic income experiments.
Fresh basic income pilot results, this time from Arlington, Virginia where 200 people got $500 a month for 2 years. The findings: Employment INCREASED by 16%, and their incomes from paid work INCREASED by 37%. The control group saw no such gains.
Mom is stoned for the first time in 40 years (more on that later) .......and she's bingeing the Hobbit and LOTR movies because they are Christmas movies and that's definitely a hill to die on
Bring cognizant of mortality sucks 10/10 do not recommend
Pushing my emphysema stricken grandmother around in a wheelchair when I was ages 8 to 16 was training for pushing my emphysema and possibly lung cancer striken mother around in a wheelchair when I was ages 45 to ??? (47 atm). Don't fucking smoke, people. Please.
2000: maybe the future will be flying cars 2023: every time you drink coffee, the mug sends your mouthprints to the police
“Record profits” is just another way of saying “stolen wages”
These dogs look like the villains in a movie where a golden retriever wins a snowboarding tournament
If there is a large graveyard filled with your enemies it implies that you have either created some blanket grievance against an entire tragedy-beset village or you insist upon specific local burial rites for your mass murder victims and frankly either of those imply issues beyond the weird violence
This is beautiful
This is the best bit of advice I’ve seen on the internet 😂
New game plan. Every single time an insurer unnecessarily delays care, I file a complaint with the state. Every time. Encourage others to do the same. If you’re in Tennessee, that’s
As you contemplate going home for the holidays, especially if you have any vocal MAGA relations, remember this coping strategy: Hear everything they say for what it is: from a brainwashed cult of millions who have been misled and manipulated.
Mood: Neuropathy being all dramatic again Motivation to process inventory (i.e. earning money to feed me/my cat) super low. Ecommerce sales abnormally low Eating disorder making an appearance Hot water for the first time in 5 days!!! NO shoulder pain! 😭
Well I’m putting the needle down and calling it finished. Over 50 different colours of thread and plenty of days, weeks & hours of stitching, this is my latest embroidery… 🧵🌿🌺🪡 *all freehand stitched without patterns, paint or guides. #stitchedart #embroideryartist #thesewingsongbird
Social media is so weird. One minute you're complaining about having no hot water (again) The next minute you're telling people about the time your uncle absconded with your grandmother's ashes to "punish her in the afterlife" And then you upload a picture of your sleeping cat
it is my personal opinion that when you direct a bomb at a military target within a crowd of civilians, with the full knowledge that the civilians will be hit, you are in fact "targeting" civilians for all intents and purposes
Would it help explain why the UN is so utterly f**king uninterested in stopping genocide if I told you the exec director of UNICEF is married to the CEO of BlackRock? The slaughter of Palestinians is too profitable. #CorruptAF #IDUPlaybook
My cat is trying to eat her warming pad and has now bunched it up into a ball and then laid down on it. That's new. #CatsOfBluesky
Feeling oddly cranky the past couple of days so I'm going to go leave five-star reviews on some local small businesses' Google pages. That always puts me in a good mood.
Does anyone know of any Cat accounts on Xitter that want to come here? I've got 3 codes to give out. I posted over there, but no takers bc I don't think those posts are being seen. Also willing to give codes to volcanoes, lakes, earthquake faults and other geographic landmark accounts.
100% this
Yo, if ANYONE comes to your door in costume they get candy. If they DON’T have a costume, they get candy. As a kid who grew up poor and often had a ”lazy costume”, fuck you. Don’t be a classist shit bag. Give everyone candy who wants to participate in Halloween regardless. Keep the magic alive. 🦴🦴🦴