Jenn Mercer, CT

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Jenn Mercer, CT

ATA-Certified French to English Translator with artisanal sleep schedule (she/her) collector of comics (Mostly Marvel), very much etc.
I've been trying to think of a cool caption for this photo, but I think I will just say it's a Monday and you look like you might need this
Hi, my name is Jenn and I was diagnosed with ADHD at 50. Some days I have my doubts, other days... At this point, I've decided to just lean in and let the shiny take me away
every time I see someone complain about unions I think about how unions were the consensus alternative to the previous system of burning the factory owner alive inside his house
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
Behold Jupiter's perfect little paws
The problem isn't that AI can do your job (it can't). The problem is management thinks AI can do your job.
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
nailed it.
biden will say "i respect the jury's decision and i love my beautiful boy" and nothing more and republicans will be feral
Shima reading ur posts
Lucy reading ur posts
Godzilla 1954 is very specifically against the bomb and making bigger bombs to intimidate each other into living peacefully. Godzilla Minus One is a giant fuck you to even the idea of war.
The aids quilt, circa 1996. There's no way to truly explain or express how I feel when I think that AIDS is a chronic but manageable condition today. It feels like fantasy. I want to go back in time and tell 14 year old me that someday there will be hope.
Everyone: Okay, about to start this Godzilla Minus One movie. Pray 4 Tokyo lol Everyone 90 minutes later: God in heaven. Cinema is the language of dream and nightmare. War is a crime against life itself
godzilla minus one needs to be mandatory viewing for studio execs, lock them in a room together and leave it on a loop until their eyes bleed and they realize you can make a great movie on $15M with the right writing and direction
This is a brilliant article that goes from the deeper themes in the original Godzilla to the silent, nauseating fear that we have waited too long to resist or even mitigate climate change. But more than that, you need to know Godzilla Minus One is a cinematic marvel
The absolute masterpiece Godzilla Minus One is on Netflix! Here’s something I wrote last year digging into Godzilla as the embodiment of the embodiment of apocalyptic modernity — a world that gave us climate change as well as The Bomb
Godzilla Is Warning Us Again about the Threats to Our It’s not just nukes: the power at the heart of the Godzilla franchise is our awareness of the global consequences of human folly
There's a reason why I told Athena she had a veto over anything I ever posted about her, and that it wouldn't go up until and unless she said "yes." If she said "no" I didn't argue. (When she was younger and didn't understand the online world, Krissy was the yes/no person. Krissy is VERY private.)
"average American commits 3 felonies a day" factiod actually just statistical error. Spiders Donadl, who lives at Mar-a-Lago & commits over 10,000 felonies each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
I'm above average and I don't manage three felonies a day
Daily bunny no.2503 bribes the security guards
When we finally figured out how to build suits to let cephalopods travel the land easily who knew one type of them would be really into skiing? No one expected a squid pro snow.
I once heard an ornithologist on the CBC say that crows are animals which "have exceeded their evolutionary parameters and are now just bored"
The sideways Y-shaped thing (Scorpions per Wikipedia🦂) that appears 2/3 of the way up the screen in Centipede and goes WeedleWeedleWeedle
Flying bat with predictable but annoying pattern
"What have you been told happens to kitties that try to catch the big fishies?" "The big fishies push them into the pond." "What happened last time?" "They pushed me into the pond." "What happened this time?" "They pushed me into the pond."
Few years back I wrote a fan comic Scooby-Doo/John Constantine short thing. Art fell through, except the last bonus page that drew. It's never been anywhere I think, so here it is, for you guys.