Laura Gooner 🇵🇸

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Laura Gooner 🇵🇸

(twt @hassou__tobi)

he/they. 🌹-ish, autistic enby, 20s, antifa employee, professional lurker, chronic reply guy, dork, g*mer. into US politics in general, electoral politics, right-wing extremism, disinfo, music, and nothing else

no static at all
There's only one replacement for Menendez that we truly deserve
On a funnier AIPAC-related note, just noticed they endorsed Menendez for this cycle lmao
Avatar Hey uh I think this is a big Tanton network moment?
ngl I do miss that period a few years ago when these were the AI images everyone was posting. Wish it had never advanced past this.
lmao I can't recall many dogwhistles *this* blatant in recent memory
It's AMERICANA Friday! I talked to the Dem who overperformed Biden by 20 points in eastern Ohio this week, and looked at how Trump is brazenly reversing old policies/pitching new ones out of nowhere, depriving Dems of some points of attack.
Trump’s splashy campaign promises have an odd common thread | In this edition: Trump’s say-anything policy agenda, results from Tuesday’s MAGA-friendly primaries, and an interview with the Democrat who shaved 20 points off the GOP’s usual margin in an Ohio House...
Love to have a chamber that allows for the majority party to do shit like this. If a Dem supermajority ever happens again, I hope California gets split into 20 states.
This is, at least, not as excruciating to look at as the AI Jesus optical illusions
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I am almost certainly not the first person to do this but w/e
Avatar (idk who else to tag) Not sure if you've seen this account on Twitter yet but they're another far-right account posing as pro-Palestine. I've seen a few leftists on there amplifying and/or following them. (cw: antisemitism, transphobia)
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Oh cool, openly white nationalist Twitter account "End Wokeness" is now in contact with the fucking Speaker of the House
I’m just going to believe that this was his last moment on Earth.
That specific account is one of the worst cesspits on Twitter, and they only really started getting traction after Musk’s purchase. Just a nonstop firehose of “Black/Muslim/Mexican crime” fearmongering, but without all of the usual dogwhistling.
Can’t help but giggle whenever I see a TheQuartering thumbnail. I don’t understand how anyone can unironically think these thumbnails look presentable.
Avatar Did you see this yet? Rufo's ties to a lot of Yarvin-like figures are pretty documented by now but I think this is the first time he's directly connected himself to Yarvin. (also the third guy here is the owner of IM-1776 which Jason Wilson wrote about recently)
Just saw this ad on a news site and I can’t tell if this is AI-generated. Like I can make out some relevant words in the smaller text - “plank”, “straight”, “bent over” - but the rest of the text seems to be complete gibberish.
Also suppose I’ll get my local chudmobile in here. This is the only pic I have, but they have a ton of shit scribbled on their passenger windows too (including claiming mass shootings are false flags).
Avatar Another Stew Peters tweet filled with neo-Nazi / Holocaust denial dogwhistles (noticing, soap, lampshades).
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It's not exactly the same title format but I feel like this thread is just the right time for me to inform everyone of the 90s album by 3/4 of the Talking Heads but with a bunch of guest singers instead of David Byrne
All Spice, no Girls.
Will add that Brian Schatz from HI - one of two Dems absent (alongside 15 GOPs) - put out a statement stating he would have voted to advance the resolution. The other Dem absent was Chris Coons from DE, a very corporate Dem who I’m pretty sure would have opposed it though.
Surely this guy couldn’t have influenced an organized mass of Trump supporters when he tweets this out over anything holding Trump accountable. Surely.