Cloud's Strife

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Cloud's Strife

Climber, reader, skier, runner

Hard to be the shittiest writer on a masthead with Graeme Wood and Conor Friedersdorf, but Nichols manages to stand out.
I see comedy accounts trying to do some actual politics, and boy, it's rough.
Bringing hot furry energy. To the voting booth.
I’ve only knocked doors in Lynn, so I believe it!
Imagine all the macho ball-busting banter we’d get with a love triangle between Chris, Paulie and Furio simmering beneath the surface.
Reposted byAvatar Cloud's Strife
this, in turn, is why a yearn for good, on the ground voter and volunteer profile reporting, and hate twee, overheard in the green room between TV hits reporting.
July, August and September are all about building your volunteer infra, and my main hope is the bad debate showing gets supervols in key states re-activiated, which in turn helps recruit for the GOTV push in Nov. This an abridged version of the events around mid-Sept 2012.
"Project 2025" should be on every Biden vol's call and door script, but you know better than I do that stories, especially specific spins or farmings, don't get traction just because the campaign made a statement on something.
Project 2025 didn’t really get traction until Trump “truthed(?)” a denial of his involvement, which links back to this terrible feedback loop of Trump serving as press’s assignment desk since 2016.
Seeing a lot of hang wringing about what Biden is, or isn't doing, and my fellow travelers in interdenominational faith , the best messenger on the dangers of Project 2025 in your community is you.
Literally, that is that the Biden 2024 team is doing. And, I can stress this enough, you need to get out of your group chats, pick up a clipboard, and have face-to-face conversations with your neighbors about your concerns on what Project 2025 means for your community.
Posters are getting skittish because Biden doesn't have this in the bag in July, and there is simply never a world where the forces of Donald Trump were just going to roll over and leave 2024 uncontested.
The wise man bowed his head
Democrats 2012: Look at those Republicans, grasping at straws to deny the polls showing their candidate losing. Democrats 2024: Unskew the polls!
“Two different groups of people, with two different arguments and agendas, are actually the same you absolute imbecile” is peak split-the-baby-ism.
Literally, that is that the Biden 2024 team is doing. And, I can stress this enough, you need to get out of your group chats, pick up a clipboard, and have face-to-face conversations with your neighbors about your concerns on what Project 2025 means for your community.
No, the argument you're making that not enough people heard the candidate, which is why the press staff *also* talking about Project 2025.
Not sure if you're aware, but campaign press staff typically talk to reporters about the campaign message and the candidate priorities; especially when the candidate is also the president, which, presumably, you are very concerned about.
You reaching heights of shrillness that I fear might harm small dogs.
Millennial James Brown is Lady Gaga so this is correct.
(millennial James Brown) I feel bad
Here he is on tiktok mentioning project 2025 by name and talking about how it'll criminalize birth control
TikTok - Make Your
You don't really need Nate-Silver-modeling to parse the trendline of the United State's Real gross domestic product per capita graph
Real gross domestic product per Real gross domestic product per capita
Reposted byAvatar Cloud's Strife
The thing to remember is that posters with their hair on fire were completely wrong in 2016, 2020 and 2022
The common thread here is to *not* light your hair on fire, and try and maintain a sense of perspective been events in the text box, the TV box, and the ballot box.
Reposted byAvatar Cloud's Strife
The Times is free to deem statistics regarding their coverage as spurious, but they had better not be surprised when the stats they cite during their pet crusades are similarly dismissed out of hand
Oh my god, the New York Times wrote in the paper that they aren't mad, do not say they are mad.
Polls *help* us get a sense of the public sentiment. Overreacting to polls is the quickest way to lose an election, and being able to correctly identify a message's strengths and weaknesses based on poll trends is the best way to win one.
Literally, the only poll that matters is the election day one.
Literally, the only poll that matters is the election day one.
Good managers understand that productivity isn't linear and the brain needs to recompile a bit.