Joey McAllister

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Joey McAllister

Mostly organic material and a series of vibrations registering as sound.
Look. Ska in general aside. Those are both banger bands. Always were.
I got into Switchfoot because Jerome from Fold Zandura and Mortal joined them, and I did not regret it. They were killer live and great songwriters.
But also, I was listening to a lot of Zao and Saviour Machine at that time, so … I was in a particular place.
It was a good time. Every era has good music, but I’m glad I got to live through this one.
I did a live “festival” online in 2020 with one of my bands. And I’ve played shows for college TV, where you’re playing just to an audience of 3 camera people plus however many imaginary people at the other end of the wires. It’s _always_ weird. When Jim says dumb things between songs, I get it.
I totally missed it when it came out. It’s very fun.
I just got to Goodbye Sky Harbor in this show, after digging through the YouTube archives for Static Prevails-era shows where they’re just playing on the floor in a room full of teenagers. 90s Jimmy was wild. They always went hard. Maybe even harder.
Jimmy Eat World | Phoenix Sessions: Clarity (Live) To start 2021, Jimmy Eat World put together the 'Phoenix Sessions,' a global stream performance series. Performing three "chapters" from their career - each ...
Listened to the one available track and immediately preordered and purchased their previous release. Thanks so much for sharing that here.
I also had a dedicated music teacher during those years: Mrs Dearing. Absolutely crucial to the path of my life.
I’ve used a lot of libraries and known a lot of librarians in my life. None were as important as my elementary school librarian, Mrs. Farris. We weren’t close or anything, but she was there, and she protected and maintained the books that I learned to love during that time.
The first major reads I can remember were Eyes of the Dragon (King) and Lord of the Rings, both in fourth grade. But no one starts there. There were so many books before. School libraries are vital for kids.
Serpent: Yeah, but what if you just learned for yourself and lived your own life? God: Yikes. Everybody out. Garden is closed.
In 2020, I said I’d vote for whoever made this their campaign song. It’s probably even more true today. Literally today. “You fought our king to be independent.”
Frank Turner - Make America Great Again (Official Video) Frank Turner - Make America Great Again (Official Video) New album No Man’s Land out now. Available on deluxe vinyl, CD, in exclusive merch bundles & to stream/download — Follow Lyrics Well I know I'm just an ignorant Englishman But I'd like to make America great again So if you'll forgive my accent and the cheek of it Here's some suggestions from the special relationship Let's make America great again By making racists ashamed again Let's make compassion in fashion again Let's make America great again Well I've been fortunate to go 'round the continent From California through the midwest and Providence And I've mostly only encountered common sense Hospitality and warmth from Americans But I wish it was a bit less significant The program and the name of the President Because it seems to me the truth is self-evident You fought our king to be independent Make America great again By making racists ashamed again Let's make compassion in fashion again Let's make America great again Ellis Island take me in Everyone can start again In the shining city on the hill Where nobody can be illegal Let's make America great again By making racists ashamed again Let's make compassion in fashion again Let's make America great again Let's be a friend to our oldest friends And call them out when they're faltering Remind them of their best selves and then We'll make America great again #FrankTurner
Honestly, if I could make a full-time living designing worlds for authors, I would. I would *love* to help you design your world, especially for the good of democracy. (And yes, I have a WIP with an...interesting world, maybe sometime my AuDHD brain will focus enough to finish it.)
Bree is pulling this one out for a moment: Dr. Robin Bond literally *built* the world for our new fantasy for us. And I mean I said, "I want two moons, one with a 50 day cycle and one with a 10 day cycle" and she went away & came back with a formula to generate a celestial calendar & images & OMG
if you put truck nutz on your cybertruck are they teslacles
Also also, Hidden Falls Regional Park is mostly Mississippi River right now.
Also, the dam.
The ducks were _very_ pleased. The bald eagles were either out hunting or were hunkered down and silent in their nest.
Also, the dam.
I know a lot of people have already posted pretty much this same photo of the falls, but … wow. Absolutely raging.
I know a lot of people have already posted pretty much this same photo of the falls, but … wow. Absolutely raging.
Random factoid: The oldest working door in Britain is in Westminster Abbey. This door was put into service in the 1050s. In a few more decades it turns 1000 years old.
The Minnehaha Falls are extremely angry right now.
A couple of days ago, I literally muted everyone who was being doomy. Just as an exercise for my mental health and/or enjoyment of Bluesky. And then there was nearly nothing left on my timeline. So, everyone is unmuted again. Bring on the doom.
Good morning, Waffles says they don’t pay you enough to care that much.
The video keeps stuttering for me, and who knows how long it will even be up before NBC pulls it, but ... Sydney Mclaughlin-Levrone is very fast. She does the 400m hurdles in less time than it takes me to walk from the fridge to the sofa.
Sydney Mclaughlin Levrone Break World Record in 400m Hurdles Paris Olympic Trials