
there's no reading of Bostock that would allow for this, and I still believe that the court isn't going to revisit Bostock for another few years
Not that Alito or Thomas care, but Bostock may be one of if not the purist textualist decisions to come out of the court in years.
Here is a link to Bostock, along with screen shot of the central holding.
Can I call for children to not be allowed to go to Christian sleep away camps then? I haven't seen a single report of a transgender person harming a child, but hoo boy those youth pastors...
“I don’t hate these people, man,” Yarbrough said.
It absolutely is, and that is almost completely meaningless as far as its effects on the day to day life of trans people.
I'd rather send my child to a camp operated exclusively by trans people than one containing even a single deeply conservative person. Conservative run and proven pedophile operations: the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts of America, The Southern Baptist Convention.
Preaching to the choir, but what does this person’s gender identity have to do with anything job related? If they are bad at the job, that’s a different story, but how often do public officials grandstand about that? So frustrating to read of this blatant evil going on.
Well the job involves being near children, and you know we can’t trust the queers with that!
(Screams into the void)
Why is everyone always screaming into me? (My friends call me void)
Oh, whoops, excuse me, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect a response!When one screams into the void… it’s important to establish consent first?
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That had me dead Ya it is lol Most people dont, but every once and awhile ill chime back with a little joke In the throws of desperation, laughter can really make the difference in someone's mood
You know I think I so reject that “protect the children” nonsense, I’m not even willing to articulate it as their BS motivation (which it is)
What happened to them is only illegal if the government protects their rights that were violated. If they are left to fend for themselves, or their rights are set to be "decided" by the Supreme Court, than they don't actually have rights.
or in other words, this is technically still illegal but theres not a god damn chance in hell it doesnt work and lead the way to a new world where any trans person can be fired from their job if so much as one person accuses them, hell arrested even, and sentenced to death
The Trump era really revealed how many people thought that the phrase, "But that is illegal" was some sort of magic spell to get justice.
It’s can be one of the flaws in our system but under that definition there virtually no laws or protections. Someone had to be their for the Bostock decision also. As there was for Roe. Rosa Parks was actually selected and part of a plan to be a “good defendant”. Etc
If you define people by their sexuality and define sexuality as obscene, then you get away with defining people - by their very existence - as "obscene."
Oh yeah man these people really care about the law when it doesn't suit there needs. I'm sure they'll knock it right out as soon as they find out and won't you know, do it anyway, fight it in all the courts they control, all the way up to the SC and just unmake those laws.
I understand what you were saying, but you may want to clarify that nothing illegal has actually happened yet. Bigots are free to complain about stuff all they way, and the rest of us are free to mock them for their bigotry and ensure it follows them their entire lives
yeah but he’s pointing out that an Alabama official is calling for a thing that is illegal. that’s noteworthy!
The problem is that you can't shame the shameless.
The guy who started it has taken his facebook profile private, and I suspect many of the friends of his who approved of his bigotry will soon be doing the same. You can't shame the shameless, but you can sure as heck advertise their bigotry!
Space Camp shouldn’t even be in Alabama—unless the goal is to simulate outer space by placing it in the most vacuous, deadly, and inhospitable location possible.
It's there because there's a rocket park and museum there and it's in tour-bus distance of Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Space Flight Center, where a lot of the U.S. space program was and continues to be developed. ...They used to have another location in Florida.
The important thing here is to ensure things carry on "untarnished by the progressive agenda of today" (sarcasm). That's quite a phrase. If we do that nothing will ever improve.
Anyway, are trans people not allowed in space? We already know there won't be wheelchair access on Mars.
Remember everyone, no-one is left behind.
Oh no dad's going to be so mad when he gets home
Nothing but a display of hateful, vile bigots.
Also just nasty behavior. Illegal and nasty
In the UK, this paragraph would subject the publication to a libel suit
Any chance we can get The Economist to run an article about how the right wing-driven moral panic against trans people is fueling cancel culture and threatening free speech in the workplace?
Probably not given how The Economist itself participates in that moral panic.
why is he stalking employees on social media? (I know why that's rhetorical)
While I understand the very practical reasons for it, having our space program based in ungovernable tribal regions is going to be increasingly problematic, even Elon aside