That Guy James

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That Guy James

Reader, recovering professional film critic, burgeoning literature/fashion semiotics/linguistics of sexuality academic, bad skeets, neurospicy, still prefers Tumblr, has 5 invite codes available, he/they, biggest fan of
We also need to absolutely understand, even if this isn’t part of our messaging, that the evangelical/right wing definition of “porn” far exceeds what we know as porn. Shows with unwed mothers? Porn. Shows about people dating for fun? Porn. Anything they don’t like? Porn. This is not overstatement.
Tell every person you know that the GOP wants to ban porn. Let them imagine a hellscape where they both have no human rights and no legal sources of weird smut to drown their sorrows in
My toxic trait is I kinda love the Hobbit trilogy.
When discussing how evangelicals want to ban pornography it should be remembered that Kirk Cameron harassed producers of Growing Pains into quitting the show by accusing them of being pornographers for wanting to put more adult themes in the show. Their definition of pornography is wide.
Like a month and a half ago admonished me for having never read Perdido Street Station. Holy fuck????? I’m only like a third of the way through it and holy fuck??????
Reposted byAvatar That Guy James
If I ran Bluesky I'd get rid of likes Each post would be categorized by an algorithm as "not really all that Raven," "somewhat Raven," or "so Raven"
Me when someone claims they have power over me.
The Inside Out characters in my head.
The Inside Out characters in my head
Been pretty much right here since neighborhood fireworks started a few hours ago.
Reposted byAvatar That Guy James
Noirth of the July evening with The Asphalt Jungle and In A Lonely Place.
Roll20 sent data breach notice at 1:20am on a Wednesday morning. Check your shit, change your passwords. IP addresses, last four of CC numbers, name, email address.
An unsung moment in cinematic history is when The X-Files showed this shot of a Dallas suburb in the desert, with the Dallas skyline lurking in the background. The cackles in the Dallas theater, lemme tell you.
It’s funny that I live like 70 miles from the factory and haven’t seen a single Cybertruck.
Challenge them to “debates” at a gun range I swear this would 100% work.
I honestly and truly believe leftist candidates would win offices in Texas up and down the ballot if they ran ads of them doing donuts in Ford F250, shooting rifles wearing sunglasses, and saying shit like “kick DC’s ass Texas style” without even getting into policy positions.
May you ever be half as comfortable as Thanos.
I honestly and truly believe leftist candidates would win offices in Texas up and down the ballot if they ran ads of them doing donuts in Ford F250, shooting rifles wearing sunglasses, and saying shit like “kick DC’s ass Texas style” without even getting into policy positions.
Reposted byAvatar That Guy James
Using MOVIE as an acronym recommend 5 films (romcom edition) Much Ado About Nothing (1993) Overboard (1987) Valley Girl (1983) It Happened One Night (1934) Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)
Using MOVIE as an acronym recommend 5 films M: M (Fritz Lang) O: O Brother Where Art Thou (Coen Brothers) V: Videodrome (Cronenberg) I: It Happened One Night (Capra) E: Ed Wood (Burton)
If Canada was real then they’d surely win a Stanley Cup.
people will just make things up on here "canada is real" you are lying. that's not true.
Using MOVIE as an acronym recommend 5 films M: M (Fritz Lang) O: O Brother Where Art Thou (Coen Brothers) V: Videodrome (Cronenberg) I: It Happened One Night (Capra) E: Ed Wood (Burton)
Using MOVIE as an acronym, recommend 5 films M: Mystery Men O: Once Upon A Time In Mexico V: Volcano I: IP Man E: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind I haven’t seen once upon a time in mexico in like 2 decades so not standing behind it
Your apathy is their weapon.
The Court ruling today is terrible but expected. I will just gently remind everyone that the election hasn’t happened yet. We shouldn’t assume the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion. That only encourages more apathy than many are already feeling.
This shit is so much bigger than us right now. Apathy and despair are weapons used against us. Apathetic and hopeless is how they want us. That ensures they win. Fuck em. Hope is punk. Joy is resistance. Despair is defeat.
This coming week, temperatures in Death Valley will be the hottest in the recorded history of this planet. Beryl is the earliest category four storm in the history of Atlantic hurricane season. People, both now and in the future, need us to stave off fascism and build a world where they can live.
“Thank you for your service,” unironically.
Saying 'sex worker' with the same intonation and reverence that cornballs use when they say 'first responder'
Hope is attacked because without hope there can be no change. They want you hopeless. They want you despairing. A despairing populace does not stand up. A hopeless populace does not pushback. Let your anger fuel your hope. Rage for a brighter dawn. Don’t cede your joy. Joy is hope. Hope is movement.
let me put this another way: despair, or its new name, doomerism, asserts omniscience--that things cannot be better, that all possibilities of good are already foreclosed, that you can know this as fact. it looks like humility, but it's all ego. it is, in fact, the assumption of godhood.
We were having a good night. We were all having a good night.
Ten hours to SCOTUS decisions!
Make a band bready Four Naan Blondes
Make a band bready. Explosions in the Rye
Tattooed. Napped. Best birthday ever.
Fun fact, me and Sailor Moon have the same birthday.
Mom coming in fuckin hot this birthday.
I’m sure this will jinx it and I’ll probably see one tomorrow because it’s my birthday.
It’s funny that I live like 70 miles from the factory and haven’t seen a single Cybertruck.
It’s funny that I live like 70 miles from the factory and haven’t seen a single Cybertruck.