Dan Mishkin

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Dan Mishkin


Freelance writer (self-unemployed); Ann Arbor Comic Arts Festival; husband, father, zayde
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This photo is pure 2024.
About Biden supposedly "weaponizing" the DOJ (i.e., doing what Trump has vowed HE actually will): The current Court wouldn't have cleared a path for presidential lawlessness if they thought for a moment that BIDEN would take that path. A backhanded admission of who is and is not the criminal here.
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I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
Not so hilariously, this piece was written twelve years ago.
The landmark reversal nullifies all previously lawful forms of right and makes it very difficult for Americans to make ethical decisions or be generally decent human beings without facing criminal charges.
Supreme Court Overturns 'Right v. Wrong'www.theonion.com WASHINGTON—Striking down the judicial precedent that established the legal supremacy of right over wrong more than two centuries ago, the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned Right v. Wrong.
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Would you like to a donorschoose superhero for fourth grade nyc kids? We would love a projector to be able to display visuals to learn in a visual way. Please retweet our project. Thanks for your support. www.donorschoose.org/project/ligh...
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"When it comes to creating a transportation system fit for our climate changed twenty-first century, what can Elon Musk do that the humble city bus cannot?" newrepublic.com/article/1807...
Anything Elon Musk Can Do a Bus Can Do Betternewrepublic.com Tesla’s layoffs have thrown a wrench in the green car narrative. Let’s fund public transit instead.
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That the western democracies turned Ukraine - which should've been an easy win for Russia - into a humiliating stalemate and defeat for Putin just by shipping weapons and sharing intel creates a huge ideological problem for authoritarians like Vance and so they're trying to engineer a Russian win
I assume all the posts about losing the great Trina Robbins came and went here while I was otherwise engaged. I just want to say I'm heartbroken, and that I wish we'd managed to turn that Irish-mythology superheroine idea we were flogging years ago into a real live comic book.
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You all are choosing to take bloodbath in a BAD way but I think he’s saying that if he loses his supporters will reflect on how to improve and will bathe more regularly
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Younger comics creators, you need to know this: if a small indy publisher makes you think you can be "blacklisted from the industry" for requesting monies owed you, they're lying, full-stop. They don't have that kind of power. In fact, I'm hard-pressed to think of anyone who does. Fight back.
@jdickerson.bsky.social Michigan Democrat here, distressed to hear Gabfest folks talking about an Uncommitted vote in the primary *wounding* Biden. Waking him up is one thing, wounding another. What's your sense of whether and how success by the Uncommitted campaign could weaken him?
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The GOP running away from the IVF ruling makes clear that they *don't* really believe "life begins at conception." 1/2
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spotted at trump international hotel just now
If you haven't watched The Bear yet, 'tis the season.
Celebrating the season with a beloved holiday classic.
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i worked in an elite college admissions office (not making acceptance decisions) and can tell young white men with good grades that it’s not underprivileged minorities taking their spots but lacrosse players who totaled their jeep one time
@neilhimself.neilgaiman.com Are you the same Neil Gaiman who wrote Black Orchid for DC in the '80s? And if so, have you written anything since?
Name for a Star Trek trivia game: Phasers on Stump
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it is truly incredible how many of these folks have internalized the idea that the only actors with responsibility in american politics are democrats
David Gregory on the Republicans' speaker mess: “How long are Democrats going to stand by in the world of identity politics, and zero-sum politics, and not be part of any solution?” www.mediamatters.org/cnn/cnns-dav...
CNN's David Gregory blames Democrats' adherence to "identity politics" for Republicans' speaker messwww.mediamatters.org
Alternatively, superheroes are fantasies in which children get to imagine what it will be like to have adult power in the world and discover the moral guidelines to use it. This was never truer than when Moore and I were growing up, which makes his POV even more remarkable to me.
75 years ago: The first publication of my favorite comic strip of all time!
The Pogo comic strip by Walt Kelly debuted on October 4, 1948, in the New York Star. It ran until the paper folded in January 1949, but the strip was picked up for national distribution in May 1949. Before the strip, Kelly written and drawn the characters in Dell comic books since 1941.
Paraphrasing from Slate: The marvel of Wile E. Coyote isn’t that he eventually falls off the cliff but that he makes it so long running in midair. In the same way, what’s noteworthy about Kevin McCarthy is that he managed to get elected Speaker and scrape together nine months with the gavel.
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"We are proud to announce that the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine will be awarded to insurance broker and Findlay, OH resident Darren Weston for his astounding discoveries that vaccines don’t work and will kill you."
54-Year-Old Facebook User Wins Nobel Prize For Own Extensive Internet Research Into Dangers Of Covid...www.theonion.com STOCKHOLM—Lauding the man as one of the greatest minds working in medicine today, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences reportedly awarded 54-year-old Facebook user Darren Weston the Nobel Prize Mon...
While laid up with a busted shoulder, I’ve reread the entire run of Wallace the Brave by Will Henry. It’s magnificent and already a classic, IMO. Now it just needs to be collected in full, not just the otherwise swell books that skip over so many great strips. Read on GoComics.com!
Great advice for comics artists AND writers!
I don't want this thread to be languishing at the old place, so: 11 IDEAS FOR ENLIVENING A COMICS PAGE. Some pages will just lay there, not engaging you. And if you're not engaged, the reader won't be either. Let’s talk about ways to solve that problem as artists. 🧵
Thanks to @stevelieberart.bsky.social for recommending Jonathan Case’s long-form comic “Little Monarchs,” and for telling me maybe twenty years ago, when we shared a hotel room in San Diego how good “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” is. I’m finally reading it and he was right!