Kathleen Murphy Toms

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Kathleen Murphy Toms


hypewoman for radical generosity. digital strategist for movements. Todo Para Todos #MutualAid. Abolitionist. The arc is bent toward justice but it doesn’t bend on its own.
Artificial scarcity is an existential part of the Republican Party. Convince the working classes they must fight each other for pieces of the needlessly-small pie, while the GOP gets busy cutting taxes & creating new subsidies for billionaires.
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry familieswww.usatoday.com Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
"If the top 1 percent of income earners in America just paid all the federal income taxes they owed, we could raise an additional $175 billion a year. That’s 38 times what it would cost to provide a bed to every person experiencing unsheltered homelessness in America."
Opinion | I Study Homelessness. I Wish More Places Looked Like This Shelter.www.nytimes.com Matthew Desmond takes you to a shelter designed with residents in mind.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing.www.yahoo.com Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
I would not have imagined a world where “fighting antisemitism” became a rallying cry of white supremacist Republicans to silence pro-Palestinian protesters (including anti-Zionist Jews), and an alleged reason for authoritarian Democrats to call for a mask ban, but here we are.
New post: I’ve noticed that A.I. boosters put a lot of emphasis behind calling generative AI a new “general purpose technology.” That’s a load-bearing phrase. If we just call it “improved machine learning” then a lot of their grand pronouncements fall flat. open.substack.com/pub/davekarp...
What's in a name? "AI" versus "Machine Learning"open.substack.com Are large language models a new *general purpose technology,* or an incremental advancement on existing technologies?
Load-bearing comma.
Awful. Stanford Internet Observatory, a fantastic effort studying online misinfo & related topics, dismantled after "a sustained & increasingly successful campaign among Republicans to discredit research institutions & discourage academics from investigating political speech & influence campaigns."
The Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantledwww.platformer.news House Republicans attacked the lab’s reports on misinformation and election integrity — and now Stanford is pulling the plug
The SSI asset limit is one of the most bullshit, punitive, damaging restrictions in existence.
what's great is how multilayered a success this is. It won't win a single conservative voter and it greatly demoralizes a huge number of liberal voters, all while being morally indefensible and a treaty violation.
President Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday to essentially block asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, a major shift in how the U.S. has historically handled claims for protection. Here’s how it will work.
How Biden’s Asylum Order Workswww.nytimes.com The president issued an executive order that essentially blocks asylum claims at the southern border, a major shift in how the United States has handled claims for protection.
News Analysis: President Biden’s executive action to temporarily close the U.S.-Mexico border to asylum seekers is a “stunning reversal for a president and a party that spent years arguing that America was a country of immigrants,” Michael Shear writes.
To Restrict Migrants, Biden Leans on Trump’s Favorite Immigration Lawwww.nytimes.com President Biden’s executive action addresses one of his most serious political vulnerabilities ahead of the presidential election.
James is of America’s leading authorities on asylum and immigration law.
Libraries are where you can grab a computer & job search (Workforce1 is still primarly remote) & refugees walk in to find out about English classes. Cuts to these resources is saying quiet things to new New Yorkers very loudly.
something that has been with me throughout the last year of AI / deepfake conversations is that from the jump, women have understood how dangerous this is. if nothing else, it was immediately clear to so many of us that these grifting mechanisms would be used to de-humanize women and girls.
Folks do not like to acknowledge it, but the reality is you have no first amendment right if the police are allowed to arrest you when you have broken no law, and are assembling in the effort to petition power for a redress of grievance. All the rhetorical trickery aside, it comes down to that.
Regional Director of the United Nations Development Programme: “Everything that the United Nations Development Program built in Gaza was destroyed. If we want to build Gaza again, it will take 200 years.”
A whole bunch of young people are being radicalized by this moment. If you are new to organizing and need some advice and accompaniment, @prisonculture.bsky.social and I wrote a book for you.
Let This Radicalize Youwww.haymarketbooks.org
Here's what everyone needs to know* about climate change: 🌍 It's real 👥 It's human-caused ⚠️ It's serious 💡 With immediate action, it's solvable ⌛ Later is too late * social science shows these msgs increase acceptance of the issue, awareness of the risk and, most importantly, willingness to act.
Is anyone going to do anything? Ever? What's it going to take? You can't put out a song with an uncleared sample without putting yourself in legal jeopardy; meanwhile these people are openly stealing all of human creation and bragging about it! www.nytimes.com/2024/04/06/t...
Germany on Tuesday defended itself at the International Court of Justice against accusations that its arms shipments to Israel were furthering genocide in Gaza. The latest case has placed a spotlight on Germany, Israel’s second-largest arms supplier after the U.S.
At U.N. Court, Germany Fights Allegations of Aiding Genocidewww.nytimes.com Nicaragua has accused Germany over its provision of military and financial aid to Israel. Germany said the case had “no basis in fact or law.”
The U.S. doesn't know how to address any social problems outside of criminalization. And criminalization actually doesn't address the roots of any social problems. So here we are with a massive criminalized population and even more social problems.
Our library officially debuted its hygiene pantry today. We are very excited about it! #PubLibs 📚