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Brainstorming how to fix a relationship problem and realizing one idea would be more at home in a horror/suspense novel than real life. Possible future conversation: Therapist: Can you tell me what brought you here? Me: Can you read this draft? It'll save time plus I can't figure out the ending
I've been informed I'm not getting the nomination (for vice president [of the book club I founded which has only one member]).
Seeing even this small snippet put in plain language is just devastating:
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: Alito:
NY Times seems to feel free to lie in their headlines if it helps the full court press against Biden staying in the race. This is insane. The article includes pushback from Pelosi saying they are making stuff up, but that doesn't fix it.
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
The prosecutorial malice deterrence that Roberts pretends is the point of this decision is baked in - even immoral executives usually refrain from vindictive prosecutions because it could be turned around on them when their terms end. This works. Until authoritarianism gets a sufficient foothold.
New retail experience: Keep a shopping list on birch bark, put on my good dungarees, ride my mule to town and splurge on a sarsaparilla while the shopkeep puts rock salt and seed corn in burlap sacks for me. Just as efficient as waiting for a stressed employee to unlock 6 cases for a $20 sale.
there’s a walgreen’s a couple blocks from me which alternates between not having stock on the shelves (completely normal shit like shampoo) and locking practically *everything* behind cabinets, it’s always grossly understaffed, and, like, i may have some ideas on why sales are down
Fits the facts.
it’s not just that, e.g., Clarence Thomas loves to be bribed. the conservatives really believe that spoils rightfully accrue to the powerful, and that exchanges of money and power are a natural and just part of politics
Passive income strategy starting to gain momentum
This is horrible. I'm convinced that many who promote conspiracy theories about the deep state persecuting Trump think (privately) they are just doing team sports. But they are going to get people killed, and they should be held accountable in the press, and by the leaders in the GOP.
NEW: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has been bombarded with death threats and racist harassment in the three weeks since his office secured Trump’s conviction. He received this letter with a cutout of his head stuck beside a noose during the trial.
DA Alvin Bragg deluged with death threats, racist harassment since Trump’s hush money trial More than 100 abusive messages obtained by The News targeted toward the DA via his campaign website denigrated him in vile and typo-laden terms, calling him the n-word and racist slurs.
Morgan Freeman narrating my life: "Although he claimed to have gotten busy livin', not much seemed to be happening."
Morgan Freeman narrating my life . . . "Despite all reason and good counsel to the contrary, he remained an unswerving fan of the New York Knicks."
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Justice Alito claims his wife hoisted the upside down flag because of a neighborhood spat. The incident in question happened a month after the flag was first raised. Somebody is lying. Alito does not deserve the benefit of the doubt.
The Alitos, the Neighborhood Clash and the Upside-Down Inside the escalating conflict on a bucolic suburban street that Justice Alito said prompted a “Stop the Steal” symbol at his home.
At the very least every report on "in two weeks" or "very soon, very interesting" answers to policy questions should note that this means there is no policy and no indication there will be a policy.
Yeah, this is incredibly infuriating. He's a former president and a presumptive nominee six months out from the election. It should actually be a major scandal that he doesn't have basic policy issues ironed out. Jesus Christ, stop giving the guy mulligans. He already cheats at golf!
After Idiocracy and Silicon Valley, I think Mike Judge needs to be EXTREMELY careful about what else he creates.
Silicon Valley (the HBO series) got so much right it's almost sickening.
Read the NYT live updates (so far) on Stormy's testimony. It's like 10% recap and 90% speculation on how every little detail might affect the sentiment of the jury. Basically "she paused when saying his robe was Hefneresque. Will the jury's view of Playboy affect their verdict? One juror blinked."
Ben Collins running The Onion has me genuinely excited.
Figured it out thanks
Doesn't the rule of law actually, when you think about it, make despotism look MORE attractive? says a very serious justice
Alito suggests, in a high-minded tone, that wouldn't it undermine "stable democratic society" if presidents had to fear prosecution after leaving office—wouldn't this create incentive to cling to power
I've been drawing strips for years about attacks on students' right to protest, yet strangely I've never been invited to give a TED Talk, speak at an "ideas festival," or pen a column for the Atlantic. This is from 2016.
It's actually just an inversion of the truth - conservative ideas tend to require a bubble. Look at the people visiting the border, NYC, or Minneapolis and being surprised not to find chaos. College tends to make people more liberal because they are getting outside their previous bubble.
The frequently asserted conservative belief that liberals grow up in bubbles and aren't exposed to conservative ideas and so need to be forced to be exposed to conservative ideas is so far removed from reality it's insulting.
I used to feel like this might weigh in favor of the existence of a divine creator, but idk why one would care about those two bodies being about the same size from the surface of the earth and not about making childbirth safer (or a million other things). It's a pretty cool coincidence though!
Something that wrinkles my brain every time I remember it is the fact that eclipses are only possible on earth because of the insanely unlikely fluke that the moon is 400x smaller than the sun but 400x closer to us.
They should have the pilots do some shifts checking for loose bolts on the existing fleet
United Airlines is asking its pilots to take unpaid time off next month because the carrier is receiving fewer new planes from Boeing than it expected. "We are offering our pilots voluntary programs for the month of May to reduce excess staffing," a United spokesperson said in a statement to NPR.
United asks pilots to take unpaid leave in May because of delivery delays at United Airlines says it's trying to reduce pilot staffing levels next month because it's not receiving as many new 737 Max planes as expected, the latest fallout from manufacturing problems at Boeing.
I am sometimes slightly jealous of people who can derive a significant degree of ecstasy from a pretty ordinary experience by spending too much money on that experience. Cyber truck owners seem to be especially prone.
sir that is a dirt road. you can drive on that with a mazda 3.
"Wanting sex to be “dangerous”—in a bad, reproductive coercion way; not a fun, BDSM way—is to treat pregnancy and children as an appropriate punishment for the offense of having any sex at all." Please read the horniest legal argument I've ever written
How the Conservative Legal Movement Is Waging a War on Activists spent decades trying to overturn Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court's mifepristone case is just the start of their bigger ambitions.
Depressed by many of the replies to this. Silly gooses.
I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t
I know I'm not saying anything new, but it never stops bugging me that these folks - who believe their beliefs come from the Bible - pause not a moment to remember that the Bible doesn't know what an embryo is, or a stem cell, or any of the biological science that should be informing our laws.
I wanted to point out how openly, jarringly theocratic the Alabama Chief Justice’s concurrence is.
Fucking concentration camps.
The Trump-Miller deportation plan: "Operation Wetback" is the model. Send tactical-clad cops, troops into cities. Mass arrests. Military planes. House immigrants in camps. NG troops from red states would carry out plan in recalcitrant blue states. Do it all quickly, before courts intervene.
Trump and allies plotting militarized mass deportations, detention As president, Trump sought to use military planes and bases for deportation. Now, he and his allies are talking about a new effort that current and former officials warn could be impractical and dange...