Kelly Kanayama

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Kelly Kanayama

Comics scholar/critic, specialist on Garth Ennis/Punisher/Judge Dredd. Japanese/Filipino, from HI, in Scotland, diasporic AF.
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I'm just a boy. Standing in front of people who make best books of the century lists. Asking them to please realize that they are allowed to read graphic novels other than Fun Home and Persepolis.
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Shaky Ghost and I made this minicomic as a freebie for 2023. It's a fleeting follow-up to our 2013 collaboration Cut-Out Witch, and while it works best as a story that's literally reshaping itself in your hands as you read, I still like it in this format.
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Jerry Siegel, co-creator of Superman, 61, at his clerking job in Los Angeles, 1975
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Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
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Reposted byAvatar Kelly Kanayama
Reposted byAvatar Kelly Kanayama
Trying out some new ink and colour techniques with a pulp fave
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I don't know, if my surname was "Harmer" I might reconsider doing the gender reveal quite like this
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Reposted byAvatar Kelly Kanayama
So yes! I'm not spending my time on Twitter any more! You are all I really have left! So here is my creative output! House to Astonish! It's the ninth longest running comics podcast in the world, a fact I find motivational and somehow also very funny!
This is true. I quit Twitter this afternoon and basically nobody gives a shit, and that's the healthy way for people to be, quite frankly
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Three words: Frasier, "Ham Radio" "I canm bewieve any of my gueshs could be a...mubbipo muhbuhbuh"
What's the best episode of TV you've ever watched?
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Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
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jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
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"A person watching the TV show might forget, most of the time, that they all work for the CIA. Garth Ennis did not, and the reference to this in the comics is much, much more explicitly negative." yesssss
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We've been trying to teach our son his letters by using words he knows but uhhh
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It’s been seven years today since I first started Shelfdust. I’d like to thank everybody who has written for it, everybody who supports it on Patreon and funds it’s ongoing existence, and everybody else who would just like to feel included in this post One Issue At A Time
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Not to be too cringe about Shelfdust, but would kinda appreciate if you could click and share this link today please:
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It bears repeating that part of the reason the major parties love to do transphobia because they are bigots, yes, but also because it allows them to pretend they are doing something for women and thereby get out of doing anything real or meaningful.
Fuck all about women's rights is the answer. Nothing about equal pay, opportunities, training, childcare, reproductive rights, *actual* sexual predation (rather than theorical), domestic abuse, menopausal support or mental health. But a whole heap of bullshit about toilets.
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This is what it means to be alive. New short comic, drawn by (one of the greats) and written by me. It’s called “Diaphanoids.” (Free to read here, hi-res version and additional process .pdf available on Gumroad.)
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Mya, this is a GREAT QUESTION, thank you! Kelly’s second article IS written, it is FIVE THOUSAND WORDS LONG, and it is about PUNISHER 2099 Coming soon!!
Did this get a second article? Didn't see any link to one
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There's not a huge amount of money in it, there's not a huge amount of recognition, it's not something everybody can find the time for, and it's not easy to do. So shout out to everyone and anyone who is able to write something. Robust, weird and different criticism keep the industry spinning!
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hey, thanks for the follow! I'm glad you liked my little joke. please stick around for multiple weeks of posts devoted to obscure internecine drama about one specific person you've never heard of
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One of my favorite memes is the “woman yelling at cat” one, so when I saw this I almost choked on my drink
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Reposted byAvatar Kelly Kanayama
Please buy my comics and go sing my genius.