
Oh my god’ it was HUGE! And its a lasting meme. White people have barf bowls we also use for large salads and halloween candy and popcorn. Washed in between but white people washing so…
This is the issue Brooke. It's not having a barf bowl it's having a multi purpose barf bowl
I feel like such a babe in the woods right now. Do you mean, I would eat at other peoples houses, and there was a nonzero chance someone puked in something I was eating out of...? This whole time??
Apparently! Not my house though! Food stuff doesn't mix with non food uses. I have measuring spoons just for cleaning supplies!
Same!! I don't think this is unreasonable!
Disgust triggers are one of the most basic and personal feelings we have. I've known folks who really care about things like that (a metal mixing bowl being tainted by association with a past use) but who don't do basic sanitation in their kitchen, and there's no arguing them into or out of either.
I've kind of given away where I stand - for me, plates are plates. I can't understand minding that one was used once to feed the cat, as long as it's been washed. I'm servesafe certified, I just completely lack that trigger. I'm way more concerned with people touching their phones while cooking.
Yeah, we don’t have a barf bowl but I honestly struggle to understand how a stainless steel bowl that’s been sanitized afterwards would be gross Plastic, on the other hand…
That might be a concern, depending on the plastic, for the same reason Tupperware is never *really* clean after you store tomato sauce in it. But the distinction between "isn't clean, may cause an issue" and "just feels gross" isn't one that folks regularly make.
Do people not have plastic buckets? Like, for cleaning and stuff?
I've lived in more than one apartment that just didn't have room for anything big enough to call a "bucket."
I can't really remember having any growing up, except for the big ten gallon home depot buckets, which wouldn't really be fit for purpose here.
I dunno Honestly, the thought of putting a bucket I use to clean with in my kid’s bed feels gross in a different way
Yes, like phone- and tablet-based recipe apps honestly used to freak me out back when I had the energy to cook. I think I even looked into, like, food-safe covers or something for them for that specific use?
I just use a tablet that lives in a case you can wipe. And my tablet already never leaves my home
like, even with the level of contamination aversion both servsafe and kashrut inspire, i can’t imagine being grossed out by this. and i wonder how many people hold on to this aversion through their first time parenting a kid with a GI bug.
I think it’s the reverse — once you’ve actually learned to sanitize things, what clean looks like, and likewise what contamination looks like, a lot of these things are more manageable. But it’s also hard to override family programming.
i’ve seen people go both directions after servsafe training. kashrut’s the stickier wicket, with it being an ultimately metaphorical contamination that nonetheless has a physical component to it.
Boiling water and modern detergents coverethe a multitude of sins.
when the options are a) get a sick kid out of their bed, strip the bed, strip the kid, hose down the kid, remake the bed, and get the kid back into bed knowing you’re going to have to do it again within the hour (and they’re actively vomiting the whole time) b) washing a bowl i think most say b.
In my house the barf bowl is the toilet bowl. What the fuck.
Sometimes when you're really sick you can't make it. I'm college I puked in our sink because I couldn't make it to the toilet (sink was in my room, toilet was not). It was some stomach bug and it was bad enough I was puking bile
It's even more extreme for kids. The first time I had the flu I was so weak I had to crawl to the bathroom. So yeah you want emergency backup.
But that’s what BUCKETS are for, not bowls!
I've already said I use a trash can. I'm not defending barf bowls, just the use of a barf receptacle
Buckets are the way. I just used a 2L yogurt container (it will just get recycled after, not ever reused for food storage) for my sick toddler, but he’s got a tiny stomach to empty. We’ll move him up to a bucket soon.
That's fair! But if you can't make it you're also not making it to the cabinet to pick out your special bowl to get sick in either.
Apparently the bowl is placed by an adult parent for the sick child or other individual
That's called a trashcan. Do people not have small trashcans in their houses?
One time my bestie housed a bag of doritos and some tostitos lava cheese that she washed down with a 5th of vodka The sink became a large tortilla-cheese soup
What about when you need to bazooka?
I'm just learning a new and horrible thing about people!
I’m happily ignorant of this. It was always hang out by the toilet or hold a waste basket (lined) in my families. I can now trust no one else’s large bowls.
Did you expect white ppl to be reasonable?
IF it graduates from the dishwasher, I use it for anything.
I have a feeling this is on par with that “white people don’t wash their legs” thing. What white people - not this white people
Must be the same white people who don’t use wash cloths when they bathe/shower.
That discourse is burned in my soul. I learned so much about people that week
When COVID was starting and we thought all we had to do was wash our hands I witnessed a woman use the restroom, do full makeup and never wash her hands. I knew then that people were broken
There was also the recent viral tiktok where a woman said "we" don't wash our hands after using the restroom at home. Ma'am who is "we"
IMO this is part of the widespread rejection of the germ theory of disease specifically the part where you think that the risks of germs is not in the germs themselves but in the ickiness of the people carrying them sort of reversing the whole 'cleanliness leads to godliness' formula
So gross. I hope non-hand washing people are more outspoken so I can avoid them, because that's just rancid.