kevin chu

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kevin chu

neon fruit supermarket
bird app: @kevinistyping
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if she could experience joy and grief and horniness and be a hot mess during an apocalypse all while mostly keeping it together, so can u
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Apple IIe with laserdiskII drive. The true future of home entertainment, watching beloved video titles on your very own personal microcomputer.
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I used to work at 7-11 and an important secret is: we let people any amount of liquid nacho cheese on anything for any reason. Put it on your fried chicken. Mix it in your slurpee. God cannot see you. The only law is Thelemic and the only limit is what your punished body can take.
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Combine this with a culture in the US that has substituted actual solidarity & community building w/ a consumerist approach of signaling through buying/supporting the “right” products & services & et voila you get a lot of people believing their personal choices should dictate the choices of others.
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Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
if you, like me, are tired of All The Bullshit, may I suggest repeatedly picking heavy things up and putting them down again
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
Look at this magnificent fellow
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
stumbled onto this lynda Barry comic again which always makes me a little verklempt
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
I think the reason Philip K Dick is still the predominant SF writer of the last century is, he was the only one who foresaw a future where everything would be boring, inconvenient and dehumanising, and where the only way you can win is to somehow refuse to give up your humanity.
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
TIL an ancient Egyptian pregnancy test was pissing in a sack of wheat and seeing if it sprouted and apparently 1) it’s about 70-85% accurate and 2) it tests for the exact same hormones that ClearBlue is testing for
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
There's an interesting problem in digital preservation, which is that preservation only exists actively. Only the things you actively move to new formats, survives. Community is probably the same way: it has to be actively maintained in order to outlive whatever spot it's currently in.
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Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
Southwest's website in 1996. Back when we were just beginning to push the limits of web design.
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Whenever I walk by luxury buildings with outdoor balconies that their owners never seem to take advantage of, I always think about how much of this city is wasted on people who don't love it. Depressing that we have to deal with these leaders who don't love it too.
hanni says trans rights
economic indicator: when doordash and walmart have full waitlists for delivery sign-ups
speaking of bad economic vibes, it is striking to me on how so many Reddit threads about food, you get a ton of posts from people lamenting how they can no longer afford to buy meat (or other standard foods) more than once a month which is a noticeable change from a few years ago
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
(leans into mic at congressional hearing) ON-DEMAND, 24/7 BIBIMBAP COULD FIX OUR ECONOMY
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One thing a lot of beginner writers, creators, and artists don’t understand is that finishing projects is a separate skill from the skills of the craft. That’s why we say to start small, you can be great at prose and story, but you need to practice finishing to do it reliably.
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i maintain that Pacific Rim's "drift compatibility" concept is one of The ideas of all time. it can be platonic, it can be romantic, it's Love That Makes Big Robots Go and i think that's beautiful
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TOP TEN ILLAS: 10. van 9. flot 8. gor 7. scint 6. chinch 5. tort 4. quesad 3. sarspar 2. sinsem 1. godz
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A story that sounds fake but is absolutely real: near my office building in Copenhagen there was always an accordionist playing the Godfather theme and a violinist playing Despacito, busking and competing for tips all day. Except on Armistice Day, where both of them played Despacito together
Reposted byAvatar kevin chu
Godzilla Minus One did not live up to the hype. It's better than the hype.
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People, like computers, behave really, really weirdly at scale
sir a third encampment has hit the south lawn
Protestors at Columbia have set up a third pro-Palestinian encampment for alumni weekend, and our friends at WKCR are on the story! Listen in at 9 p.m. ET
ten years since dashcon
We need to stop letting England have events until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on