
I once had a troll on Twitter say “oh, you definitely remember me! you blocked my old account!” and ha ha no that’s not how this works
Don't ever ask me why I have someone blocked I have almost 2,000 people blocked I have no idea why that person is blocked.
That said, I would take a feature on here that reminded me why I blocked someone.
I have occasionally temp unblocked to try to remember why usually I am reminded immediately and I have decided I should generally not doubt my own judgment on this front
Yeah I think I’ve reversed like two blocks in nine years. They’re always deserved
One day in an uncharacteristically charitable mood I unmuted a half dozen or so accounts I decided were probably well meaning and they’d just caught me in a characteristically pissy mood. It didn’t take three hours for me to remute all of them.
I love the deep honesty people give on this platform. I don't miss Musk's fascist state, I really don't any more. Do you know, he bought twitter for $40 billion and it's now worth $12.5bn and falling:
See X's value plummet 72% in one Elon Musk's X, formerly known as Twitter, is now worth just $12.5 billion
I maintain a liberal blocking/mute policy in real life and online. The mere whiff of schmuckery and blockity, block, block. 🙂 Highly recommend. To date — no unblocks.
I once got BillMon to reverse the block he put on me, but in all fairness, it wasn't deserved. (He thought I was dissing Bernie...) I've never asked anyone else; I'm usually happy that they blocked me.
Every once in a while I check in on notable blocks to see if they’re still awful and they always are
For me, it usually amounts to the desire to be a seagull for a few minutes
I’ve accidentally blocked because I missed the satire.
It’s always “is asshole.”
Blocked: dipshit Blocked: shithead Blocked: asshole Perfect list
"Is brat" also "Sounds too much like my BIL" both of which are compounded of an assortment of bad politics, bad behavior, and bad writing skills.
Yeah, I'd love to have a private labeler like thing that let me pin notes to someone's account to remind me why I followed them or why I blocked them.
Mastodon has everything I want in a social media site. Except for good posters.
My masto poster imitation: “Well, actually…”
I’m on both and they definitely serve different purposes for me
My reason for blocking includes a desire never having a need to think about them ever again. I would never want a reminder, my god.
Nah. Just a randomizer full of vague insults that only the blockee can see. "You have been blocked for being a turdweasel.... You have been blocked for being a chundering shitgibbon" etc...
'Shitgibbon' is an excellent term, though a little harsh on gibbons.
sometimes a category would be nice, you could label some as purgatory others in limbo, sealioning or mansplaining. On occasion its possible to take a post the wrong way or miss the context or even have it weirdly worded. The vast majority of the time, you gotta trust yourself. Labels could help
i'm right here, Kelvin. you can ask me
Block notes ranging from "definitely a Nazi troll" to "reposted annoying memes twice."
i don't really go there much anymore, but on fark you could add notes to people's profiles so if you blocked them you could see why. or you just had a tag labelling them with "believes stupid shit because it makes them feel better" alongside all their posts.
Drew Curtis' Humorous views on interesting, bizarre and amusing articles, submitted by a community of millions of news junkies, with regular Photoshop contests.
Especially if you "favourited" them in grey 1, it made their posts almost invisible to read
Could just be their last skeet that you viewed when the block was initiated.
On Twitch there's a feature where banned people can send you a message to ask them to be unbanned (you don't have to read them, I haven't found where I can read them for years), and it's always something like "I didn't do anything, I don't know why you banned me." Sure, buddy.
Ranging from "bleh" to "OMFG"?
lists. add someone to a list before you block them, then you can check back and remember why.
I would think you'd have nice organized lists for the tools you end up blocking. "Here's the anti-Semite list, this one is my Boring Doomist one, this one is my Waffle Haters list, etc etc etc"
Please enter your reason for blocking: a. Ad hominem attack b. Sealioning- relentless disingenuous questions c. Scary Profile, Pic or posts d. Your child - gotta hide them from the crazy e. Spite block
I would guess that in many instances, a cursory glance at their timeline tells you all you need to know.
They could just pin their last post you saw before blocking to their profile.
Why can't social media companies implement quality of life features like that, instead of changing the layout periodically in annoying ways?
Mastodon allows you to make notes on another person’s profile. Some people use it to help them remember why they blocked on muted
Ha. My reasons would be filled with, “name is an anagram of wordle word I failed on and I’m still mad about.”
Mastodon has a feature where you can add a private note to any user’s profile, letting you write reminders to yourself of who that person is, or what your impression of them is, etc. Would be perfect for this, I think. “Note: ‘Said his dog was cuter than Sarge’”
Not worth our time. Most of mine are nazis or wannabe nazis anyway.
I would love to be able to write a memo that displays on a profile. Just a little text box it offers on a block to display to you only as to why you blocked them.
LOL imagine thinking someone remembers that. I had 200,000 people blocked on Twitter.
I was giving a paper at the society of biblical literature and a white guy began his question/comment by asking if I remembered him and why I blocked him. I started texting all the black men I knew who were nearby to come into my session because I didn't know what he was going to do.
Sweet Jesus, you were right to take precautions
Any reason you blocked him was clearly a good one. Good Lord!
Yeah he definitely reinforced his block.