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Neurospicy, quiet on social media, less so in meatspace, some flavor of ace

Used to do many more things, now exhausted by just doing some

Traded "basic counting & arithmetic" for a BS in applied math & stats

Trying ze/zer|zeir (they/she also okay)
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
I could spend about 30% of my executive function to MAYBE increase my sales due to cutting off piracy by like, what, 2%? I would be much, much better off using that 30% of my executive function to write more books, which would increase my income by 30%.
It’s *because* I care about my income that I have chosen to let my ADHD brain mostly not have to fuck with this shit.
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Important documentation of Tanjiro's first loaf and subsequent loaf faceplant in his new home😴💜
The end of the giga-thread (long-time T&S expert's response to the recent Aegis labeler implosion) I learn a huge amount from rahaeli's posts/commentary, including many things I wish past-me understood ~5-10 years ago prior to becoming a mod in a bunch of smaller online communities
Unless I think of anything else, here endeth the thread.
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
I fucking love David Tennant SO MUCH! (Source: Georgia Tennant's IG)
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
~1 month post-surgery and ~2 weeks post-suture removal, Pharoah is doing extremely well! I had to clear off part of my desk for him, it's been a while since he's demanded to be up here! His fur is growing back in, but you can just see the shadow where his surgical scar is in this pic
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
This is a lovely morning read, full of scorn and some really imaginatively written violence.
“I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity” > This isn't a recipe for disaster, it's a cookbook for someone looking to prepare a twelve course fucking catastrophe. Today’s must-read
I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again —
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Me, to Sarah, forgetting I am on vocal rest: Have a good day at wo--*croak* Her, alarmed: Don't speak! *pause, then slyly* I know what you're thinking! I don't need your reasons! Don't tell me-- Me: 🖕 Her: --'cause it hurts! Me: 🖕🖕
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
I love my voidcat pins and if you've ever wanted to cover your house in cute cat pins, I highly recommend them.
Losing out on both Furlandia (declined) and FWA (I had to cancel due to kittens) really put my finances in a much tighter bind than usual! Sooo, please check out my stores! (everything) (plush only)
I took 10 pics of wobblecat Justify while feeding him some treats today, and this is the only one where he's not conpletely blurry There's good reason the majority of my pics of him feature him sleeping/resting
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
I swear this motherfucker likes to troll us by randomly rearranging his bones on a whim
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
I got my grades back, which means I can officially say goodbye to the semester, and I've gotten a lot of new followers lately, so it seems like a great day to talk about one of my most favorite historical garments of all time: Countess Greffulhe’s tea gown.
Pharoah is home! He's on restricted activity until his sutures get taken out in ~2 weeks. In the interim, the vet sent him home with a bodysuit (totally a onesie) and it is quite cute and entertaining
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
ok, this did work. I had tried to follow a similar guide and chrome wouldn't let me. but for chrome just add it under "site search", put the supplied url in both "url" and "shortcut", call it "google web" and then make that default
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
This is where we are right now. If you can help, please let Lev or me know. My dad is a great guy, the cat is adorable, and he has to get moved to Massachusetts ASAP before the person obsessed with him succeeds in hurting him beyond repair.
My immediate need is for people in Maryland who are healthy enough to pack a bag of essentials for one man and a cat, and anyone with time to drive my FIL and his cat from outside Baltimore to Cape Cod. I will find ways to pay you. His house is hoarded but that's a problem for when he's not in it.
Pharoah's surgery went basically as well as it could have; some of the blockage had broken up & passed so they only had to clear his stomach Composition? Mostly human hair, some mylar crinkle ball, & a piece or two of trash bags Anywho, my SO is shaving his long hair off, & I need mine cut too :P
Pharoah goes in for surgery to clear the intestinal blockage in the morning I'm terrified Logically, I know we're stacking the deck in his favor as much as we can afford to But I'm still terrified
Oh boy Pharoah appears to have an intestinal blockage
Bodies were a mistake Most stuff has been moved w/my dad's help, unpacking's gonna be a process Cats're warming to our new home; wobblecat Justify's been exuberant, Pharoah's going more glacially (but since showing him my office he's happier) That said, Pharoah's puking still/again, so vets ahoy
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Today is the day I celebrate Nimbus's birthday. I found him in 2014. He's changed my life for the better over that decade. I want to tell you the story of the day I brought him home.
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
DID YOU KNOW: A very loud vampire is also known as a Noiseferatu. They’re called this because they are often known to take soundbites from their victims. 🙃
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Posting this again because a lot of people said they found it helpful! Guide to ALT text:
Sometimes, when I stay on top of my body/care routines for a while, part of me (telling me I'm being a hypochondriac in my mom's voice) second-guesses whether the adaptations I've picked up lurking around chronic disability circles are 100% necessary And then I forget to supplement salt for a day
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
Even this Pallas cat gets in on the discovery and exploration process. Photos from Calgary Zoo.
Reposted byAvatar Kittybard
The news in the world is awful, but it's almost Halloween, so let's talk about pumpkin enrichment for big cats. This is Jinx the black leopard (Big Cat Rescue, Florida) enjoying shredding a pumpkin.