Ed Sweeney (d.b.a. Knobby Burton)

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Ed Sweeney (d.b.a. Knobby Burton)


Purveyor of mens neckwear * Quality ties six quid each * Two for a tenner
For sure. And it would have the added effect of driving Trump and his cretins mad trying to hide/disown it.
Right on! It's an excellent source of info at least.
Yeah, I just started following that account. But it's just dry, verbatim text. It needs to reach a much wider audience and be delivered with personalized context. "Page 324 says XYZ... this means that you could be put in jail for ..." or whatever. Make it real for people.
Absolutely. The Harris campaign team should have one person whose only job is to highlight one fucked up thing from P-2025 every day. It's, what, 900+ pages? Hammer that shit home until the polls close on November 5th. "Flood the zone" as they say.
And just relentlessly refer to it as "Trump's Project 2025" over and over and over. Make that loser own it.
The shift from trying to talk to mythical Republican unicorn voters who are magically swayed by sufficient displays of dignity and reasonableness over to talking about actual Republicans being weird off-putting freaks is a very positive change
And, it may actually have the same desired effect. Just getting the average person to maybe pay a bit closer attention to how weird and freaky they are should help, even if marginally.
ai has entered its roast era. large scale mockery signals the beginning of the end. good. 🙂
whole party full of just fuckin weirdos tbh
I did not see the online version. But if people are saying he wasn't looking directly at the camera, it all but confirms there was more than one - because I can confirm on TV he was looking directly at it.
Probably because way more people will be watching on TV than via the WH Web site. It's on every major network.
On TV it looks normal. Web version probably has a different camera at a different angle?
AI is like being told your company is hiring an assistant for you, but then you find out the assistant is a bitey chaos raccoon and so most of your time is just cleaning up after the raccoon and trying not to get bitten.
Hear, hear! I think about how long he's been a torment way more than I should. Memory hole or bust.
Fair enough. Taking office was still a couple of years since he entered the race. So, 9.5? Close to ten. That's what I was thinking. The hard stop point is that fucking elevator descension. But he was agitating and present well before then. But yes, I agree. It actually feels like an eternity.
Starting to feel like it a bit if I dare to be hopeful. I'm starting to get a sense that A LOT of people have just had enough. It's been 10 YEARS of this shit. 8 year olds when he was elected can now vote. I'm cautious not to get too overconfident. But I feel like people have just had enough.
Nice. I didn't want to poison my queries with suggestion, so, glad to see your minimalist preference. I was thinking of places that use the BM Garnish as a gimmick to gain some notoriety - and I can't stand that shit, no matter the vehicle. I don't think anyone would ever ask for a cheeseburger.
45 years ago today Su Tissue of the Suburban Lawns performing at the Hong Kong Café, Chinatown, Los Angeles. July 24, 1979. Photo John Brian King #punk #punks #punkrock #womenofpunk #suetissue #suburbanlawns #history #punkrockhistory #otd
What is your opinion on places that serve Bloody Marys with, like, a chicken finger and cheeseburger as garnish? What do you consider the perfect, quintessential garnish?
Bless Taraji P. Henson. Google searches for Project 2025 skyrocketed after she talked about it at the BET Awards. A true public service. It also shows that people *want* to know about the issues that affect them, not the gossip/horserace crap the media traffics in. Just total institutional fail.
I am honestly still stunned Project 2025 broke thru. Just wild what does or doesn’t sometimes I posted about this not too long ago but I was legitimately stunned when three different normie Ohio suburban moms and dads in my fam here, who don’t follow this stuff like we do here at all, asked me…
Exactly who I first thought of when the whispers of doubt began to leak. She has to be top of the list. For no other dumb reason than - "they have woman, we should have woman"
Grandpa Donald Trump has good days and bad days but increasingly only bad days. He's losing it. Incoherent. His brains are leaking out his ears.
*rocks back and forth, whispering "trump was old and incoherent before harris became the nominee"*
It would be deliciously hilarious if Trump, after seeing the mega-boost of Biden stepping down and Harris taking over, dumps Vance after only a few weeks - only to pick someone even worse, with the opposite effect, sinking enthusiasm even further. Will it happen? Who knows? But it makes me happy.
Yep. I agree. My theory is based on him losing in November. If not, everything is reset for the worst. For now, I'm just hoping my theory pans out!
We will see! She may have that desire. I guess my point is, by that time, there will be very little left to work with and I believe it will fail.