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This reminds me of when we were reading Brothers K at school and people were saying Al-ee-oh-sha instead of Alyosha, and then they couldn't hear the difference
I love it when the internet starts to litigate which options you're allowed to use. "You shouldn't have responded to the nonsense 20k 30-follower accounts send you every day, now they're going to have 20k people talking at them." Gee that sounds tough, thoughts and prayers I guess.
I can't tell from here in a non-swing-state whether they're doing it but I have to believe, based on past performance, that they're not for some reason.
What is required? Is it possible to be chatting up an attorney and trick them into establishing such a relationship, and then confess to some crime and run? Like dine and dash?
I love home runs because it's a ton of work to get back to where you started
Wouldn't Bouie leaving the NYT make it strictly worse? Are we worried that Bouie gives the Times credibility it does not deserve? Why wouldn't one want him working there? I want him to have the biggest platform available.
But also we've been hyping ourselves up for 25 years as super smart innovaters, here to disrupt everything and make it better, but most of the time we just make normal things shitty, shitty things necessary, and somehow command huge salaries for it.
Nickel cadmium batteries need to be depleted fully before charging; lithium ion, which your phone has, lasts longer when you charge it sooner.
has anyone done clinton/clinton yet
I was exposed to exactly three stories in my childhood (LotR, Harry Potter, Star Wars) and I view everything through that lens now.
My sister in law once used our spaghetti pot and I ended up throwing it out after being unable to make myself cook with it after half a year.
And yet republicans still get to be tough on crime
They are supposedly normally thoughtful and have good takes but I just Can't, anyone who was weird about chili has to live with that stain forever.
There's an account around here who gets reposted into my timeline on occasion and all I know about them is that that pfp once posted a like 80 tweet thread about why neighbor chili was bad.
I tried this but we were all over 40 so now we have an HOA and nothing else to show for it.
I can't tell if this is earnest or like 12 layers of irony
I immediately saw a koala and now I can't not.
What is it about Extremely Democratic Posting that does me especial psychic damage? Why does Ruthkanda Forever hurt more than most republicans being genuinely awful?
Brooke. Nobody could have foreseen the lies. Look how unprepared everyone was for them!
It's like those Super Power Sour candies where people clearly _buy_ them but it's not clear that people _enjoy_ them. I absolutely love Bojack but every establishing shot of S3 has that boat in it and it makes me jump every time.
I mean the NPVIC is a thing. Do you live in a state that has yet to adopt it?
If you want to know why we're dumping Chevron 6-3, the answer is 2016. That it was eight years ago doesn't make something else the answer instead.
I am reading a bad military space sci Fi right now where the author decided to throw in "and also there are horny elves everywhere" because, honestly, it's what the people want.
That's a very cool display. "Inches of mercury" has to be one of the wildest units still in regular use though.
One of my favorite things about the internet is how it eggs people on to be just a little bit more every day, just a little bit edgier, a little bit weirder, until someone crosses an invisible line and everyone recoils in horror. No. That's too weird.
"The mother was visibly Muslim"