
Every four years a new generation gets to boldly claim that the presidential candidates are so terrible that they are thinking of leaving the US, as if that is an easy thing to just decide to do.
I look forward to everyone's googling of other countries' immigration policies and realizing how expensive and difficult they are.
Here's a hint: if you do not currently hold a passport from your target country, and do not have several million dollars, it will take you more than the length of the administration to do
We have a cheat code in that the kiddo and I are citizens by birth of the target country, but there is also: unwind career and real estate. Figure out how or whether to bring beloved pets. Spouse visa (easier). Upend everything in your life. This is stuff you do when you feel it is truly fucked.
Plus, like, real question of whether America going fash, a truly monumental world-historical epoch-marking event, would make the rest of the world any better or whether you would be able to get to it in the first place. In that case you should have figured out visa stuff five years ago.
Does make you wonder if anyone will invade the USA to topple a dictator like they do for so many others.
still gonna early vote and be on a long overseas vacay in early Nov.
what country would want this lovable guy?
Cheat code: go teach English overseas.
I guess the good news is the Trump admin plans to stay in office longer than 4 years but...
Apparently there's a whole subreddit about emigrating that's largely taken up with horrified posts of people finding out that you just can't Move to Europe and also that what EU countries consider a disqualifying disability casts a rather broad net.
More expensive than difficult, I believe. And that's saying something!
I’m not sure whether books have been written about this, but blogs certainly have. Brooke It also takes a lot longer than people expect, so if you’re in a demographic that needs to leave and you have the means to, start working on it now.
My wife had me research Italy, and all you need for semi-permanent residency was about $35k guaranteed income (not from a job in Italy), plus frequent check-ins with local police once approved and you move.
Ok, but I was saying how come they just can do all easy peasy on house hunters international?
🎶 money makes the world go around 🎶
It also takes a fair degree of daring when you come right down to it.
the really annoying thing is that the people who really *do* know how expensive and difficult it is are wealthy enough that staying is unlikely to cause them much hardship
As someone who definitely cannot leave, it's enraging that people who aren't even in danger are just going to leave the rest of us here. So much for solidarity.
fwiw, most of them won't, it's all horseshit
oh I know, it's mostly the making themselves the Main Character that bothers me. They're acting like their (usually) white cishet self will be in some grave danger on January 21st. No you won't. Maybe if you're an activist, but in that case you're *really* morally bound to stay.
Also, everyone has problems! "This isn't a serious country" me all you want, but tell me which one is.
These are people who get anxiety if they have to go to the grocery store. They aren't leaving.
it's the flipside of the anti-capalist revolutionaries. If you are a leftist talking about revolution on social media, you are too stupid to actually do one.
It's cute how American exceptionalism translates into a belief that other countries are just desperate for us to move there.
Now I'm remembering some leftie blogger from a while back who moved to Costa Rica to get away from the hellhole of Obama's America and was all upset that things weren't as instantaneous and convenient as they had been in his CA suburb or whatever.
I always hated that as an American in Canada due to employment reasons. But Trump and his band of nazis makes this a bit different.
Not to mention that most white Americans are monolingual. Yes, there are countries where you can get by, but it's still really difficult. As for countries where English is the primary language, they're all having their own serious issues right now.
It's almost as if the anglosphere has a "seems about whyte" problem...
Hard enough to just decide to move to another *state*, let alone a whole ass other country.
Thought about New Zealand but then I looked it up and lol.
If you have enough money it is.
I’m autistic. That severely restricts where I can move. Other countries simply don’t want me because of it, and that tears me apart inside. Then there’s the issue of how incredibly expensive it is anyway. I just feel trapped.
That’s not something you necessarily have to disclose, although obviously requirements vary by country. When I emigrated from the US, the main thing was to prove I had a stable income and wouldn’t become a burden on the state.
It turns out that getting my Irish citizenship (thank you Grandpa Mike) before my kids were born was a top 3 life decision.
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