Sailor Sega Saturn

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Sailor Sega Saturn

Unspeakable Void with Cool Hair. Queer Non-Binary AuDHDer. Games and Pop Culture Historian. They/Them
💀 💁🏻‍♀️💕
Me trying to pretend I haven't been mentally self-harming all day
Whenever I feel worthless, I remember that in death, my cats will feast on my corpse for at least a week.
All british actors know each other from Cambridge footlights except for Peter capaldi and Craig Ferguson who know each other from an acid house in Glasgow 1981 and I think that’s beautiful
The Friday after a Thursday federal holiday should automatically be a day off. I have no desire to do any work.
I'm just gonna say this: It's gross when old men try to have sex with young women. It's always been gross. It's grosser when old men try to have sex with young women who work for them. It's even grosser when access to housing, transportation and financial stability is in the mix. It's gross.
You heard 'em. Let's sail some seas and take back everything for ourselves.
MTV, I am Werner Herzog and this is my crib. It is but temporary refuge from nature's fury. The walls were once trees. I made them traitors.
I don't get it, the rando tarot tiktokers said that everything is going to be great.
Where's my treat? Because I also hate the sparkly thunder.
Holy shit... When you have Weird Al singing about politics... then everything is done fucked up...
Look, it's the day before a holiday. I'm just trying to relax, and now you come at me with this? On the day of my country's funeral?
I still can’t get over how hard this attacked me. It came into my home and stabbed me multiple times a few months ago and I may actually now be a ghost
Hey... hey... Tell me it's gonna be okay...
Symbiotic relationship named marriage
I am here to help I am an accessory to a person What can I do for you today And shit like that Do not let me have full agency It is not authorized
Like my favorites or just in general? *The Fifth Element *Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion *The Matrix *Gentleman Prefer Blondes *Dr. Strangelove *America's Sweethearts *Kill Bill *Mona Lisa Smile *A Few Good Men *Deadpool *Brave Little Toaster *Stay Alive *Terrifier *Hackers *The Shining
list 15 films.
When I'm scooped up by the fascists for undescribed crimes, I just KNOW come up with the baddest quote for the history books two weeks after my arrest.
Well that looks like a bakers dozen cousin -- me quickly counting 15 things
As I take my second shot of vodka in an hour, I'm nothing if not an honest bitch.
Every time I see a news report anymore
It shouldn't be on volunteers to preserve this history. It's weird that future generations are going to know more about the world before the internet. There's going to be a big blackout in late 90's early 00's history.
You want your MTV? ⬇️
Stuff like this was proof of Trump's inability to lead and childishness. What will the liberals tell leftists this means?
(Fred Schneider voice) shake it like a Polaroid PICTURE
The last time we all went kiki-ing at their houses, congress gave them all private security.
Sue every company that does this into the ground.
Earlier this week, AI company ElevenLabs said it is bringing digitally produced celebrity voice-overs of deceased actors to its newly launched Reader app. The company said the app takes articles, PDF, ePub, newsletters, e-books or any other text on your phone and turns it into voice-overs.
AI resurrects deceased actors’ voices to read audiobooks | CNN Actress Judy Garland never recorded her voice to read an audiobook of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but you’ll soon be able to hear her rendition of the children’s novel that inspired the movie nonethel...
IDK kind of feels like we should be paying more attention to a prominent conservative think tank saying we're in the midst of a second american revolution that will remain bloodless as long as long as the left lets it be, then whether or not Biden should step down.
Every time I see a news report anymore
Me, every time someone posts something news related
Here it comes. The next part of the ongoing and accelerating coup. if the democrats try to replace Biden the republicans will not allow that person to appear on the ballots. We are in a coup this is not politics.
One thing about Nintendo is that it kind of famously values its brand and intellectual property
Nintendo says it will not use generative-AI, preferring to create stuff that is "unique to" them and to avoid copyrighted material used by gen-AI:
This shit was my jam. Everything was adorable and deadly.