
Michael Whelan
Michael Whelan
Fine artist of Imaginative Realism. Illustrator of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Winner of 15 Hugo Awards. Inducted into the SF Hall of Fame in 2009.
John Scalzi
John Scalzi
I enjoy pie.
Quinta Jurecic
Quinta Jurecic
I write about law, democracy, and the internet. I'm a senior editor at Lawfare, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the Washington Post's Book World. It's KWIN-ta.
Mitchell Epner
Mitchell Epner
Attorney, former AUSA, father, husband, former JBLC, long-time Knicks fan and occasional talking head
Andrew S.
Andrew S.
I write boring things for big companies that don't use my name. I write other things here and use my first name. I have two sweet dogs that wish the UPS man wouldn't ring the doorbell.

(Same handle on Dead Bird site--account now dormant--and on Threads.)
The Onion
The Onion
America’s Finest News Source
Bad Medical Takes
Bad Medical Takes
Posting the worst medical takes. Have a submission? DM or @ me.
Ari Cohn
Ari Cohn
First Amendment & defamation lawyer. Free Speech Counsel @ TechFreedom

Illini/music junkie/oofnik.

“A snarky gay lawyer Jessica Fletcher.”
Internet Hooligan
Anne Fausto-Sterling
Anne Fausto-Sterling
Biologist, gender/sex expert, feminist. In the works: a book on gender identity. In retirement: lots of bird photography.

Mastodon: @[email protected]
Tamara Keel
Tamara Keel
Producer and consumer of the written word. Casual photographer. Liker of cats, cameras, fast cars, and faster apertures.
Gillian Branstetter
Gillian Branstetter
Reactor (formerly
Reactor (formerly
Science fiction. Fantasy. The universe. And related subjects. You may have known us formerly as
"Swear to god you're like a Fox Fire book set in hell." - Ursula Vernon
"You puckish motherfucker." - Sarah Day
Trans and queer anarchist sheep farmer. Navy veteran attempting to redeem himself.
Roberta Ecks
Roberta Ecks
Writer, retrotchnologist, owner of many typewriters and yet fond of digital widgetry, too. An amateur monkey pusher in re human origins. Most of all, a friend of cats.
The Bulwark
The Bulwark
Political analysis and reporting free of tribal prejudices. Sign up for our newsletters here:
Tor Books
Tor Books
Publisher of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller and Suspense, and Other Speculative Fiction
Denis Zavodny, Ph.D.
Denis Zavodny, Ph.D.
Psychologist licensed in AL, FL, GA, SC, SD, & TN. Clinical Ph.D. specializing in forensic evaluation (juvenile & adult competency to stand trial/proceed, insanity, violence/sexual risk, competency to waive rights, mitigation, personal injury, etc.).
Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker
Formerly of the birdsite as Apark2453, but staking my claim to the full name!

Lawyer, overanalyzer of godawful subcultures, always up to dunk on some chuds.

If you’re into all of that too… I’m sorry, but welcome friend!
Matthew T. Huss
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.
Elsa Chen
Elsa Chen
Professor, criminologist, policy wonk. Avid cook and eater, erstwhile fitness aspirant. Trying to live with kindness, gratitude, and joy, potty mouth notwithstanding.
Law Dork
Law Dork
The home for Chris Geidner’s legal newsletter, covering SCOTUS, as well as LGBTQ, criminal justice, post-Roe, and more legal news. Subscribe today:
Blake Herzinger
Blake Herzinger
I like big navies and I cannot lie. Navy Reservist with Unpopular Opinions | CIMSEC | Asian Security | ex-AEI, USSC, Twitter, Pacific Forum, US Pacific Fleet | Proud Idahoan | Opinions mine, but you're welcome to adopt them
The official Bluesky account for ProPublica
John Kline
John Kline
Chris Kline
Chris Kline
Math Teacher and science enthusiast.
Jen Perillo
Jen Perillo
PsychLaw researcher passionate about social justice and public policy. Views my own (except RTs). She/her #LatinaInPsych #AcademicMom
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman
Makes things up. Writes them down. Dreams about growing up but not yet.
Andrew Kaczynski
Andrew Kaczynski
Reporter at CNN, Francesca and Talia’s dad, founder of the Team Beans Infant Brain Tumor Fund. Donate at to help end infant brain cancer. I used to be big on Twitter.
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Writing and yelling.
kilgore trout
kilgore trout
turnip shepherd & bad person
Kevin Hearne
Kevin Hearne
Author of the Iron Druid Chronicles, Ink & Sigil, the Seven Kennings, and more. Into nature photography, metal, and beard maintenance. Newsletter:
Ken White, criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Co-host of Serious Trouble podcast and writer at The Popehat Report.
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Kevin M. Kruse
Kevin M. Kruse
Historian: White Flight; New Suburban History; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression; Myth America. CAMPAIGN TRAILS:
The Lincoln Project
The Lincoln Project
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln 🏴‍☠️
Bad Legal Takes
Bad Legal Takes
Posting the worst legal takes on social media. Have a submission? @ me.
Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa
Julian Sanchez
Julian Sanchez
He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them.
Orthodox Jewish father of 5; Litigation Disaster Tour Guide; Jets Fan. Fighting the widening gyre.
Jeff Kukucka
Jeff Kukucka
Professor and psycholegal researcher. Human factors in forensics + life after exoneration. To science, I felt that I could help ⭕️
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Very Very Common Mike Dunford
Father, Army Husband, lawyer. Chronic student recently dragged kicking and screaming into the practice of law. Litigation disaster tour guide. Proud member of the terminally online community since 1993. he/him
Dr. Jill Stinson
Dr. Jill Stinson
Assoc Prof, IRB Chair, ETSU. Clinical forensic psych & researcher re: sexual violence & self-regulation, SMI, suicide, & trauma. Editor Sexual Abuse.
Jane Coaston
Jane Coaston
Contributing writer at the New York Times. Previously: host of The Argument. Go Blue means Go the University of Michigan.
Judd Legum
Judd Legum