
“Women’s standards are too high, they only want Chads”
Can you stay with an alcoholic partner as they get sober? You can. I’ve done it. It sucks. Newly sober people are often emotionally volatile. Not their fault! They are relearning coping skills! But if you have your own healing to do it’s HARD to do so while dealing w the brunt of their instability.
For years I've said that straight men who want to get laid should start on being minimally housebroken. I wasn't being LITERAL.
And men think women have too high standards. 🤦‍♀️
Yeah. That’s not drunk, that’s mean-drunk being aggressive. He’s not *hitting* but he’s absolutely destroying stuff and being aggressive.
yeah - so not an issue with incontinence he won't take seriously or something.
Until I got to the second paragraph, I had convinced myself she meant "accidents" like he stumbled in drunk and broke a vase or knocked over the trash bin. Not accidents like this man is peeing on your carpet!
I genuinely thought it was going to be a heartfelt and conflicted post about a man with a rare and embarrassing medical condition he’s scared and ashamed to seek treatment for and uh. nope.
The way she refers to his alcoholism like it's a disability he can't control was too much. "Is this just something alcoholics do?" "Sweetie, the alcoholism is the issue, not how to mitigate his blackouts when they happen like they're seizures".
Same! I’m like, oh dear if you can’t housebreak him he needs to go.
Peeing on her essential documents sounds not accidental
I feel like this is partly creative writing... but also my ex regularly had crushes on dudes at least that fucked-up, so we may be looking at nutcase symbiosis here.
I hoped that was the case, I checked her post history and didn’t see the usual tell-tale signs of ragebait fiction
I wouldn't be shocked if it's real, it just affects my balance of disgust vs. sympathy.
Okay, went and looked, and this *does* complicate the narrative a bit:
Alcohol-induced sleepwalking is indeed a thing! Ask me how I know!
Fun fact, the stories of people who do weird stuff while on ambien comes from the fact that it effects the same neuroreceptors that being blackout drunk does, but without the intoxication. What both do is cause anterograde amnesia (can’t form new memories). Which could be mistaken for sleep talking.
That's actually kind of a relief to read. I understand parasomnias way better than someone making a decision (drunk or sober) to behave like that.
Not really. He 100% needs a sleep study, but I’d bet the booze makes the sleepwalking worse. But also… the difference to a naïve outsider between a blackout (he stops making memories) and sleep-walking etc can be very fine and not easily determined. He’s still a gigolo peeing on her stuff.
It sounds like he’s passive-aggressively trashing her house because he resents that it’s her house.
it's certainly possible but this is pretty normal for alcoholics. he's probably sleepwalking
If he's not already properly house trained, cut him loose.
Dump his poor ass. Life is too short for this kind of abuse.
That’ll never stop but it will be only worse and worse later in the future. You decide if you want to live like this or not
The saddest bit is how she indicates that her ex was WORSE. Poor girl.
my youngest doesn’t pee on the floor that much he is four years old
Ok but how many beers is he pounding after a long hard day of work
ok but how about in your filing cabinet full of important documents
Almost everyone who posts about their relationship in that sub is already, consciously or unconsciously, heading for the door
God I really hope so in this case
Honestly having read so many as a hobby there's 3 types. 1. Fakers, people posting for creative writing, trolling, or whatever. 2. People who desperately want people to help them 'fix' the unfixable. To give them the answer they want - if you do X all will be well. 3. People who need ...
other people, esp if they're being gaslit, to tell them it's okay, they're not crazy or bad, and to goooooo. And esp to help them find resources to do so for many SAHP who may not have financial and personal resources. I mean on the bad ones. I think it's one of the greatest things of the 'net
an example of the wisdom of crowds in that the most upvoted responses to each problem is honestly the best answer
Not Reddit but a different community’s horrified responses made me realize that my question of “how do I help my abusive out of control husband without making him angrier?” meant that I had basically lost the plot of a normal living situation
This is either a repost or there are multiple guys doing this, to be honest I don’t want to know the truth here. 😑
Alcoholism is really fucking bad. Peeing in drawers, peeing in the silverware, peeing in the corner. All more common than you'd think. Don't date alcoholics. Especially ones who aren't seriously trying to get better.
It’s not that, I’ve seen this same post down to small details, a few words changed. But it could possibly be a very similar guy. 😑 I was an alcoholic (been sober over a decade now) and while I didn’t pee anywhere randomly I sure wasn’t the best company, and I don’t dispute your dating advice.
I'm not remembering a friend who broke up with a dude after he TWICE got really drunk, woke up in the middle of the night, stood up, pissed all over the bed and then passed back out. IN THE PISS BED.
Trying not to imagine their expression the second time they discovered this. 🤦
I'll just say she was not shy about telling the story to people who knew him even the slightest bit.
oooooOOOOOF if he gets sober and quits pissing in the file cabinet she can take him back? he's great except I had to get another birth certificate and Social Security card because he missed the toilet by two rooms?