If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
I think under Trump we can anticipate higher inflation, trade wars and tariffs, greater deficits, and a tanking economy after deporting much of the workforce. I can't imagine many business owners want that.
Love this Biden-Harris frame. "Most Americans would prefer living in a country where an unhinged felon who has also been found liable for sexual abuse cannot own a firearm." Keep hammering him.
Josh Hawley: i'm going to punch 100 kittens in the throat AOC: what the hell, we shouldn't be punching *any* kittens (Manchin and Romney co-sponsor the Punch 50 Kittens in the Throat Act of 2024) op-ed columnist: finally, reasonable compromise
Right, this is a good illustrator of the way Beltway narratives tend to conflate “the middle” with “moderation”
Here's some feedback on one the last pieces I wrote for the WaPo, in 2022, from the editor who later fired me: "this is not ready for prime time" "familiar and therefore boring and unnecessary" "bottom is hard to follow for any reader who managed to make her way all the way there"
You might think this wretchedly embarrassing piece of writing is from a random family friend who the WaPo gave space to. Nope, it’s Kathleen Parker their long employed columnist! All these fucking assholes just run around in the same social club and defend each other!
Congress still won't stop automakers from selling your driving data to data brokers and insurance companies, but they want to make sure can't tell you if Elon is flying to Texas.
Two things that are simultaneously true: 1. The Columbia administration has handled this situation horribly; and 2. The Columbia undergrads just elected an Israeli student as the Student Government president for 2024-25, in a backlash to the protestors.
Columbia elects Israeli student for role of student government The election comes as the Columbia campus experiences an overwhelming wave of anti-Israel protests and student encampments.
Florida is charging formerly incarcerated people $50 a day even if they’re no longer in prison. The “pay to stay” fee is based on the length of the original sentence, so even when they're released they must keep paying for a prison bed they’re not using.
Pay to stay: Florida inmates charged for prison cells long after It's a common saying: You do the crime, you do the time. But when people are released from prison, freedom is fragmented. It marks the start of new hardships, impacting families and communities.
Just to recap: -The Kansas Reflector posted a column critical of FB on Thursday -Meta blocked/deleted all their links across platforms -Meta restored all Reflector links except the critical column -I reposted the column on The Handbasket Friday -Meta blocked/deleted all my links across platforms
That's so weird I must have missed the nyt breaking news alert
“There were plenty of moments during Mr Trump’s campaign events in Greensboro, North Carolina and later in Richmond when he appeared to struggle to deliver his speech or seemed to be confused.”
Trump crowd goes silent as he confuses Biden and Obama ‘Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word,’ Trump says
Even murderers can't find steady employment in Joe Biden's America
Murder is down 21.7% in 113 cities with data available through at least January. Still too early to know likelihood it will persist through the year, but does portend a massive national drop this year. Down 21% in 48 cities with data at least through Feb 20.
The speaker is prominent Denver 9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark, "who is growing a well-deserved reputation as a local journalist unafraid to call out bigotry and political extremism." See the highlighted portion especially. [From Corey Hutchins's newsletter on the Colorado media scene.]
“Religious freedom” has been given a large carve out from the courts when it comes to freedom to discriminate. Freedom to help people? Not so much.
Looking forward to return to merit-based college administration
Republicans don't have a "lack of a unified policy response" on abortion! They want to make it a crime nationwide! They want no meaningful exceptions! They want to ban every way it's done, including medication! The entire party is unified lockstep behind that policy! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
NYT casts the cruelty of banning abortion as a "messaging" problem for Republicans -- not a political one, or a moral one.
Russian policy since the 1990s has threatened to erode the post WWII European order that finally brought peace to that continent after centuries of barbarous warfare. We can halt them for about half the yearly GDP of New Orleans but we don't because the GOP admires fellow fascists.
For the price of only a tiny fraction of our annual military budget, 🇺🇸 has helped 🇺🇦 destroy b/w 2/3 & 4/5 of 🇷🇺's military capabilities. It's to cut off aid now even for nakedly selfish realpolitik reasons, let alone the overwhelming moral & tactical ones.
"While Musk’s constant posting is an obvious reminder that billionaires rarely, if ever, serve the public interest, the wealth he commands elevates him from a dull conspiracy theorist to a security liability who has no business continuing to draw from the public coffers"
You don’t need a spidey sense for this. I mean. Really, folks.
Someone has pointed out the impoverished no-obvious-bank account Pastor of the House Johnson wears an $18,000 Rolex.
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders could have granted clemency to a man who has spent 32 years in prison for a murder that another man confessed to doing. She denied him clemency, with no explanation She did, however, pardon a turkey yesterday
Sarah Sanders, who denied clemency to an innocent man, to pardon a turkey A silly holiday photo op has a small amount of political value for Sanders, while allowing a sliver of grace and humanity to a man who the justice system failed decades ago does not.
End of feed.