Dr Chin Shady

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Dr Chin Shady


Ex-academic, OCD challenger, Manx traddy/muso, feminist lefty (but not loony), Xennial, punk with a soft spot for cats. Afraid for humanity...
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No offense to Jesus or anything, but the one and only white guy walking around back then was bound to get some attention
Happened to my cousin. True story. Has led to my irrational fear of being pregnant and not knowing it (or how it happened).
I love these things that parents jokingly told you when you were a kid and you have no reason to ever question again until you're an adult!
When I was young my dad told my fake eyelashes were removed from dead people, boxed up then sold. I only found out recently that this isn't true. I'm 39 years old.
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When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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Have you ever wondered why Germans didn’t do anything about Hitler? Well, the rest of the world is wondering exactly that about Americans and Trump.
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I may be an optimist but I believe the tenor of online debate could be vastly improved if more people were capable of distinguishing “this is what I believe reality to be” from “I heartily endorse this”
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Why is there no Richard Scarry Cinematic Universe? No Huckle Cat-centric Busytown hour-long ensemble drama? No Bananas Gorilla origin story limited series? A Sergeant Murphy cop show where he slowly becomes disillusioned with our justice system and becomes a vigilante? Is no streamer brave enough
I grew up in a country - a whole country - that only had one escalator. It only went up. (They may be up to three now...)
My favorite escalator in Detroit
Who was the guy who used to Tweet about bringing back the TV series Bones? Just started watching it. He was onto something...
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Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
Got home later than expected and had left the cat out. No sign of him. Its 5am. There's no way I'll manage to sleep until he comes home... little shit!
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"PhD-level intelligence" means taking five years to answer a question that only a dozen people on earth even know to ask
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I think Just Stop Oil did this too
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welcome to our automated answering system. we understand you just want to speak to a representative but first we would like to make you really mad
This genuinely traumatised me! Last year I experienced a 'sleep demon' hallucination that caused me to fall out of bed and break my ribs. My ginger tom turned into a giant spider cat and I 'ran away'. It was just like this but ginger!
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I just learned that Britain’s deadliest animal is the cow, killing as it does nearly 3 people each year. Not 3 whole people mind you, just nearly 3. And if that’s not quintessentially what it’s like to be British, I don’t know what is.
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my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
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Have worked out how we can persuade British conservatives to support universities. BA History will be rebranded as BA D-DAY STUDIES BA Media becomes BA D-DAY REPORTING BA Psychology becomes BA WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT D-DAY BA Tourism Management becomes BA VISITING NORMANDY TO TALK ABOUT D-DAY
Hi, I'm a Research Development Manager. My greatest hits include: - but what will you actually do with the money? - you should have asked for this more than two hours before the deadline. - did you read the guidance I sent you? - why do I have an award letter but no application?
Hi, I'm a software engineer. My greatest hits include: - this meeting could have been an email - this email could have been a chat message - yes, this one line fix does represent three days of debugging - have you added enough unit tests? - am I going to have a job next week?
World's largest potato, St John's, Isle of Man.
If you see this, QT with a famous landmark you’ve seen. The whole site took my breath away.
Testing my MH meds. 2mg melatonin is no match for eight pints of beer and a major circadian rhythm disorder!
That the lead will learn Kung Fu and the Tango and lose three quarters of their body weight, but they can't be arsed to find someone who knows how to hold a violin/flute or which end of a sax to blow in! (Excl. Picard's excellent whistle technique!)
what is your biggest cinematic pet peeve? one of mine is when characters brush teeth w/o toothpaste and suds
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I live in Wales and we have a 20mph speed limit. Today I was tailgated while driving but refused to speed up. A child ran out in front of me, thankfully I swerved and stopped. 20mph wasn't a bad thing today.
Whats your sign? (This was written on the wall of the flat I lived in in Splott)
What’s your sign?
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looks like somebody finally got their ducks in a row
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Eventually, when all is said and done, we will realize that the only person Trump ever hired who was actually qualified to do her job was Stormy Daniels.
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I’d just like to be rich enough to be considered eccentric instead of unstable.
Never really liked smoking - seems better since therapy - but got baked for most of the day and managed to chill, watch whole TV shows and not looked at Twitter all day! A revelation!
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some of those that spout horseshit are the same that do crossfit
I need to generate some images for a blogsite - more to illustrate themes and stuff. Its not a big enough thing to pay someone or anything to be good. Is AI really bad? Which is the least bad version to use? Would be handy, but I'm torn...