
It's so funny to read 60s-70s fantasy/sci-fi by men where there will be these beautiful women characters who are just psychotically bent on betraying or destroying the protagonist and it's like "oh right right you're the first widespread cohort of Divorced Guys"
I was a fourteen year old boy when I was just slamming Philip K. Dick books and even then I was like "man what is going on with you and brunettes"
I think there's like... two levels of misogyny you see in a lot of sci-fi/fantasy of the era, some of which feels truly personal and pathological - but a lot of which is just, like, "you wrote this assuming that no woman would ever be interested in reading it" -
which is wild given how much of early sci-fi/fantasy fan communities were women!!
My wife is a huge fan of a few of Heinlein books, I think for the libertarian philosophy but it sure struck me how much the guy seems to believe in unrestricted horndoggery
Meanwhile I was reading RA Wilson, who was like “what if the secret of magic is…. having sex” and has a book where all the women are literally the same woman
This is absolutely on point, and yet, somehow Heinlein wrote Peewee in Have Space-Suit, Will Travel! I guess he kept it in his pants a little more for the younger audience-aimed stuff, and accidentally wrote a good female character here and there. Not to mention the Mother Thing and gender!
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel is still my favorite book.
Yesss the one Heinlein book i unabashedly liked reading (in retrospect it’s obvious why lol)
I'm a woman who loves Heinlein but only the juveniles and similar stuff like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. His later/adult stuff is grody. Any book of his where a slide rule affects the plot is good. But the ones where a bearded professor chuckles while drowning in horny 21-year-old women are bad.
You very generously assume those authors were actually willing to talk to said women. The misogynistic nerdbro urge to self-segregate so they can keep complaining about how women are an alien species who can never understand them is an ancient and storied tradition.
The young men keeping the ways of the ancients alive don’t even wait to get divorced first! They just isolate themselves in a sacred cave untouched by unmasculine essence, exclusively surrounding themselves with the wisdom of the old sages, never daring to venture outside lest they be corrupted.
My assumption was that they wanted any person who was interested in science fiction to read their work but they didn't consider women people. The sort who when writing about "mankind colonising the stars", they mean men, with women as something the men brought along for cleaning and making babies.
Time to write my very normal science fiction trilogy where the Woman is a kind of cosmic god-corpse that needs to be destroyed in order for God to save us.
But also, on some level, she's deeply vulnerable and needy. Definitely seeing a Freudian therapist multiple times a week
She definitely takes that therapist extremely seriously and all he does is tell her why all her problems should be blamed on men in her life
Lmao I knew the previous tweet had to be about PKD
Same. I love me some Dick, but oof did he have problems with women. Every wife is a problem to be dealt with or run away from. (Even though a few of them are reasonably complex.)
uh oh i used nearly the same phrasing (are we still doing phrasing?)
With PK Dick, phrasing is always on the table.
I love PKD for his humanist philosophy dressed as sci-fi. But also realize most of his compassion for MANkind comes from the fact that he was a high-functioning neurodivergent Christian nerd with a chemical dependency for psychedelics. Perpetually divorced from long-suffering wives.
it's so much that i initially didn't really believe the transmigration of timothy archer was by him at all
Oh, that's how he imagined his dead sister would have looked had she lived, from what I recall of my Phil Dick lore.
Ohhhh yeah hold on tight, it's a bumpy ride
His twin sister, Jane, died at birth. Apparently all the "phantom twin" characters and slender brunette women in his works are influenced by his feelings of loss for her.
I still think about Heinlein's "Friday," and I'm still in awe of the appreciation of not only the concept of breakfast throughout but the theoretical made-in-a-lab Hepburn-type "feminine" object of obsessive love and deeply devoted hatred standing in for the low-grade misogynistic hum in his brain
That guy got divorced so, so many times.
Those were the books with Strong Female Characters. The alternatives were books where the first (only) female character doesn't appear until two thirds of the way through and she's an unnamed secretary who somehow gets sexualised in the only three sentences of the book she's even in.
Of course there was James Schmitz, but there was only one of him...
yeah I love me some Philip K Dick but he was like the Scot Adams of Elon Musks of Divorced Guy
The bottomless rage of men who women don't feel like having sex with.
This. Tough break, but if that's your worst tragedy....
...I will have the capacity, and the horny motivation, to whine about it in every medium available to me!
Has Robert Heinlein entered the chat yet?
Accompanied by twin teenage redheads who have eight doctorates between them and have rationally concluded that the logical course of action is to have threesomes with a middle-aged science fiction writer, yes
still amazed that he was the one who *didn't* turn out to be a sex pest
In person (and in many conversations) he was courteous, funny, knowledgeable, full of good advice about writing and the publishing business, and *very* hands-off. I miss him, and wish he was still around to impulse-call.
Recently had a dream where I was navigating through an afterlife in which I met Heinlein as a pleasantly helpful little old man, wandering around waiting for Virginia to catch up with him*. Wondered if I should be squicked; I'm relieved.
The only thing negative I heard was that Phylis Eisenstein, who was my SF prof in college, said he assumed her husband was the writer when they met at WorldCon.
I’m so grateful to hear this. And I don’t even like Heinlein that much!
Horny on main before there were mains to be horny on.
And which are clones of your hot mum you lost your virginity to, of course.
finally someone on this website understands what heinlein was all about