Matt Policastro

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Matt Policastro

Distinguished fellow of Some Such Nonsense Studies. Data science and experimentation. Keep it wavy. @mattpolicastro on most sites worth using
I am not feeling awesome but I’ll coast off of this schadenfreude for at least a little while. Guy looks miserable.
this is the lamest shit i've ever seen SHOW US THE EAR
The temptation to post Wisconsin dunks will be strong this week—I myself was tested by the pasta flight—but we must maintain solidarity.
Personally, more couture and wild takes for Olympic fashion, please
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
TIL the Germans already have a word for brunchlord 😂
In German we have Frühstücksdirektor which roughly translates to this. It’s someone in a leadership position with a grand title but little operational leverage or actual power. Der Duden is the leading German dictionary, here’s the entry (much scrolling past ads, sorry).
Duden | Frühstücksdirektor | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Frühstücksdirektor' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.
Stuff is gonna get so unhinged so fast.
Biden campaign suspending all outbound communications, including TV ads, after Trump assassination attempt - CBS
Really wishing I’d chosen to make something more labor-intensive and distracting for dinner than a slow braise rn
Living through history isn’t fun
Tried popping over to the bad place for a vibe check of the news and it’s like, 60% posts about the press conference from serval days ago, presented out of order. What a joke
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
Paul watching the holovid about Arrakis except it’s a narrated visualization of the knowyourmeme for Groverhaus
I feel like an asshole, but after today: I am begging people to have an actual theory of change rather than grabbing the nearest lever and yanking on it until it breaks off
Enjoy the free peek into my psychology and socialization, but I genuinely believe a lot of our current moment can be explained by a pervasive fear of being groverhaus’d
Really think it's a bandwagon + heel-digging thing. A consensus formed on debate night/the day after, a lot of ink was spilled, and now these guys either have is to admit they were wrong or convince themselves that he just keeps getting lucky with the timing of his bouts of catatonia
Having a very introverted week but I decided to pop out to grab some lunch. I’m caught in the midst of a three-way battle between deafening restaurant music, piercing treble of a crappy BT speaker trying to out-play the house speakers, and a baby presumably trying to find solace almost it all.
At what point do we start calling this fanfic?
You have literally no information about the meeting other than this and so imply an imaginary event where Jeffries advised Biden to drop out. This is not news it's propaganda.
Uncapping the house is unironically my favorite “one weird trick to save the republic”. I genuinely believe that representatives turning into mini-senators with tens of thousands of constituents has contributed to us getting where we are.
The original vision of the founders: Uncap the House.
its torpor tuesday, let's get fuckin comatose
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
I grabbed a Bastl Neo Trinity and it is simultaneously the most baffling and the most fun/intuitive module I’ve used in ages Feels like I might be seeing ghosts with external clock sync but it’s a killer for groove generation
Holy cats.
National Library of Kosovo, Andrija Mutnjaković, 1982 [OC] r/brutalism
National Library of Kosovo, Andrija Mutnjaković, 1982 [OC] r/brutalism
'Cellulose nitrate was used to make dice from the late 1860s until the mid twentieth century, and remains stable for decades. Nitric acid is released in a process called outgassing. The dice cleave, crumble, and then implode.' Deception, Fate & Rotten Luck by Ricky Jay and Rosamond Purcell
Imagined for a second that the guy on the right was Trent Reznor and that the Hallmark movie he was in was called FEEL U FROM THE INSIDE
"I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that our electoral system is destroying our society."
interfluidity » Weakness is
Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.
Do your part. (I think I’m joking? But someone pointed out we’re on Day 6 of post-debate NYT freakout and I can’t.)