
One thing that annoys me about the Democratic consultant class is how they act like they're brass-knuckle streetfighters and yet don't have the stones to run nonstop ads about Trump's extensive connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It's all true! It's documented! There are photos!
My law school class continues to distinguish itself.
Consider yourself lucky. Some of us graduated with Jonathan Mitchell 🙄
Greetings, fellow maroon. My graduating class (13) included Richard Hanania. Solidarity.
Lol ouch I remember the good old days when we just cringed over John Ashcroft.
Today I found out how young Hanania is. Yikes
I do wonder how much of that is because Bill Clinton (and others) are also associated with Epstein and they'd (stupidly) rather not burn him in the process
Who cares. Take them all down. Vile scum.
I don't disagree, just saying that's a possible explanation
We should have burned Clinton years ago.
I don't disagree, but over the years it certainly appears the Dems have no appetite to openly distance themselves from him
What a price we have all paid because of his perversions. It likely cost Gore his race and probably Hillary.
I voted for Bill Clinton and if anything were found out about him, I'd strike the match myself.
As someone who voted for the man, burn him the fuck down
Ads of Trump with Epstein clips on repeat highlighting that Epstein died in a federal prison during Trump’s administration. Who cares if it’s uncouth
Yeah it is pretty insane that everyone kinda knows or at the very least heavily suspects (with good reason) that Trump had Epstein killed because Epstein knew about his child-raping... but then many people sort of agreed to pretend that's a conspiracy theory
He was literally in Bill Barr’s custody. Trump was Epstein’s running buddy for a couple of years. Since the POTUS can now do anything, Biden should unleash the intel agencies on that connection and the Democrats should make nonstop ads about it. Also on Trump being the worst bankrupt of the 1990s.
a) it's a literal conspiracy theory in the dictionary sense b) that doesn't mean it's not true c) it's still implausible tho
No, it’s not implausible at all
There is literally a video of Trump and Epstein dancing at a party with nothing but them and women, That's it! That's the ad! Just run that! It's already edited!
And Trump looks like such a dork dancing, and like he's desperate to impress Epstein.
Named in a lawsuit with him. A known friend. Named in the Maxwell trial. Hired Acosta. Ran teen beauty pageants. His AG was one of the last to see Epstein alive. It's so fucking clear to see Trump is NECK DEEP in the entire Epstein story.
Run this quote from 2002! These are his own words about the leader of a pedophilic sex crime ring!
I'm a layman, but the Epstein case just reeks of elite thumbs on the scale. For it to have played out like this, for this long, the thumbs have to be from both sides of the political spectrum. We have to be willing to expose everything and everyone or we may not be able to hold anyone accountable.
Dem operatives need to understand that Bill Clinton was a long time ago and it’s okay to throw him under the bus if necessary.
Clean the entire house. Sweep the corners.
In fact, it is a moral imperative to throw him under the bus.
I'm from Chappaqua (no haters.) I live down the street, and I know the bus schedule. (kidding! I'm not a member of the local Rittenhouse vigilante chapter)
Especially if it has a reverse gear.
Fair knock. Thousands of famous people have had pictures taken with Epstein and/or his sidekick procurer (her name escapes me at the moment) at some point; doesn't mean they knew him well, or at all. Donald did know him well, and for a long time, and often said so. There's no dispute about it.
GOP and GOP voters could not give a single shit about a girl rape club unfortunately
Whoever spends time making an ad thinking they're going to persuade the GOP or GOP voters deserves to be fired out of a cannon and into a brick wall.
Really feels like some people need to re-evaluate "a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump." Third parties almost certainly damaged Trump more than the Dem candidate in both 2016 and 2020.
Greens have the best platform and running within the DNC is a death sentence for any good policy
And look what coalition voting is about to spare folks in France
Nope, but if you can gross out the undecided, it will add a few votes for Dems.
I spent years on the board of NCMEC so followed these issues closely. I knew about Epstein for years before he became a public name. The additional shot to take is why Trump put Alex Acosta in his cabinet. A middling AUSA had no business being up for that job.
It has been extremely surreal becoming aware that this stockpile of military grade 50 caliber Full metal jacket electoral ammunition is just sitting there, completely untouched by the Biden campaign
It's not even in boxes it's sitting there loaded in a weapon that is already pointed at Donald Trump all they have to do is pull the trigger
Here Trump tries to earn Epstein's favour with a dual child sacrifice
I take your point, and then sat here trying to name one Democratic consultant that is a good street fighter. I’ve come up empty. Can anyone name one?
Carville was probably the last. Or mebbe Rahm Emmanuel.
They both pretended they were. Carville at least tried, for a bit. Rahm Emmanuel was a chump from the get-go. I'll never forget, "I don't give a fuck about judges." Maybe you give a fuck now, Rahm.
Both down-kicking, left-punching bullies. They wouldn’t go Epstein either except to beat a left rival in a primary
My 90's Oregon EarthFirst! non-violent direct action friends said "snitches get stitches"... but wryly acknowledged that was really just bluster when "Jake the Snake" who under crushing Federal duress gave testimony that sent folks to prison moved back to Eugene & at worst wasn't invited to parties.
and/or, non-stop ads about how T***p lied about the vaccine, insisting hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, sunlight and bleach should be used instead *directly* causing the needless deaths of *at least* 100,000 Americans all because he wanted the virus to "go away" and for a political wedge issue
It's like they ceded everything to the Lincoln Project 4 years ago.
American culture doesn’t usually have a problem with male predators / toxic masculinity. Would anyone care?